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Old 18th July 2010, 18:28     #52
Originally Posted by ::Shocker
All the quoted statement means is that 40% of the employers canvassed in the survey found that the 90 day rule reduced their exposure to financial risk enough to "take a chance" on those candidates. At least, that's how I read it.
So business, who profit from workers losing their rights have said it’s been a good thing for for this to happen? OMG!
Originally Posted by ::Shocker
From a small employer's perspective, every time you sign a contract of employment you take an enormous financial risk
Businesses take risks, they get the reward. Smart businesses are able to minimise the risk ie, put in place a process that will improve or get rid of a bad worker. Its ridiculous to take away the employment process to protect bosses from their own stupidity at the expense of workers.

Some bosses are crap at tax law should they run to the government asking them to legislate that someone else pay for their poor management/

Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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