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Old 24th November 2008, 09:11     #41
mr selfdestruct
The Deliverator
All I can say is unfuckingbelievable. Wow. Just shows how being tagged the favourite is nothing but a curse. We can lose to Aussie every time for the next 5 years and still say, "Thanks guys, but you can just refer to us as 'The World Champions' if it's all the same to you ta".

Of all Sports how the fuck seriously? Little old NZ, man, amazing.'

Boy those Australian commentators were laying it on thick, they look so stupid now. Some golden comments:

"The Kiwi's will have to do ten times better than that if they want to prise this trophy out of Australia's grasp"

"This is the best Kangaroos side I've seen in the last 15 years bar none, I'm sorry but I just can't see the Kiwi's even coming close".

Ahhhhh it feels good.
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