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spigalau 19th October 2017 20:10

Labour Thus Far....

fixed_truth 19th October 2017 22:46


Make the first year of tertiary education or training fees free from January 1, 2018.
Increase student allowances and living cost loans by $50 a week from January 1, 2018.
Pass the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill, requiring all rentals to be warm and dry
Ban overseas speculators from buying existing houses
Issue an instruction to Housing New Zealand to stop the state house sell-off
Begin work to establish the Affordable Housing Authority and begin the KiwiBuild programme
Legislate to pass the Families Package, including the Winter Fuel Payment, Best Start and increases to Paid Parental Leave, to take effect from 1 July 2018
Set up a Ministerial Inquiry in order to fix our mental health crisis
Introduce legislation to make medicinal cannabis available for people with terminal illnesses or in chronic pain
Resume contributions to the New Zealand Superannuation Fund to help safeguard the provision of universal superannuation at age 65
Introduce legislation to set a child poverty reduction target and to change the Public Finance Act so the Budget reports progress on reducing child poverty
Increase the minimum wage to $16.50 an hour, to take effect from 1 April 2018, and introduce legislation to improve fairness in the workplace.
Establish the Tax Working Group
Establish the Pike River Recovery Agency and assign a responsible Minister
Set up an inquiry into the abuse of children in state care
Hold a Clean Waters Summit on cleaning up our rivers and lakes
Set the zero carbon emissions goal and begin setting up the independent Climate Commission

madmaxii 19th October 2017 23:18

Make the first year of tertiary education or training fees free from January 1, 2018.
Increase student allowances and living cost loans by $50 a week from January 1, 2018.
Pass the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill, requiring all rentals to be warm and dry
Ban overseas speculators from buying existing houses
Issue an instruction to Housing New Zealand to stop the state house sell-off
Begin work to establish the Affordable Housing Authority and begin the KiwiBuild programme
Legislate to pass the Families Package, including the Winter Fuel Payment, Best Start and increases to Paid Parental Leave, to take effect from 1 July 2018
Set up a Ministerial Inquiry in order to fix our mental health crisis
Introduce legislation to make medicinal cannabis available for people with terminal illnesses or in chronic pain
Resume contributions to the New Zealand Superannuation Fund to help safeguard the provision of universal superannuation at age 65
Introduce legislation to set a child poverty reduction target and to change the Public Finance Act so the Budget reports progress on reducing child poverty
Increase the minimum wage to $16.50 an hour, to take effect from 1 April 2018, and introduce legislation to improve fairness in the workplace.
Establish the Tax Working Group
Establish the Pike River Recovery Agency and assign a responsible Minister
Set up an inquiry into the abuse of children in state care
Hold a Clean Waters Summit on cleaning up our rivers and lakes
Set the zero carbon emissions goal and begin setting up the independent Climate Commission.

Who's paying?

CCS 19th October 2017 23:36

We all are! \o/

Congratulations, Labour. It only took you 9 years and 5 party leaders before you could find one that knows how to smile and wave.

Juju 20th October 2017 15:19

Can't wait to see who National decides to replace English with when they decide to roll him.

CCS 20th October 2017 18:30

The next 3 years is going to be very interesting. Whatever happens with the makeup of the government - ministerial positions etc, dynamics between NZF, Lab, Grn; whatever happens with shakeups in National, it's going to be much more interesting than the 3 year snoozefest that preceded it.

Lightspeed 20th October 2017 19:16

If by interesting you mean fun for lolz with little bearing on governmental outcomes, I agree.

The last three years have been barren of lolz with poor outcomes at best.

Probably won't see anyone intervening with the police on behalf of party donors however.

Ab 20th October 2017 20:02

I can't see why the first year of tertiary is free instead of the last.

spigalau 20th October 2017 20:42


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2000843)
I can't see why the first year of tertiary is free instead of the last.

Because most Labour supporters can't count higher than two ?

[Malks] Pixie 20th October 2017 20:59


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2000843)
I can't see why the first year of tertiary is free instead of the last.

I'd say because most issues that put off students completing a degree occur in the first year of study - and drop out rates decrease significantly after they make it through the first year. Many drop out because they made mistakes with course selection and/or acclimatisation to tertiary practices. Those that do drop out in the first year have a greater chance of never gaining further qualifications of any kind.

If you want to increase completion rates then this is a fairy well structured starting point.

