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Old 25th November 2008, 15:28     #39
Originally Posted by Interface-7
No, when the holes in the Ozone layers where first detected, and the polar ice was first observed to be melting at a greater increased rate the name made sense. However, and by the way this is the mean of the word misnomer, the name Global Warming become popular before its potential affects were known.

Now it's quite clear you've never meet a climate scientist before, but if you'd like you could OIA MFE and ask for their raw data on how they've arrived at such a conclusion based on the empirical evidence.
Sure. Please ask them to give empirical evidence dating back 500 years so we can have an accurate spread and not just isolated to "the industrial age"

Oh wait.

Edit: The reason for this, is because we've since seen the ozone layer recover, the polar ice caps grow thicker and temperatures drop worldwide in the last few years, completely bucking their theory that green house gases trapped in the atmosphere would make temperatures rise the world over.

Now they're settling for climate change because gosh darnit, we can't remember having this much rain apparently.

Much like recycling, which is an 8 billion a year industry in US, it's a crock of bullshit.

Last edited by Haydos : 25th November 2008 at 15:31.
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