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Ab 6th November 2012 14:04

Obama-Romney 2012
It's awwwwwwn.

Baxton 6th November 2012 14:08

yea, nerve racking!

the state of that country that mitt is actually a viable candidate.

Saladin 6th November 2012 14:10


Originally Posted by Baxton
the state of that country that mitt is actually a viable candidate.

What's wrong with Mitt? Granted, I've been living in a cave for the last year, but what I recall of his policies as Governor of MA seems pretty favourable.

Juju 6th November 2012 14:38

I present, exhibit A.

Ab 6th November 2012 14:40


Baxton 6th November 2012 14:47

look at his running partner for a start. Economic plan=cut all spending, reduce big business taxes

aside from the fact he flips to whatever side of a political arguement suits him, his history of running a company that undertakes hostile take-overs that lead to large scale job losses makes his whole "ima good ecernomicas" arguement kinda off.

his corporate shilliness makes bush look like..someone....less bush like. hmmm

this whole post hasn't been my finest moment. lets move on.

leadinjector 6th November 2012 15:11


Originally Posted by Saladin
What's wrong with Mitt? Granted, I've been living in a cave for the last year, but what I recall of his policies as Governor of MA seems pretty favourable.

you can pretty much take your pick of fairly huge mistakes he has made recently. his whole thing with jeeps moving to china (they arent) his fucking child of a running mate who is a pathological liar and whos economic policy basically goes "get rid of the govt and let the rest sort itself out", his appalling reaction to the recent hurricane with red cross telling him to fuck off with his walmart-bought food, the recent revelations about how much tax hes paid for the last 15 years, his hypocrisy about claiming he will stop companies outsourcing to china when thats exactly what he was doing at bain... i could go on. the guy is a class A jack off even to the point where america is unlikely to vote him in, and they voted for dubya TWICE.

Ab 6th November 2012 15:20

On the other hand, he's white.

p01s0n 6th November 2012 15:21

mitt romney more like shitt romney lmao am i rite?

Baxton 6th November 2012 15:24


Originally Posted by Ab
On the other hand, he's white.

also he's not a communist like obama...

Fx. 6th November 2012 15:39

i tried to learn about the electoral college system the other day

its such a weird way of doing it.

there is no good option, guy who signed in the new NDAA vs ...Mitt

hope they dont have a civil war and all bail up over the border to TAKE MY JOWBS :(~

Spink 6th November 2012 16:01


Originally Posted by Ab
It's awwwwwwn.

isnt it tomorrow? lol idk super tuesday + timezones r hard

Ab 6th November 2012 16:03

Obama seems like a sane, intelligent, well-educated man.

Obama is also a devout Christian who believes that faith in Jesus Christ is the way to have eternal life.

So either he's actually crazy and really believes in an invisible sky fairy, and the whole Harvard lawyer/constitutional professor thing is just an act... or he's sane and intelligent and the whole Christian thing is actually just an act for the sake of his political career.

Those are the only choices. He's either crazy or he's a pathological liar.

Fx. 6th November 2012 16:07

constitutional professor who did this:

On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. The NDAA’s dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president — and all future presidents — to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield.

so i'm calling liar, but then i have yet to see a big name politition who wasnt full of shit

flipflopping and straight out lying seems much more prevalent in the US elections (outside of winston peters ofc)

leadinjector 6th November 2012 16:56


Originally Posted by Ab
Obama seems like a sane, intelligent, well-educated man.

Obama is also a devout Christian who believes that faith in Jesus Christ is the way to have eternal life.

So either he's actually crazy and really believes in an invisible sky fairy, and the whole Harvard lawyer/constitutional professor thing is just an act... or he's sane and intelligent and the whole Christian thing is actually just an act for the sake of his political career.

Those are the only choices. He's either crazy or he's a pathological liar.

yep its unfortunate that when faced with one person whos obviously a crazy fuck you tend to forget that the alternative isnt neccessarily much better. obama is just as much of a pawn as romney- its who they are working for thats more important. at least obama is somewhat more sane than Mitt and appears to be slightly less full of shit.

Spink 6th November 2012 17:19


Originally Posted by Ab
Those are the only choices. He's either crazy or he's a pathological liar.

Pathological lying is considered a mental illness, because it takes over rational judgement and progresses into the fantasy world and back.

you look dumb now

CCS 6th November 2012 17:40


Originally Posted by Ab
On the other hand, he's white.

So is Barry Obama!

Ab 7th November 2012 02:43

fivethirtyeight is giving the Muslim a 91% chance of victory based on today's polls.

