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SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 15:32

after a year of being on a waiting list, i finally got it done. (for medical reasons, not for the fuck of it)

it isn't sore at the moment, but fuck it's getting that way. (my drugs are wearing off) looks real sick too. i got a pretty green bandage tho. it's real sore when my knob touches my boxers.

no sex or jerking the meat for 6 weeks, god be with me.

why am i telling you this? i'm still very fucked up on anesthetic.

mpx 23rd June 2003 15:34

Re: circumcision

Originally posted by SepulchraL

no sex or jerking the meat for 6 weeks, god be with me.


Cookie 23rd June 2003 15:34

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.

StN 23rd June 2003 15:35

Did you enquire as to whether you could be orally pleasured?

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 15:36

i'm real scared of getting a boner :o

Bread 23rd June 2003 15:36

Just wait until the time comes to take off the plaster.

Hello, pain.

Cookie 23rd June 2003 15:37


Originally posted by SepulchraL
i'm real scared of getting a boner :o
So you should be. Your cock is gonna break through its own skin.

StN 23rd June 2003 15:38


Originally posted by Cookie
So you should be. Your cock is gonna break through its own skin.
Image of those sad little saveloys that are always left until last because all the skin is hanging off them...

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 15:38


Originally posted by Cookie
So you should be. Your cock is gonna break through its own skin.
exactly :(

i don't want to sleep tonight... morning glory and all.

Nine_of_Hearts 23rd June 2003 15:44

Get a good helpin of goatse. That oughta keep the 'little major' down for a fair while.

fobski 23rd June 2003 15:44


its gonna be like custers last stand man

your gonna wake up and blood will be everywhere, screaming like an indian, and its all due to you being scalped

{edit} use this pic to quell the memories btw this aint worksafe at all{edit}

StN 23rd June 2003 15:51

When do we start the "Pee-Cock" jokes?

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 15:52

woaahhhhhhh, pissing at proper speed is the most strange feeling to me.

leadinjector 23rd June 2003 15:54

how did you use to piss? you fucking freakshow.

sv 23rd June 2003 15:55

why? why? why?

StN 23rd June 2003 15:56

Somehow, It seems that Sep's nether regions may have resembled Mos Eisley. How did you stave off infection all these years pissing through a low pressure shower head?

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 15:58

alright, i suppose i should explain..

before my foreskin wouldn't pull back, so i had all of a 2mm wide hole to piss out of (so i pissed real slow, and foreskin blew up like a ballon)

ewww, theres like massive bruising at the base of my cock, wtf is going on?!

Cookie 23rd June 2003 16:00


Originally posted by SepulchraL
alright, i suppose i should explain..

before my foreskin wouldn't pull back, so i had all of a 2mm wide hole to piss out of (so i pissed real slow, and foreskin blew up like a ballon)

ewww, theres like massive bruising at the base of my cock, wtf is going on?!

Eeee.. that was an overshare.... :p

Nine_of_Hearts 23rd June 2003 16:01

Stop beating it?

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 16:01


Originally posted by Cookie
Eeee.. that was an overshare.... :p
nah, i'm about to start posting pics :p

sv 23rd June 2003 16:02

I would have opted for hole enlargement surgery rather than cutting the whole thing off. But its your peenux :)

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 16:03


Originally posted by sv
I would have opted for hole enlargement surgery rather than cutting the whole thing off. But its your peenux :)
trust me, if i could of, i would have :)

StN 23rd June 2003 16:06


Originally posted by SepulchraL
before my foreskin wouldn't pull back, so i had all of a 2mm wide hole to piss out of (so i pissed real slow, and foreskin blew up like a ballon)

leadinjector 23rd June 2003 16:10

so what about when you shoot the shotgun? did it just sort of dribble out?

and man i never knew you were so deformed, its hilarious

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 16:15


Originally posted by leadinjector
so what about when you shoot the shotgun? did it just sort of dribble out?

and man i never knew you were so deformed, its hilarious

ummm, i could still cumbshot sorta, but not really. mostly, *squirt* *dripple*

and put yourself in my shoes for a second, then you can laugh.

Y0keL 23rd June 2003 16:17


Originally posted by SepulchraL
i'm real scared of getting a boner :o
be afraid, be very's ok really, for the first few days, your dick will be in self preservation mode and will be too terrified to rise early and YOU will be too cautious to allow it to happen any other time, after about 3-4 days though, you will wake up cursing a few times.

