Thread: Random Politics
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Old 11th February 2011, 13:21     #143
and now back to the channel at hand

Originally Posted by fixed_truth
People actively choosing to get pregnant for the DPB is a bit of a myth. The cost of raising a child pretty much eats up all the money from the DPB. In reality someone struggling to get by on the DPB isn't going to get pregnant as a solution to their money problems.

And regardless of why someone has kids, the kids exist, and they don't deserve to be punished because of this.
firstly, i agree with your second paragraph, but i can't see how any change in a real world would not result in this in some regard.

and to your first paragraph, how do you know this is a bit of a myth? do you work in the area of social welfare? i ask because like any reasonable person, you have made assumptions that people put all the money from the DPB into raising a child. from anectodal evidence in the media this does not seem to be the case. so why wouldn't a irresponsible person get pregnant on purpose to get additional income that is not spent on the child(ren)?
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