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Old 7th July 2008, 23:16     #402
Thumbs up

Trailer for Repo: The Genetic Opera. Been following this for a while. Saw the short film about a year and a half or so ago, now the full length version is due for release.

Sci fi/Horror rock opera (think 1984 meets Rocky Horror, with a slasher film flavour). Directed by Darryn Lynn Bousman (Saw 2,3,4) starring Anthony Stewart Head, Sarah Brightman, an all growed up and rather sexy Alexa Vega (Spy Kids), and even the dire Paris Hilton (who by all accounts is very good in this film... I have doubts), also Bill Moseley (Chop Top in TCM2, and Otis in House of 1000 corpses), Paul Sorvino (Goodfellas and dozens of other mafia films), and Ogre from Skinny Puppy.

Advance reviews are raving about it. Im excited... but I am a horror nerd.
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