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Old 21st April 2011, 18:37     #34
Stunt Pants
Originally Posted by adonis
I was against National making regressive changes to the tax system. This suggestion of Labour's is a progressive change, though it'll be necessary to make other progressive alterations as well otherwise the tax intake will obviously go down.
Nonetheless, it will still cost the country a lot of money and given how you stated that you're against wasting billions of dollars in tax cuts I'd have thought you'd be against this 'first 500 free' deal.

The current government has had a tendancy to favour the rich over the poor, for no apparent reason other than the fact that they're rich. They may not be aware of their obvious bias, but it's certainly there. Not that I would expect someone with the political leanings you have to admit to, or even notice it.

National HAVE given billions to people at the top end of the income spectrum, and ARE cutting social services ("nice to haves") to pay for these changes. This isn't really up for debate, it's shows how desperate you are to avoid confronting this reality when you resort to this kind of semantic argument.
I love this "You're biased and I'm not!" thing you've got going on. You've come up with some exaggerated shit about what you think my political leanings are and completely ignored the fact that you're a slavish devotee of the left wing. You're an utter moron.
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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