Thread: election 2008
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Old 11th September 2008, 17:17     #158
Originally Posted by JP
Well basically, we can be part of the problem or the solution. That's about it. We can look at China and say why should we give people human rights? When it disadvantages our businesses. Why bother about the environment? Why not just be ruthless cunts like the Chinese? Because that's the difference between a good person (or in this case a country) and a selfish one. The idea of progress for progress' sake at all costs is a massively destructive one. I personally feel the sooner we tone that down a bit the better. And if you wait for the Chinese or whoever to do it first, you'll be waiting forever.
The issue is we are not part of the problem, Greens just think it strengthens their brand going on a crusade to supposedly save the world regardless of the economic consequences. Comparing carbon tax to human rights is fucking stupid btw.
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