Heresy 7th November 2012 03:09


Originally Posted by Ab
Obama seems like a sane, intelligent, well-educated man.

Obama is also a devout Christian who believes that faith in Jesus Christ is the way to have eternal life.

So either he's actually crazy and really believes in an invisible sky fairy, and the whole Harvard lawyer/constitutional professor thing is just an act... or he's sane and intelligent and the whole Christian thing is actually just an act for the sake of his political career.

Those are the only choices. He's either crazy or he's a pathological liar.

To get anywhere in the US you have to proclaim some sort of Jesusskyfairy faith. I'm pretty sure he's lying. Anyway, isn't being a liar a pre-req for being a huma^H^H politician...

xor 7th November 2012 08:33

What's the dilly with Ohio being so important to win?

Fx. 7th November 2012 08:38

swing states and electroal college means it's all down to a few states (assuming some states dont go the other way than always)

has a graph of the weirdness and the important states

CCS 7th November 2012 09:09

See also: Swing States for a little background on why they're important.

TL:DR 48 out of 50 states run a "system where the candidate who wins the most popular votes in a state wins all of that state's electoral votes. This way, presidential candidates have no incentive to spend time or resources in states they are likely to win or lose by a sizable margin."

Ohio, Florida: massive swing states, vote could go either way.

Spoon1 7th November 2012 09:40

/me prays for a Florida win for Obama.

I don't want to imagine the clusterfuck that would be a Romney-led USA.

Vrtigo 7th November 2012 09:47

new hampshire reporting barry-o has won, 28 votes to 14. gg rommers.

A Corpse 7th November 2012 10:07

If O gets Ohio as well, and Rommel gets NC and Florida that means it's almost over (in Obama's favour). I've been looking through the prelim results to see if I can pick trends but I haven't found a good site with a live ticker yet.

Juju 7th November 2012 10:08


Originally Posted by xor
What's the dilly with Ohio being so important to win?

Not only is it a swing state, it is an indicator for the overall winner - with only 1 election where the winner of Ohio did not win the presidency (Nixon I think).

pxpx 7th November 2012 10:09

What website(s) are you guys following the results on?

Spoon1 7th November 2012 10:11


Originally Posted by Fx.
swing states and electroal college means it's all down to a few states (assuming some states dont go the other way than always)

has a graph of the weirdness and the important states

Assuming it's accurate it's a very cool graphic. _b_b

A Corpse 7th November 2012 10:17

Will Ferrel telling people to get out and vote.

Not a fan of him normally but I found this amusing. :D

a-tech 7th November 2012 10:18

Edit: nevermind posted above.

Nich 7th November 2012 10:23

it seems they still havent figured out how to calibrate them touchscreen electric voting stations.

Spink 7th November 2012 10:40


Originally Posted by pxpx
What website(s) are you guys following the results on?

Spoon1 7th November 2012 10:41


Originally Posted by Nich

it seems they still havent figured out how to calibrate them touchscreen electric voting stations.

Vote counting company tied to Romney

Vrtigo 7th November 2012 11:00


Originally Posted by pxpx
What website(s) are you guys following the results on?

Lightspeed 7th November 2012 11:01


Originally Posted by Nich

it seems they still havent figured out how to calibrate them touchscreen electric voting stations.

Pretty much the state of 'merica right there. Particularly how easy to believe this could either be manufacturing and management incompetence or corruption.

A Corpse 7th November 2012 11:05

Why is this guy not in the running? :(

ZoSo 7th November 2012 11:20


Originally Posted by Nich

it seems they still havent figured out how to calibrate them touchscreen electric voting stations.

Taken out now that it's gone viral.

[WanG] Wandarah 7th November 2012 11:59

"News outlets and voter rights groups are amassing reports of voting problems across the country.

In Greensboro, N.C., voters reported that touchscreen machines switched their votes from Romney to Obama. On Friday, the Colorado secretary of state's office said it was looking into claims made by the Pueblo County's Republican party that their touchscreens were doing the same thing.

The problems aren't isolated to the screens flubbing voter attempts to pick a presidential candidate. In Virginia Beach Tuesday, a voter sent a video of a touchscreen failing to register either YES or NO votes for a proposed light rail referendum for the city."

Cyberbob 7th November 2012 12:48

Saladin 7th November 2012 12:51


Originally Posted by Cyberbob

They should allow third party candidates - I reckon so called "far-left" candidates like Rocky Anderson would actually be quite palatable to a fair a amount of worldwide population.

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