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sky_ 26th November 2004 17:57

Post your screenshots!
If you see something cool, funny or just simply want to show off your character, chuck em in here =) It will also make Ab jealous and desperate to find a copy, which everyone likes to do.

Ok, I guess these have.. limited.. humour now. Quite funny while there at the moment (nearly pissing myself to be honest). *shrug* Some details are hard to see due to scaling from 1600x1200 res =/

Mox, the caring veterinarian decided to closely examine the horse for any problems with it's digestive system.

Two men and their poles.

After getting red shirts, Mox decided they looked very.. fabulous (emphasis on the F..)

Impressive moonwalking steez, due to an animation bug (sliding down a hill).

Ignoring our duties in our quests, we decided to undertake a quest of our own. Find better shirts. We now look like superman gone really fucking wrong.

Just a pose and not a very good one at that. I quite like the "haze" which the WoW graphics engine features. Very pretty. You can sort of see it in the trees.

plaz0r 27th November 2004 11:31

If anyone can enlighten me as to what the point of holding a fish in your off hand might be, I'd be most appreciative.

I then went on to demonstrate that it *is* possible to fall off the great forge in ironforge, and that you may get stuck halfway down.

Vampy 27th November 2004 14:24

Can't see you pics, plazor. I think the point of holding your fish in your hand is for gloating purposes.. one of those "trophy fish"

plaz0r 27th November 2004 21:55

Latest crazy pic. I was running around looking for copper, and I managed to get to the top of the mountains at the south of Dun Morogh. The seam looks .. well .. rather unpolished. It did happen, and there were pics:

Edit: I'd flown over the Searing Gorge on a Gryphon earlier .. I was kinda tempted to go find one of the 'Level ??' dragons down there and smack it a bit, but I thought I might have a fair bit of trouble getting back. :P

Dystopia 27th November 2004 23:11

friends particularly offensive color scheme on his rouge

plaz0r 28th November 2004 11:00

More silly running aroundness! I managed to climb over the mountains at the north of Dun Morogh - I think I wound up on top of Ironforge, then over to the Wetlands to the north. This waterfall pours out of the side of the mountain:

About 30 seconds after I took that screenshot, I plummeted to my doom. :(

Nightcrawler 28th November 2004 12:04

Go into the nightelf area and go to Dasnarrus or whatever the spelling is.
at the far west of it there is a pond + waterfall.
fall down and u fall off the side of your fucking huge island.
after dying a few times and jumping my wisp down, you land in the great sea... fun.

Insanity 28th November 2004 18:09

Why you should never try to snipe enemies from ledges:

(they run around grabbing all their buddies along the way!)

I wanted to see tauren vs gnome size comparison really really badly so I had a little guy set out on a big adventure. It was tough but I got there in the end

sadly my attempts at negotiating a peace between the warring factions were hindered by language issues. :(

Jin 28th November 2004 19:52

siv smells

SID|DensitY 28th November 2004 23:56

Caesar 29th November 2004 00:00

Well I don't know about ya'll but I fucken love the graphics in this game eh.


RedeviL 29th November 2004 10:10

After watching the making of DVD, I found out why they went for the lower res textures and low poly models.

If you haven't seen the making of DVD yet:
Initially they created everything in super high res textures, with nice high poly models etc - when they finally threw it all into the game engine nothing looked 'right'.

It looked awesome, great detail, lovely effects - but it just didn't feel right. It didn't fit into the WarCraft world. Eventually they started toning down the textures and the models, reaching where it is now - at which point it just all fit together.

It fit the WarCraft look, feel and atmosphere.
I have only played the first couple of WarCrafts - never touched 3 - even so, I think they hit the nail directly on the head.

Spot on...

sky_ 29th November 2004 14:39

Interesting. I guess I'd agree to that..

However, I'm still not sure about the textures. I think that's the one area which they could improve on - doubling the texture sizes.

