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Old 18th February 2010, 15:05     #1600
Originally Posted by Juju
If people weren't rewarded for putting in years of study, practice and hard work, then they wouldn't do it would they? Sure there are some people who would do their job for free because they love it so much, but they are the exception. You say that I'm convinced that this is the only way, yet have not offered any different scenarios to discuss? Give me some scenarios that you think would be "better" and I'll be happy to debate.

Where did I say that striving to better one self financially by climbing the income ladder would equal one not caring about their role in society? Rich people can and often are philanthropists. Just because they have the lions share of wealth, does not mean they do not care about society.

I'm not convinced that any other point is ludicrous. What I think is ludicrous is that you think skill should not be a factor in ones remuneration. It's... odd.
If we are not rewarded for gaining a skill, why the hell would you bother? How on earth would humans advance as a race with no incentive?
Originally Posted by Saladin
Didn't you recently spend about $1000 for a cat? Just sayin
Hi and welcome to the world of consumerism ls, can I sell you this can of coke?
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