Thread: Ab vs England
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Old 8th November 2010, 10:04     #13
Imagine (when healed) Jane & Gear on the wings in an open running game. It would be a marvellous sight.

Originally Posted by BoyWonder
I thought both aspects were picked up by the commentary - soon after setting off down the field they said he was at least a metre off side, and then called it a double movement straight away. The Ref though went from yep, its a try - to no, maybe held up? Oh how about we go upstairs.
Yeah, they got that part, it was other things. Like the first time the English player caught the ball on the sideline and we got the ball. It was because he caught it infield and then ran out.
I guess they do eventually get the correct info, like when Kaino got penalised later on for coming in from the side, and they thought the penalty was for something else.
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