SID|DensitY 29th November 2004 15:02

Been an interesting gaming year.. New games, 2 new Big game engines.. no reason for me to upgrade (my pc runs them all fine).. its a little odd.. o_0

sky_ 29th November 2004 15:28

my kitty!

o9 29th November 2004 15:37

What happens to it when you die? And can it die?


Nightcrawler 1st December 2004 09:43

When you die, I *think* all you have to do is call it back, although most times it just dies i think... when that happens you just resurrect it.

sky_ 1st December 2004 14:36

I don't think it can die..
I've just been "releasing" it each time I die though.

Nightcrawler 1st December 2004 17:41

it can die :P
go get it to attack the horde or something :)
you gotta resurrect it and it comes back on low health.. so then u have to heal

sky_ 1st December 2004 17:54

It's not a pet like the hunter's pet.. any class can buy one. Other ones include mechanical squirrels that engy's can make. Can't attack or anything, just for show.

XM 2nd December 2004 03:03

On the way from Crossroads to Orgrimmar

plaz0r 2nd December 2004 08:50

Who's got short shorts?

untouchable 2nd December 2004 11:46

This orc guy wanted to see a tauren with the giant size potion so he gave me one he made.

Spink 2nd December 2004 15:03

The fact that you're jumping makes it harder to tell the real size :O

Baal 3rd December 2004 11:16

Warlock pets are cool.

fobski 3rd December 2004 12:03


Originally posted by Baal

Warlock pets are cool.

heheh im 3 bars away till im level 20 :D


Gambit 5th December 2004 13:23

mech squirrels > all

not that they do anything besides look cool :p

Caesar 5th December 2004 15:19


Originally posted by Gambit
mech squirrels > all

not that they do anything besides look cool :p

WTFs a mech squirrel?


sky_ 5th December 2004 15:25

Machanical squirrel. Engineers can build them.

They're just for show, just like my kitty =)

Gambit 5th December 2004 20:15

yeh they are no good other than for show...
i had a massive lag spike while selling crap the other nite and managed to sell the box for my mech squirrel )= oh how i miss him )=

Nightcrawler 5th December 2004 20:28

-> Click on Mech Squirrel and drag into selling area
-> Right click on the item you want to sell
How's lag make you click on the wrong thing? ;) LIES AND FABRICATONS

Jin 5th December 2004 21:33

[20:33] <Jiniii> so yer, i was in town selling my shit
[20:33] <Jiniii> when the shop lags somewhat
[20:33] <Jiniii> "hmm, laggy" i think to myself
[20:33] <Jiniii> i turn around and walk outside
[20:33] <Jiniii>

Dystopia 6th December 2004 06:09

yer, have been some awsome pvp battles at tarren mill

Nightcrawler 6th December 2004 13:01


Gambit 6th December 2004 16:55


Originally posted by Nightcrawler
-> Click on Mech Squirrel and drag into selling area
-> Right click on the item you want to sell
How's lag make you click on the wrong thing? ;) LIES AND FABRICATONS

like i put it in by accident and was like opps. so i click it to put it back in my inv.. i click and drop in my inv.. thinking it was being moved.. grabbed something else out without checking if the item had actually been moved which it hadnt coz of the lag... dropped the other item in.. poof there goes my mech squirrel ;/

Caesar 6th December 2004 17:53


Originally posted by Jin
[20:33] <Jiniii>


Too much SWG?


sky_ 9th December 2004 09:43

My new background =)
Screenshot taken near Dalaran. 1600 res pic at:

Speaking of Dalaran, does anyone know wtf is up with it? What the fuck is up with it? What's the story? Invasion of the giant clit?

Cyberbob 9th December 2004 11:23

It was totally wasted back in one of the great wars, but now it's been recaptured and recreated, and because they're a pure magic society, they've created a massive force field to keep everyone out, cutting themselves off from the rest of the world

Baal 10th December 2004 10:23

Fear the gnome pimp.

I have real colour coordination issues at the moment, stats on the gear I have are ok but apart from the hat damn is it ugly! Need to find a purple robe now.

sky_ 10th December 2004 13:51

Class Baal =D!

Btw guys: ALT + z gets rid of the HUD for s/shots.

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