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Cyberbob 26th July 2012 12:36

"Smokers are the new Lepers" - MP


National MP Tau Henare is smoking again and has suggested it is OK for pregnant women to do the same.

A parliamentary hearing into the wellbeing of Maori children was told yesterday that controlling tobacco was the single most important thing the Government could do.

Mr Henare, who has publicly struggled to give up smoking, took offence at that.

Smokers were paying for their own healthcare through their $1.5 billion tax bill and were sick of being looked down upon, he said.

"One of the things, as a smoker and smokers hate, is having this feeling of being ostracised in their community, being told off, being treated like some sort of pariah."

It was "seriously depressing" having to go outside in the cold to smoke. "We are the new lepers of the community."
Discipline required to raise kids, that's easy.
Discipline required to quit smoking? too hard.

fixed_truth 26th July 2012 13:10

Lepers of the community gotta be better than smoking being cool I suppose.

Keep hiking prices up and free champix imo. Let's be honest, how many smokers don't really want to quit?

Deadmeat 26th July 2012 14:21

Wanting to smoke in your own space? Fine.
Complaining of butthurt because others don't want to put up with your habit? GTFO.

xor 26th July 2012 14:54

I wonder how much money lobbyists gave him to say that

TnT 26th July 2012 15:09

And this just in Tau Henare is fucking idiot.

Now here's Jim with sport.

Dusty 26th July 2012 15:39

Why do we have this guy in parliament? Who voted him in?

chubby 26th July 2012 16:31


For nearly 20 years, Mr Dunne has taken a public position opposed to tobacco control. In 1987, while an Undersecretary of Health in the Labour Government, he was reported as describing those who wanted a ban on tobacco advertising as ‘elitist zealots’.1 Since he left the Labour Party in 1994, he has consistently voted against tobacco control initiatives.
Mr Dunne has described the efforts in New Zealand to prevent the sale of tobacco to underage children as ‘fascist’,2 and tobacco control spending as a ‘scandalous waste of money in pursuit of some health zealots’ beady eyed political correctness.’3 Mr Dunne also described the 2003 New Zealand legislation for smokefree bars as ‘extremism

plenty of wankers in parliament.

TnT 26th July 2012 16:38


Originally Posted by Dusty
Why do we have this guy in parliament? Who voted him in?

I see what you did there.

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