Redneck 20th October 2017 22:38

^^ motherfucker gets it

Jodi 24th October 2017 10:41


Originally Posted by madmaxii (Post 2000826)
Who's paying?

I think they canned the east-west link, so there you go.

The Edge 24th October 2017 23:03

Sweet. I couldn't see the point of that stupid road anyway. Heavy rail to the airport (extended from Onehunga) should be on the list of projects to be done IMO, not just discussed. Apparently the rights are already there and the bridge over the Manukau Harbour was specifically build to allow for rail to the airport.

ZoSo 26th October 2017 12:53

Adding to the growing 'what a surprise' list..
Pre election Twyford and co were going on about building shitloads of 300-400k homes and along with their lackey supporters, scoffing at nationals 500-600k "afforable" homes. Then after the election, it's now suddenly 500-600k "and under" (as with most building, probably over and he knows it, hence the shift) with zero pushback from Garner as he says it.
Looks like it's going to be an easy ride for this lot, no matter what.

Cyberbob 26th October 2017 15:25

Read my lips, no new taxes*

Know me. 26th October 2017 20:23

I'm starting to get the same feeling I had in early 2008. Cant see anything positive happening in the next few years.

bradman 27th October 2017 17:51

What positives have you seen in the last few years? List a few that aren't related to an inflated sense of wealth from being lucky enough to own a home, or having access to funds that allowed it.

It's been funny jumping into nzg as a lurker the last few years, watching the decay, the echo chamber getting a wee bit more reflective as people fuck off.

Humourous also seeing the nat zealots in here go quiet when shitstorms over lying/dis-information/abuse of power.

Look at the state of NZ. Moan all you want. Keep a tally on that 90 billion public debt and see if Labour manage to reign that fucker back.

All the while whining 'coalition' or ''but earth quakes' or 'GFC'.

But yeah, fucken moan all you like bitches.

Ab 27th October 2017 20:23

We've missed you, brad :)

Hear you on the house front though. Damn, if you're a houseless Gen X or younger you're fucked. Some times I say to the boss "damn, do you realise how different our lives would be if we hadn't gotten in the game when we did" - like, 2008?

bradman 27th October 2017 20:45

Yeah man, and I'm still out sign writing, so out on the street often and see so many more people homeless - sleeping in cars, and people begging - for change or food. Does my head in. In fking Hamilton. In NZ.

Had one poor bugger who'd been put on a benefit stand down. Bound to be stuff there, but he's so in need he has to try to busk to get food and can't get any support? He was in tears when I gave him a couple of kilos of bananas and some fruit juice!

Is that nationals NZ?

Ab 27th October 2017 21:21

Like I said in the 2017 thread, I'm miles away so everything I hear about the housing and poverty situation is secondhand. It's kinda unreal. It doesn't sound like the NZ I know.

Still, partyvoted leftie this year just in case.

bradman 28th October 2017 01:46

Its real, and makes me sad. The privilaged fuckwads on here would'nt see it or comprehend it (get a job!) but yeah.

ZoSo 29th October 2017 11:21

The caring left, until you disagree with them.
You just can't explain to the unhinged that auckland local has been disastrous for decades and if you don't rate twford's abilty do anything better or quicker, given the circumstances, naturally you're a heartless bastard.
Thankfully, most aren't that unhinged.

CCS 29th October 2017 11:45

Zoso, you sound like a privilaged fuckwad.

ZoSo 29th October 2017 11:56

Maybe when he goes back into his self-exiled lurking, crying about echo chambers and his named meanies (you included), he can find my privilege. I'd like some of it!

Macca@Work 29th October 2017 13:55


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2000909)
Like I said in the 2017 thread, I'm miles away so everything I hear about the housing and poverty situation is secondhand. It's kinda unreal. It doesn't sound like the NZ I know.

Still, partyvoted leftie this year just in case.

The social worker for our foster kids told us that on Monday mornings school are being approached by homeless people for help with shelter/food etc.
(yup thats right desperate people are asking schools for help.)

ZoSo 29th October 2017 15:11

Maybe I'm looking for the wrong kind of headline and failing but I could have sworn there was a pretty good article on Stuff (I think) actually talking about Hamilton's homeless, mentioning that after the success of a group there from 2015 and on, homeless were actually heading to Hamilton for help and that despite reports, the guy from the group was saying there was 15 left, on the streets (which is obviously still bad, but a pretty decent effort).
They probably just dropped it off the site cause the narrative doesn't quite fit and the puff pieces get the better hits.

