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Whiplash 1st August 2005 15:45

What grinds your gears?
Fucking software developers.

Goddamn. You're supposed to be code monkeys. Why don't you know anything about computers? You should know more about the ins and outs than anyone else.

Oh, and the whole corporate world does not revolve around you miserable, tofu eating, manky haired, pie eating bastards. So if your goddamn printing doesn't work for some reason that's entirely your fault, don't moan to the goddamn CEO and get my staff scrambling for nothing.


Back to you, Dianne.

Pimp-X 1st August 2005 15:47


Cyberbob 1st August 2005 15:51

Ya know what really grinds my gears.. Office staff.

Office staff always seem totally retarded when it comes to changing to another printer, or another paper size.

They refuse to attempt to try and change from the default printer, and even when you change the default for them, they then want to print to two different printers, but want them both to be default.
It's like they want the computer to automatically know which printer they want to be printing to
They never want to have to check down the list of printers for the one they want.

That and Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Men

StN 1st August 2005 15:59

Re: What grinds your gears?

Originally posted by Whiplash
So if your goddamn printing doesn't work for some reason that's entirely your fault, don't moan to the goddamn CEO and get my staff scrambling for nothing.
Not the random print sharks again?

DrTiTus 1st August 2005 16:02

Re: What grinds your gears?

Originally posted by Whiplash
Fucking software developers.

Goddamn. You're supposed to be code monkeys. Why don't you know anything about computers? You should know more about the ins and outs than anyone else.

Just because we get paid more than you, doesn't mean we should do our job as well as yours... when shit goes wrong for the hot receptionist, you're happy to sort her out.

Step into my BO infested, fast talking, WoW playing personal space and fix my shit.



PS: I hate those dumbass software developers too. Just that I don't have to help them :P

Whiplash 1st August 2005 16:03

I stopped being a pleb a long time ago. However, my plebs have to deal with these people. Poor bastards :/

Hannibal 1st August 2005 16:08

doing over 3,000 calls without issue, then having some fuktard complain about something that was his fault to begin with, and suddenly management thinks I'm not doing a good job since they are never around and base their judgements on some random email they get.

smudge 1st August 2005 16:12

Re: What grinds your gears?

Originally posted by Whiplash
Fucking software developers.

Goddamn. You're supposed to be code monkeys. Why don't you know anything about computers? You should know more about the ins and outs than anyone else.

Can't speak for anyone else, but for me, not knowing squat about anything but coding is a mental defence mechanism. If I had to learn all that shit that passes as knowledge (especially talking microsoft stuff here) I wouldn't been able to keep as much in head about code as I do/have to.

MadMax 1st August 2005 16:13

^ sounds like citel.

edit: re. hannibal

flic 1st August 2005 16:16

... that people sweat the small stuff


EvilLumpy 1st August 2005 16:18

Must call someone else

StN 1st August 2005 16:19


Originally posted by flic
So size matters then...

flic 1st August 2005 16:27

apparently so

I didn't ask you why you were so short all evening

StN 1st August 2005 16:31


cEvin 1st August 2005 16:41

Re: What grinds your gears?
The quality of StN's posts recently.

fobski 1st August 2005 16:49


conversations that go like this after knowing the person for say.. a day or so or it is an acquaintamce you aint seen

Gear Grinder: so what do you do?
El Fobskito: Oh i work in IT
Gear Grinder; oh really? you think you could look at my pc?? it is running SOOO SLOOOW and is really annoying i think i have a virus, all webpages load slowly im on fast dial up through <insert shit isp here>
El Fobskito: .....
Gear Grinder: so will you take a look at it?
El Fobskito: sure, i charge 50 an hour
Gear Grinder:Oh so youm wont do it for free
El Fobskito: No
Gear Grinder:< tries to make you feel sorry for him in a vain attempt to get it for free>
EL Fobskito: $50 an hour - still stands
Gea Grinder: goes away and mopes about


flic 1st August 2005 16:54

the incentive is pointing out all the porn that he's tried to hide in random directories and making that the reason for the problems

armourking 1st August 2005 17:04


Originally posted by flic
the incentive is pointing out all the porn that he's tried to hide in random directories
That's the means by which you control him from now on!
Dance, puppet, dance! Dance to beat of your new puppet-master!