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 16:19


Originally posted by Y0keL
be afraid, be very's ok really, for the first few days, your dick will be i self preservation mode and will be too terrified to rise early and YOU will be too cautious to allow it to happen any other time, after about 3-4 days though, you will wake up cursing a few times.
is this coming from experiance?

Y0keL 23rd June 2003 16:22

yes, about 5 years ago, i got the snip

leadinjector 23rd June 2003 16:23

yeah im sorry that was a bit harsh

would have imagined they would fix it at birth though instead waiting until it would be more painful and annoying

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 16:24


Originally posted by Y0keL
yes, about 5 years ago, i got the snip
woohoo, thanks man.

i need more info tho, how much DOES it hurt?

will it bleed everywhere when if i get a boner in the night?

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 16:26


Originally posted by leadinjector
yeah im sorry that was a bit harsh

would have imagined they would fix it at birth though instead waiting until it would be more painful and annoying

well from what i remember, it was fine at birth, i could happily pull it back untill i was about 7, when one morning i woke up and it closed, and wouldn't pull back. i was too asshamed to tell anyone till june last year, when i told the doctor, i've been on the waiting list since.

Simon 23rd June 2003 16:26


Sorry :(

Hold on a second, are you saying that your dick was malfunctioning from the age of seven until last year, and you never saw fit to TELL ANYONE?

Cookie 23rd June 2003 16:28


Originally posted by SepulchraL
well from what i remember, it was fine at birth, i could happily pull it back untill i was about 7, when one morning i woke up and it closed, and wouldn't pull back. i was too asshamed to tell anyone till june last year, when i told the doctor, i've been on the waiting list since.
Eeek. Did.... girls.... like.........

How did they react to this?!?

Foggerty 23rd June 2003 16:29


Originally posted by fobski

{edit} use this pic to quell the memories btw this aint worksafe at all{edit}

Jesus dude, that's um - yeah........

I just want to know why they've censored out her 'naughty bits' considering what's she's doing.

Y0keL 23rd June 2003 16:30

lol, sorry, no it shouldnt bleed everywhere, cause as soon as it starts to hurt, it should start to return to it's limp noodle status, even before you wake up, you just wake up feeling like you have a furnace where your doodle used to be, it's really more uncomfortable than painful though (i didnt get an erection for about 4 days after, so it had time to heal a bit). after about a week and a half i felt brave enough to leave the bandages off and walk around sans-foreskin, was a little sensitive at first, but that faded quickly (i assume you have dissolvable stitches?)

SepulchraL 23rd June 2003 16:42


Originally posted by Simon
Hold on a second, are you saying that your dick was malfunctioning from the age of seven until last year, and you never saw fit to TELL ANYONE?
well, up till the age of about 12-13 you don't think of using your penis for anything other than pissing out of it. so it didn't worry me (i think i kinda hoped it would fix itself)

but after about the age of 13, i knew i had to tell the doctor, i just didn't have the balls. but just after my 16th birthday, i thought to myself "I HAVE TO FIX THIS NOW" so i just walked straight into the doctors and told him.


Originally posted by Y0keL
*snip* HEHEH
yea, dissolvable. mmm, i should have really asked more questions before the op. oh well, i'll follow what you did, seen it seemed to work for you.

Perfk 23rd June 2003 16:49

that's all actually kinda fascinating
(as is spink's arse thread)
or maybe I'm just strange

glad you don't have to wake up bleeding!
would just be too weird to try & picture a guy trying to fit a "libra goodnights" pad or something similar to his boxer shorts!!

Logik 23rd June 2003 16:49


Originally posted by Cookie
Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.

Y0keL 23rd June 2003 17:05


Originally posted by PerfkDrug
that's all actually kinda fascinating
(as is spink's arse thread)
or maybe I'm just strange

glad you don't have to wake up bleeding!
would just be too weird to try & picture a guy trying to fit a "libra goodnights" pad or something similar to his boxer shorts!!

funny you should say that, i was at the supermarket today getting some tissues which happen to be right next to the tampax etc, as i was walking away, toward the checkout, i happened to notice a packet with the words, in bold, "LIBRA FOR MEN", , , they were mens "panty liners", me and my mate just looked at each other and walked out pissing ourselves (with laughter).

p.s. i need to work on my typing skills, my english isnt so great either

Uncle Gus 23rd June 2003 17:07

I had the snip done at birth, because I had the same (or similar) predickament (hehe) as you. Afterwards, the doctor was checking out little Gus to make sure it was all working fine, and I pissed in his eye. He took that as a yes.

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