ZoSo 29th October 2017 15:18


Since 2014, the project has homed 778 people, including 78 of the core group of 80 chronically homeless, a number gathered by a "variety of services", Nelson says.

But the number of chronically homeless is fiercely disputed by Hamilton Christian Night Shelter manager Peter Humphreys.

He says there are between eight and 15 rough sleepers in Hamilton and that's how it's been since 2008.

There's a police study that keeps getting mooted, Humphreys says.

The study was about regulating the area round the Riff Raff statue on Victoria Street.

"There were 72 people identified hanging around the city, but only six of them were homeless at that time," Humphreys says.

"Those numbers have somehow changed to 80 - there've never been 80 rough sleepers."

bradman 30th October 2017 22:09

Fkn classic.

Did you read the article?

I found it a tough read, obviously a new writer who makes paragraphs out of single sentences, and chaotic in how she presents, but all good. I do stuff round that area and have seen the guy in the first picture, though over at Heaphy Terrace, which is close.

Where do you cut off the number of homeless as OK? I suppose theres a few out there that prefer to be transient, and fair enough, but what about people that are stuck in a death-spiral round the drain with no way out?

Do the numbers quoted have any validity? Could be worse or better, but its no better than my 'didnt see fuck all beggers a few years back and now I see 3-4 when I'm out and about' figures.

And yeah, i'll lurk all the fuck I want, and fuken LAUGH that the echo chamber jibe stabbed you in the cock. I used to love NZG till it turned into some sort of 4chan clone.

You white zoso?

ZoSo 30th October 2017 22:45

People who work with the actual homeless on the ground vs anecdotals. Tough choice.


And yeah, i'll lurk all the fuck I want, and fuken LAUGH that the echo chamber jibe stabbed you in the cock. I used to love NZG till it turned into some sort of 4chan clone.
Zero stabbing. I was actually going to post how self-exiled lurkers crying about echo chambers and meanies, is getting into the vegan and crossfit territory. They just can't avoid telling us about it. You'd think dopey fucks would learn how to avoid clicking a link INTO sections they don't like or just skim over posters they don't like, instead of embarrassing themselves seeking attention.
Plus hate to break it to you, but people move on. Gaming is kind of done for most of us right? and there are actually better social media these days. I'm still in 4 old guilds that are almost radio silent due to lack of action. What a non issue.


You white zoso?
Relevance? you going to throw around more meaningless labels, or try to go e-thug on me?

Lightspeed 30th October 2017 23:18

I dunno what you guys are on about, but I thought the homeless shelter guy in Hamilton was expressing shock at the dramatic jump in homeless people?

But yeah, poorly written article.

As far as I can tell the best data we have is anecdote, because National hasn't done anything more robust.

CCS 31st October 2017 02:31

Bradman's friend with the bananas has my sympathies. However, there's a few things that need to be pointed out. The first is that there has always been a stand down period no matter who is in government. I don't believe Labour has campaigned on any policy to change that. If they do, I'm fine with that - in principle.

The WINZ website has this to say:


What is a stand down?

The principle behind applying a stand down is that a client should be able to provide for themselves for a short period of time.
How long will a stand down last?

The length of the stand down depends on:

the client's average weekly income (before tax) in the 26 or 52 weeks immediately before the client’s entitlement date, and
the number of dependent children in their care at any time during the same period.
So the way it works - on paper - is that for the client (banana man) to be on a stand down, WINZ has assessed him as having enough money to get through those 2 weeks. Was that policy any different under a previous Labour govt? Will it change under the new Labour government?

If WINZ puts him on a stand down and he believes he won't be able to get by for those 2 weeks with money, then he has this option, mentioned on the CAB website:


You may still be able to get emergency assistance such as food grants or a loan from WINZ if you run out of money before you are due to receive the benefit payments. You can contact your local Work and Income office or enquire online. You can also contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau to help you find out whether you are eligible for emergency assistance from Work and Income.
Failing that, I would suggest going to the Hamilton Salvation Army or the Hamilton Methodist Action.

So in fact, there is support for Banana Man. I believe this support has been available through the National government, was available through the Helen Clark Labour govt and will be through the Ardern Labour govt.

Again, Banana Man has my sympathies. But I don't think his situation is as dire as has been made out.

CCS 31st October 2017 02:42


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2000932)
I dunno what you guys are on about, but I thought the homeless shelter guy in Hamilton was expressing shock at the dramatic jump in homeless people?

But yeah, poorly written article.