BassDemon 1st August 2005 17:08

I too hate the code Monkeys

Especially as they only want to make new bugs , not fix any of the old ones that drive people mad.

silva^ 1st August 2005 17:08

Ya know what grinds my gears? ...... Fucking thick as pigshit flatmates who cannot remember to do simple things.

Here is an example. We have a tumble dryer next to a small window which MUST be opened so the air can be filtered outside. When you use the dryer, it is a necessity that the window must be open, otherwise within 10 minutes the entire flat is soaking wet with walls covered in condensation, its horrible (living in Dunners makes this much worse). Everyone in the flat is good at opening the window except one thick sonofabitch who can never remember to open it. And even when the house is condensed up he still doesn't take a fucking hint to go open it.

So I end up writing a huge note on the dryer to remind him to open the window..... but he STILL won't open it. The guys a fuckhead for more than this too, but that really gripes my ass. Now whenever he does it I turn the dryer off so when he goes to get his clothes they're still wet.

DrTiTus 1st August 2005 17:14

Suxx to have flatmates.

The only idiot that lives in my house is me!

Noodles 1st August 2005 17:15

Re: What grinds your gears?

Originally posted by Whiplash
Fucking software developers.
Yea, fuck you buddy :p

I'm with fobski, the "can you fix my pc" ppl piss me off the most

Native 1st August 2005 17:21


Originally posted by fobski
Box of beer. Its almost a universal currency. For a while I just kept a box in my boot for such occassions.

fobski 1st August 2005 17:27


Originally posted by Native
Box of beer. Its almost a universal currency. For a while I just kept a box in my boot for such occassions.
when they dont even offer that.....

Baal 1st August 2005 17:30


Originally posted by BassDemon
I too hate the code Monkeys

Especially as they only want to make new bugs , not fix any of the old ones that drive people mad.

It's all true ... fixing stuff is boring. Much more fun to add new and exciting features that mostly work!

Yes, I code for a living. We feed on your hate .. it makes us stronger.

Whiplash 1st August 2005 17:35

Re: Re: What grinds your gears?

Originally posted by Noodles
Yea, fuck you buddy :p

I'm with fobski, the "can you fix my pc" ppl piss me off the most

OK, I hate you all except for noddy and pimpx ;)

Nah its mainly the useless political garbage that goes on. The developers who "work for" the client we maintain (they're a different company still) seem to have more pull than they should.

"oh no no no you can't do the datacenter move that we've all known about for the past 6 months because we need to fix a spelling error in our code and blah blah blah wah we're more important than $30,000 p/m of rent waah"


StN 1st August 2005 17:40

I have found the following image hung on the workshop wall to be very effective:

Native 1st August 2005 17:47


Originally posted by fobski
when they dont even offer that.....
Then yeah... hope they enjoy ringing hong kong porn lines.

MoP 1st August 2005 17:48

Developer time is precious.

Precious like diamond encrusted gold :P

no guesses as to my profession then

LFC 1st August 2005 18:05


Originally posted by Native
Box of beer. Its almost a universal currency. For a while I just kept a box in my boot for such occassions.
I got offered a box of beer for the last home job I did, I still haven't received it, spent ages sorting out that P.C too!!

Foggerty 1st August 2005 18:06


Fucking software developers.
You're welcome :D


Goddamn. You're supposed to be code monkeys. Why don't you know anything about computers? You should know more about the ins and outs than anyone else.
Some of the people around here are fresh(ish) from university - where they learnt to code, and that's it. There are no "How to unfuck your PC after installing yet another sodding MicroBastard patch 101", there's just "How to write Java code 101" :(

I'm seeing programmers these days who got into computers at university, without going through the whole mucking about with PCs that many of the folks here did initially. As a result they know about software and computer science, but not PCs in general.

But yeah, anyone who complains to the CEO that their printer doesn't work is a twat, ditto for any developer who cannot figure out a bloody printer :D

fidgit 1st August 2005 18:42

I don't work in IT, so I hate all of you that earn a rediculous amount of money for working in an insular industry just supporting each other.

Just kidding. Except about the money part. You're not all really worth as much as you're paid...

What I hate: I hate being in charge of people that will do absolutly no thinking for themselves. I have shit to do. My *own* shit. And here I am, yet again, sorting out every little fucking issue that comes up for you clowns. Issues that you *should* be able to solve yourselves. Issues that you are *paid* to solve.

Juju 1st August 2005 18:43

Them: Oh can you get someone into fix our printer, its putting black lines down the page.

