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BaM 28th October 2004 20:58

Someone keeps stealing my letters!

See if you can spell anything before someone screws it up, and don't forget: POIDH

Trigger 28th October 2004 21:20

Phantom 28th October 2004 21:20

That's fucking annoying _b

Electric-Zeal 28th October 2004 21:23

Was playing around with it last night and managed to make a pile of most of the letters, but all ruined by some hooligan!

Seems it's just T's and Y's running around trying to have sex with U's now.

Spink 28th October 2004 21:39

I wrote the ELF :(

Trigger 28th October 2004 21:44

yaksman 28th October 2004 21:55

Nice Trig =]

BaM 28th October 2004 22:01

A group effort:

If you hang onto the letters, nobody else can move them.

Spink 28th October 2004 22:04

should be a new default face :mmorpg:

Trigger 28th October 2004 22:11

it's a battlefield out there

Nine_of_Hearts 28th October 2004 22:14

It is entirely impossible to spell NINE OF HEARTS on there...

Trigger 28th October 2004 22:15

Slothking 28th October 2004 22:15

Argh, I can't. It's too much like the puzzle at the end of 3 in Three, which I wasted too many months over.

Trigger 28th October 2004 22:27

SepulchraL 28th October 2004 22:29

hahahahaha, thank you anonymous nzgames user!

Jackal 28th October 2004 22:32

I do believe I just saw "Quiet Goat"

We also had "Bummer" "Loot" "Camp" etc

Now a bunch of people are dragging all the letters into a corner.

Good for a laff.

Trigger 28th October 2004 22:36

Jackal 28th October 2004 22:44

Congrats to whoever it was that spelt "pwned"


I just got dropped and they've just limited connections to 75 users due to traffic. Heh!

Trigger 28th October 2004 23:01

ok I think I had enough :P

CCS 28th October 2004 23:53

Would've been easier if everyone believed in a common cause. *sigh*

Triple_S 29th October 2004 00:02

i managed to crack out SSS a couple of times, but then some bitch would take off with my s's before i could screenshot it.

Good time waster, but it does get a bit annoying after a while.

Spink 29th October 2004 00:08


Originally posted by Triple_S
i managed to crack out SSS a couple of times, but then some bitch would take off with my s's before i could screenshot it.

Good time waster, but it does get a bit annoying after a while.

I had 5 S in a row for a while, for some reason people were actually working together to keep those S in a row :o

MadMax 29th October 2004 00:18

everyone move the letters
n z g a m e s

to the top left

MadMax 29th October 2004 00:25

it was a team effort!!!

CCS 29th October 2004 00:32

What we need is 10 people to each take a letter, drag it to the corner and hold it there.


Who's with me? Dibs on N.

MadMax 29th October 2004 00:32

just grab one letter, take it to the top left and wiggle it around. Try to get a letter that someone else doesnt have.

when there's enough there, start trying to add things like "com" or "dot com" or "www" :)

MadMax 29th October 2004 00:41

bahaha god it's wicked

MadMax 29th October 2004 00:44

bahaha a bunch of people are doing just ^ that, but then other people start throwing letters on top of it - so you have to drop your letter to move the alien away...

should make a NZGAMES worm that runs around the whole thing :) (i got M)

Spink 29th October 2004 00:46

hahaha I was just spontaneously playing follow the leader as a G totally randomly with 3 others

Insanity 29th October 2004 00:47

curse you wellington for having such a long name

instead I offer this

I think someone came to my aid once and tried to help me do wellington but it was a lost cause

(I couldn't think of anything else to write :( also I was there helping with the NZGames! I was making the huge pile of Ns that someone was determined to destroy)

CCS 29th October 2004 00:48

Who's the meatsack that keeps trying to turn NZGAMES into NZGAMER?!

Ah fuck this, I'm going to bed. Tomorrow we'll all congregate on #nzgames and come up with a battle plan. We'll form NZGAMES DOT COM on the board, feel like the coolest nerds on the internet and then we'll play an MMORPG with... what was it? Angry robot and slightly gay elf?

MadMax 29th October 2004 00:48

^ rofl i saw that - was in the middle right side :) (insanity)

MadMax 29th October 2004 00:49


Originally posted by CCS
it was YOU!

Spink 29th October 2004 00:52

I just saw 3 letter I furiously humping the letter H 2 on one end, one on the other, it was *this* close to

MadMax 29th October 2004 00:59

hehe i saw U being humped by T

CCS 29th October 2004 01:05


Originally posted by MadMax
it was YOU!
I guess I know who the meatsack is now...

Spink 29th October 2004 01:11

This really is an interesting insight into the human mind... there are several kinds of people on this it seems...

Color stackers: These people find all the letters which are the same color (yellow for example) and put them all in one big pile and remove any letter that isn't of that color from their pile

Random Pile makers: These people just grab letters from everywhere to make a giant mess and make it harder for people to find letters to make words :p

Naughty word kings: Life wouldn't be complete without writing "cunt" or "fuck" or "shit" where everyone can see, right?

Follow the Leaderers: Randomly and for no reason as far as anyone can tell letters start to roam around the board in packs, following a distinct leader for the whole duration until the pack eventually shrinks or the leader flicks their wrist and loses the entire pack.

Letter Sex Fiends: If you see a T, use it to hump a U, if you have an I by god man why aren't you fucking that slender looking H over there?

Word Rapists: Will do anything to prevent actual words from being formed, from using Random Pile maker tactics - to cover up the area where someone is trying to make the word - to stealing letters away from anything shaped like a word and throwing it somewhere random.

Pattern Junkies: Tries to make circles or lines or neat patterns with either all the same letter or alternating colors, perhaps a mutation of Color Stackers

to be continued...

Spink 29th October 2004 01:17


Originally posted by CCS
I guess I know who the meatsack is now...

photoshop the 2nd A in Madmax better.

MadMax 29th October 2004 01:23

^ exactly.

i was trying to make "US SUX OIL", closest i got was the first or last two words. At one point someone added A to US (USA).... but then other people put in kerry:

MadMax 29th October 2004 01:27


Originally posted by Spink
to be continued...
what about the people (like myself) who take a random letter, and add it into words that people are trying to make :p

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