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Old 21st March 2009, 14:03     #118
At least they're complaining about something with a little substance, unlike the past couple years of Nat supporters crying like bitches about retarded shit like 'nanny state'.

I love how people cry about things like ACC, which may be a bit abused, but provide an amazing service that society can more than afford to provide. We have probably a million more wasteful things in society that people should cut down on before something like ACC. Where's the harm in having extremely good coverage for once? They should do it with the entire health care system. Why not? Hell, why not education as well? It's one of the major flaws of capitalism that we hold ourselves back considerably from out potential production in these areas.

The only people who it disadvantages are the wealthy who would save money getting private insurance. But fucking hell, if anyone should bare the burden it should be them. Not like they don't get more out of the system than anyone else.

As for the Nat's so far. Well they haven't done anything atrocious as far as I know. But i'll be amazed if it lasts through an entire term. If it did I would be a lot happier about the NZ political system. I'd still prefer a Labour government, but if we could get strong solid long term thinking from both parties, then we'd be way ahead of most countries leadership wise. However, i'll give the NZ soccer team a better chance of winning the next world cup than that happening. But i'm open and it would be nice.

Last edited by JP : 21st March 2009 at 14:05.
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