Thread: Random Politics
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Old 9th February 2011, 17:30     #81
Stunt Pants
Originally Posted by fixed_truth

If you don't think that this would limit the number of kids these people would have, then why the fuck suggest it as a solution!?!
*sigh* It wouldn't limit the number of children people have. I didn't say it would limit the number of children people have. It is a disincentive, that is all.

You've gone from spouting on about limiting children in order to control overpopulation (and you were the only person talking about that) to this idea that stopping additional dpb benefits after the third child would limit child birth. Honestly, what the fuck is it with you and this idea of limiting children? I started off by quoting that article and being very careful with my wording so as not to suggest that I think there should be a limit on how many children a family can have and you've taken it and come up with this idea that we're now talking about a formal limit on children! And where the fuck did you get this idea that anybody here is arguing that there is an overpopulation problem? It's almost as though you heard some grown-ups talking about population and you thought "I have some opinions on overpopulation!" and started to chime in.

What a fucken dummy.
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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