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Old 2nd August 2009, 20:01     #523
Draco T Bastard
Originally Posted by Ab
OK, Bill English.

The foaming-at-the-mouth Draco T Standard position: evil capitalist farmer uses a trust to screw the proletariat!

Devil's advocate position: the guy is the MP for Clutha in Southland; having him based in Wellington and flying to his electorate when necessary is cheaper on the taxpayer than having him based in Clutha and flying to Wellington when necessary (because he needs to be in Wellington a lot). So the taxpayers are saving money by having him in Wellington.

My position: Bill English is a fucking idiot and deserves to be sacked from cabinet. Taking $1000 of taxpayer dollars a week to live in his own house, what a great move. Oh, what's that you say, the house isn't in his name it's actually owned by a family trust? Well gee, that looks so much better doesn't it? Because as everyone knows the use of taxpayer funds in conjunction with a trust is always a fucking public relations win, isn't it? Fuck me, has English noticed what's going on in the British parliament right now? Did he stop to think that his own situation might, you know, look a bit dodgy? While he was lecturing the country about hard times and tightening all our belts and everyone making sacrifices? GENIOUS_AT_WORK. $52,000 a year is peanuts but it's a very bad look and this affair makes me seriously doubt his judgement.
Woah, you and I agree on something (That doesn't include the foaming at the mouth bit )

The devils advocate position is bollox because he and his family are living in Wellington and have been for a few years. His house in Southland is, according to some sources, rented out.
Draco T Bastard
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