Me: Have you changed the toner recently?

T: Yea on friday

M: Ok, try changing the toner first off

T: But it's the rollers! chuckleguffaw I know teh pruntah code!

M: Possibly, but try changing the toner first

T: Yea but it's due for a service!

M: Change the toner, and call me back if there is still an issue afterwards.

That was ooo... 6 hours ago now.. and havnt heard a peep.

Jonas Undrawing 1st August 2005 19:15

So they say yes they have changed the toner on Friday, and you keep rabbitting on about "Have you changed the toner?". No wonder they haven't called back.

This communist idea of "have a look at my shit for free" has got to be fixed. If someone wants an odd job done that isn't convenient for you and you get told your specialist knowledge and experience isnt worth $50 an hour, then you are being fucked around. End the conversation or find a way to work less to match being paid less.

You're all soldiers. Even if one of us does one of these one off jobs for free. The person that got his shit fixed is gonna expect the next person to do it for free too. That's a pretty vicious cycle.

That's what grinds my gears. oh and people that keep rabbitting on about changing a toner when it's recently been changed.

Juju 1st August 2005 19:22


Originally posted by Jonas Undrawing
So they say yes they have changed the toner on Friday, and you keep rabbitting on about "Have you changed the toner?". No wonder they haven't called back.

. oh and people that keep rabbitting on about changing a toner when it's recently been changed.

Or people who don't realise that it was the new toner that was causing the lines, hence me asking them to change the toner (again)?

Jonas Undrawing 1st August 2005 19:26

ahhh... the ol' dud new toner problem. So THAT's what they pay you for.

Still. For a stupid person like me (just pretend I'm stupid for now) if you had said "The new lines are possibly caused by the new toner being faulty. Try changing the toner again let me know how you get on." Things would have gone much smoother and I would have known why I had to change the toner again. And I wouldn't walk away thinking the IT guy is a rude bastard.

I think it's important that everyone see's the bigger picture. You can see the big picture as to why the printer doesn't work. It helps immensely if they have a bit of logic behind the instructions they've been given. That way you may not have to ever deal with faulty toners again! Having said that... a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing... you dont know that they might see a line on their screen and their way of fixing it is to open up their monitor to change the bulb.

You gotta keep a few secrets I suppose. smoke and mirrors eh? Otherwise they can eventually solve everything by themselves, they become just as smart as you, and you lose your job. Oh noes!

FrostyZaiMok 1st August 2005 19:55

People who hire staff who can't speak english, for customer service related jobs.

Because they made their business such a shit hole no english speaking person wants to work there.

Congratulations, I hope you die.

Juju 1st August 2005 20:00

Alright, snapped.

To be honest the above dictation was nothing like the actual word for word conversation went, I just wrote it like that for SPEFFAL EFFEX.

I even explained to her what in the toner would be causing the streaking, but even after that she was still hesitant to change it.

It annoyed me cause changing the toner would cost nothing, and fix the problem straight away. If it wasn't the toner THEN I would have been more than happy to get a tech in, but she couldn't be assed.

Jonas Undrawing 1st August 2005 20:03

what a stupid bitch! she grinds my gears!

Enchantress 1st August 2005 20:39

What grinds your gears?

Originally posted by Noodles

I'm with fobski, the "can you fix my pc" ppl piss me off the most

You both need one of these

And as to what grinds my gears?

Annoying shitty class members at uni who you get paired up with to train each other, yet they wont do anything. Makes you wonder why they study exercise science. I ended up with this total fat lazy idiot

Me - So, iv organised a weight training session for today

Stoopid fat bitch - I don’t have any shoes. I cant go into the gym.

Me - Well we will do some swiss ball then

Stoopid fat bitch - My back hurts, i wont do it

me - Well have you organised anything for me to do

Stoopid fat bitch - No, ill have something next week.

Next 15 weeks - Same thing every time

Exercise testing

Me - i need you to do a beep test

Her - i did one yesterday

Me - ok, ill see if you did or not

Me to lecturer who is in the same netball team

Did you do beep tests last night?

Her - no

........ pwned, thou she still didn’t do one, complained of a sore ankle

I complained to the lecturer and said that everything she would say in her assignment would be a lie because she hasn’t done anything

she failed - i managed to scrape through with 50.6% due to not being able to write about anything in my assignment. I did write about how much of a lazy idiot she was thou.

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