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Old 18th June 2008, 19:16     #27
Originally Posted by Biff
racist buttons being sold in Texas

I reckon they should call it the blackhouse when he gets in. Then they should tear down any bible or christian monuments on government grounds. Then make gay marriage federal law. Make abortion covered by the constitution. And whatever the fuck else can be done to punish the ignorant religious rednecks that hold the entire world hostage with their retarded beliefs.

Because that's the thing. If America was some tinpot dictatorship, it wouldn't be a big deal to have it run by religious loonies. Hell, you can call that the middle east (including Israel).

But this is America. By far the most important country in the world (for now at least, and hopefully the foreseeable future, can only shudder at China). And it's held hostage by complete idiots, who don't even follow jesus, but claim they do it all in his name. You have to laugh to not cry. Because they're responsible for so many deaths. Both caused by their wars, and preventable deaths that wouldn't have happened if they wished to stop it.

Shakespeare couldn't have come up with a better tragedy.

He couldn't have come up with a better comedy either if a black man takes power with a democratic senate and house.

I just really really fucking hate those cunts. Rich people who vote republican. Fine. Fair enough. But poor people, who should by all reasons vote democrat, who simply vote republican because they don't like gays, well they can burn in hell. And they will if the bible is real. Jesus don't like haters.

edit:I've had a few after work as you can likely tell. But i'm gonna continue my rant. Because it's so unfathomable. I mean, how much of the new testament is about gays and abortion? Gays -, maybe 2 sections? Briefly. Abortion? None I think? Guess it comes under murder. But even that isn't covered much. It's all about love, forgiveness and acceptance. I'm not religious, but jesus was a cool dude. He's a person to aspire to be, turn the other cheek, make the freaks accepted, throw out the bankers, love they brother. The guy has some good ideas. Maybe if they were turned into a book and used for good things wouldn't be so shit. Oh wait, it was. And we corrupted it just like every other fucking thing.

If by some slim chance, he really is the son of god and he's watching us currently. Not only would he support Obama. I can only imagine his disgust at the amount of fucked up shit is said in his name.

Last edited by JP : 18th June 2008 at 19:21.
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