Thread: Screenshots
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Old 6th June 2006, 12:03     #350
Originally Posted by Baal
The game itself has plenty of NPC's etc on the ground, but yeah the cities are hardly bustling. It'd be cool if there was one sort of like Tokyo or similar.
There is Just wait.
The reason it's so desolate is because all the major guilds are on the test server playing with new builds, and if you play the hero side the npc is plentyfull.. with other npc's mugging each other (and you of course being able to bitch slap those muggers) and the mugged npc's coming back to thank you etc..

But, no one wants to live in a villain area, and the lowbie cities in CoV are just that.. recluse has taken over most of those cities.. everyone has been run out, St. Martial is about the only fully npc populated city. I like it like that.. nonfactor npc's = more lag.
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