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Old 25th November 2008, 13:11     #31
Originally Posted by Farmer Joe
I'm so fucking sick of this naive point. Let's stop debating whether climate change is naturally occuring because at the end of the day it's irrelevant. The world has never experienced climate change with a population of 6.5 billion people.

Do you realise that almost half the worlds population relies on water from the Tibetan and Himalayan plateaus? And that by 2035 the glaciers that feed from these plateaus will be reduced by 80%? So regardless of who or what you think caused climate change I think you'll agree that anything we can do to slow it down or stop is good-thing right? Right?
I think the biggest arguements about what to do about how humanity effects the climate is around semantics. Your sentence there is close.

Side A
I think you'll agree that anything we can do to slow it down or stop is a good-thing right?

Side B
I think you'll agree that we should do anything to slow it down or stop it.

There are limits on what SHOULD be done to slow this process. If the cure can bring about the collapse of the worlds industries then how do we proceed? The reality is, that the resources required to maintain a growing population of 6.5billion people simply doesn't exist unless we revert to pre technology living, and i'm sure you can realise how impossible that would be.

Yes there are measures that everyone can take, but it has to be done carefully to avoid mass business closures and redundancy bringing poverty.
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