I read it like this:

People's Project leader Julie Nelson says there were 80 chronically homeless whereas Hamilton Christian Night Shelter manager Peter Humphreys says there are 8 to 15 rough sleepers (I would equate rough sleeper to chronically homeless) and the rest of the 80 are just beggars.

Lightspeed 31st October 2017 04:50

The article goes on to say:


The shelter - which doesn't receive central government funding - has 25 beds for men and nine for women.

The men's beds have been at full capacity in the past few months, and for the first time, Humphreys has had to turn people away.
So full capacity for months, but not chronically homeless? A few homeless, otherwise just a growing trend of beggars who have stay out too late?

It's really not clear what point the article is trying to make.

CCS 31st October 2017 17:12


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2000935)
The article goes on to say:

So full capacity for months, but not chronically homeless? A few homeless, otherwise just a growing trend of beggars who have stay out too late?

It's really not clear what point the article is trying to make.

So you're concerned about the semantics? I would think the difference is between chronically homeless and transient homeless.

Lightspeed 31st October 2017 18:04

I'm trying to understand the message of the article. Do you have a way of doing that doesn't involve semantics?

lol, wait, it's obvious that you do. The article says what you want it to say, so obviously semantics don't matter. lol, you're amazing CCS.

bradman 31st October 2017 18:08

Hey zoso, you need to calm down man - hate to say it, but think it applies - triggered much?

I did stop posting here because it became such a crap-fest of shittery, I didn't see the point of wasting time typing shit out because fuckwads would just ignore it and go full retard regardless.

The last few years I've tended to jump in here to get a read on what 'what white privilaged dudes' - who is what I think are the main group in here, were thinking. For some perspective and to see if I could see the point of views that were covered.

Generally I was dissappointed, with continual sniping at labour while national was lying about this, or sweeping that under the carpet, though there were some really good points on what an ineffective oppoisition they were.

The only reason I've chimed in lately is because you guys are so vicious attacking anyone who rails against your mindset, and I fucken hate bullies. Thought I'd soak some heat up.

I can't quite see where you're going with the gaming comments, I still game, but for me at least NZG transcended being a 'gaming' forum long ago. It's where I used to go for news and the latest takes on news, and for interesting posts and discussions.

Not lately though, but theres hope.

And I was asking if you're white because I sorta guess you are, and that you have no comprehension of 'white privilage' and because I knew it'd piss you the fuck off.

CCS 31st October 2017 18:21


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2000949)
I'm trying to understand the message of the article. Do you have a way of doing that doesn't involve semantics?

lol, wait, it's obvious that you do. The article says what you want it to say, so obviously semantics don't matter. lol, you're amazing CCS.

Lolspeed, the article is pretty clear. You don't understand it because you don't want to. Being difficult about semantics is your stock in trade when you want to deflect.

CCS 31st October 2017 18:23


Originally Posted by bradman (Post 2000950)
Hey zoso, you need to calm down man - hate to say it, but think it applies - triggered much?


bradman 31st October 2017 18:28

And ccs - yeah, more to that guys story I'd bet 3 kgs of bananas, but it still seems heartless cutting him off completely for 5 weeks. Could many people make it?

I showed up at a job at in Hillcrest at 7.30am or so the other day, and he's already there doing his (admittidly slightly cringe worthy) rapping monologue about his situation, that shows dedication or desperation, or both. He spotted me and came over to thank me for the stuff the other week, and was relating about a job interview he had been to a few days previously.

He's keen to move on, but stuck at the moment.

Feel for the guy, will see whats up next time I'm over there I'd say.

Heh spotted you post just now. I get where you're trying to come from, but reckon it doesnt quite work.

Fair enough though, triggered by bullies? I'll take that.

CCS 31st October 2017 18:59


Originally Posted by bradman (Post 2000953)
And ccs - yeah, more to that guys story I'd bet 3 kgs of bananas, but it still seems heartless cutting him off completely for 5 weeks. Could many people make it?

5 weeks is a long time to go without any income. I don't know the ins and outs of WINZ policies or his situation. But the WINZ website says the stand down is 2 weeks or - if you've been fired or left your job voluntarily - up to 13 weeks. If he is going without for 5 weeks then that sounds to me like a failing of WINZ rather than a failing of the government.


Fair enough though, triggered by bullies? I'll take that.

This whole thing about bullies sounds like an emotional exaggeration to me. I think you've also made a lot of assumptions about peoples personal politics.

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