Thread: BFBC2 Beta
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Old 4th February 2010, 15:45     #54
Hey BF buddies! I managed to get a hold of key. Started playing... CTD... found settings... removed bloom. Started playing again for realsies.

Feel free to add me. Changed name from wtf.JAYJAY / JAYJAY to Mister_JJ - be good to see some of the old... i mean "experienced" players from times past.

Initial thoughts.

Its a fairly decent beta as far as the gameplay aspect is concerned. The game server browser is shit. Friends took significant time to appear after being added / accepted.

Unlocked a couple of weapons as assault class.

PC is a E8400 @3Gig with 4GB Memory with a Gigabyte 8800GTS-320

I've got it set to 1440x900 (or thereabouts currently and its running ok). It is running significantly better since getting rid of that bloom setting (which did my eyes no favours)

Someone with BF or FPS experience should be able to pick this up and run with it.
Don't take life too seriously - remember - no one gets out alive!
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