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Old 19th July 2010, 14:23     #108
Let's all cry over people who aren't skilled and offer nothing redeemable to their jobs, therefore are easily let go rather than treated as "must have" staff members.

Let's all pretend like these are hard working decent folk who deserve their job and use it to put bread on the table.

Let's pretend in a country that has one of the highest (if not highest) minimum wages per GDP in the world is actually a bad place for unskilled workers to be.

This is a pathetic example of why New Zealand never goes anywhere anymore. Too busy pandering to the fuckheads who didn't bust their ass to get any skillset.

Those that started in minimum wage and worked your way up? Pat on the back, good on you. Those that believe despite doing a minimum wage job that they should be entitled to more money and be absolutely lazy while doing it? Fuck off, and fuck off within 90 days.

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