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Old 25th April 2011, 19:19     #138
Originally Posted by CCS
That's actually not the crux of what we're discussing right now.
Fair enough, I was only interested in attempting to clarify confusions around the arguments, and given that the confusions which I thought may have been there are not, I shall remove myself from the discussion.

Originally Posted by CCS
Completely wrong. Unlike you and your dopey mates, I don't constantly revise my arguments to suit myself. To do so would be intellectually dishonest (a theme emerges!). You've already revised your position in the space of one post and ended up contradicting yourself. No doubt you'll come up with a loophole to justify your hypocrisy, a special little exception that you've just come up with just now.
This is just a question for my own curiosity, perhaps I will learn something from you here. You say that you "do not revise your arguments to suit yourself". Under what circumstances is it acceptable to revise one's arguments? Clearly at some point (possibly when one finds convincing evidence of one's self being mistaken?) people do need to revise their views, and hence their arguments. Where does the line between doing this 'to suit one's self' and doing it because one has found one's self to be mistaken sit? Surely you must have revised your arguments when you found that your original communication did not clearly communicate your intended meaning at least once in your life? If you have managed to get through life without ever having to revise any of your arguments in this fashion, I would be most interested to know how you have managed it, because it would be a truly impressive feat as far as I can tell. Also, do you think that constitutes revising arguments to suit one's self? Or is it because you have in fact found an 'error' in your communication and thus required a new way of framing what you were wanting to say? If it is the latter rather than the former, then exactly what would constitute "revising one's arguments to suit one's self"? I just want to be clear that these are genuine questions, and I really am interested in your answers, they are not intended to be sarcastic or facetious in any way. Cheers!
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