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Old 21st April 2011, 17:40     #26
Stunt Pants
Originally Posted by adonis
So the 2 billion dollars in tax cuts to the top 10% of income earners isn't "billions" to you?
I believe that there were tax cuts all round for every income bracket. But hey, spin it how you will - it's still exaggeration.

Or the 1.2 billion dollar bailout of SCF after National renewed their deposit guarantee, all while Key is receiving regular reports on how bad it was doing?
Are you seriously trying to portray that as a... what was it you said... gift for their rich mates? You're saying that the bailout of SCF was a gift for rich mates? Genious.
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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