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Old 21st April 2011, 18:36     #33
Originally Posted by cyc
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I've described how displeased with National I am but this coming from a Labour supporter is too much.

Not that I would expect this to change the thrust of your post, but I don't vote Labour. I vote Green.

PS GST free fruit/veges isn't a policy I would support, but it's small fries compared to asset sales, regressive taxation policies, tax bailouts for bad investments, and cutting social services (social costs don't just disappear because you move them off the government books).

I'm really sick of hearing that National are good at handling the economy, it's a statement that I've never seen anyone back up with actual empirical evidence. They're still stuck in the neoliberal mindset, despite how much damage that school of economics has caused the world recently. The only time Labour has done a worse job was during the Lange administration, but then, Roger Douglas was setting their economic policy then, it was basically like having ACT in charge for 6 years. Key's only holding back because he knows that the public won't accept another NZ government being hijacked by the corporate elite.

Want to know why we're so far behind aus? 25 years of hard right wing governments. Muldoon set us up for bankruptcy us, Douglas used that as an excuse to hold a fire-sale on assets, many of which we really needed to hang onto, then Ruth Richardson came along and put the boot into all the families that were suffering because of the actions of these econmically illiterate wankers.
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