Thread: Random Politics
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Old 11th February 2011, 00:12     #130
Stunt Pants
Originally Posted by Lightspeed
I'm pretty sure I could find at least a couple of examples of you either accusing someone of arguing semantics or someone accusing you of the same.
Only if it involves you.

But you're nuts if you think there are "simple facts" about people. I mean, unless you're from the 19th century when people still believed such things.
That's a load of horseshit. There are complex facts about people and sometimes - yes, there are simple facts about people. Cyc is a lawyer. ccs has blue eyes. Lolspeed is a fraud who tries to dress things up in multiple layers of horseshit because it makes him feel intellectual. Simple facts.

BTW, you were actually far more likeable when you were just an annoying born-again. Y'know, before you started all this lofty psychological know-it-all horseshit.
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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