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Adunaphel 9th May 2002 01:25

n00bs (Newbies) Please read here FIRST
Below you will find websites posted by regulars / not so regulars

If your lookin for files etc, or just info... im sure you will find it in here

Also, feel free to add a site you think will benefit TF in general

Jin_etiK 9th May 2002 08:47

Mine - Files/Script Site (out of date)
bliP - Files, Maps, Demos, Clients (u name it...)
Jonan - Maps, Files etc.
TF Done Easy - Files etc. (Very handy)

Jonan 9th May 2002 09:05

some more...
Team Mercenary Clan
Creators of Mayhem
Digital Jedis
More Maps
Even More Maps
Yes, even more maps
Bladez Site

Vanquish 9th May 2002 10:32

the basic teamfortress client

the basically quakeworld client

H3llSt0rM 9th May 2002 11:40

very outdated now

H3llSt0rM 9th May 2002 18:31

g ø f u r b ø y 10th May 2002 11:27



MadMax 14th May 2002 08:48

posted this before on here... has a bunch of old clans pages, err damn most are 404's, some still exist. has a good collection of icq contacts

H3llSt0rM 21st May 2002 17:46

has some stats for a few old school games.

W0Lv3R1nE 25th May 2002 00:06

how do u keep your fov at a certain number with out changing back to 90 once you die?
please help :(

Is there any command for Zquake so i dont have to keep changing fps settings to fast mode>?

Azmodan 25th May 2002 13:32

default_fov 69

W0Lv3R1nE 25th May 2002 17:02

ta :)

OR10N 30th May 2002 00:48

Well I decided to resurrect and update my mapping site for you rowdy lot :)

Check it at

Find out all you never wanted to know about my maps! :p

Madman 9th June 2002 16:33

Re: Question...

Originally posted by W0Lv3R1nE
how do u keep your fov at a certain number with out changing back to 90 once you die?
please help :(

Is there any command for Zquake so i dont have to keep changing fps settings to fast mode>?

just as a note for thise using mqwcl/qwcl etc.


bind space "+jump;fov xxx"
change the space to your key you hit to jump (eg. to respawn once you die)note that the command has to be before the fov change, otherwise if it's the fov change, but it's already at the fov level you want it to goto, the bind stops, and doesn't continue past that point (eg. the jump won't work)

bliP 30th June 2002 13:06

W0Lv3R1nE 11th July 2002 14:53

4vs4 Comp
ta ]{evin

Jin_etiK 28th July 2002 15:48

New one of mine & HellStorms.

Azmodan 9th August 2002 09:29

You cant reap a day!

kocka 9th September 2002 03:03
ITS ALL GOOD...iam there *<=D

W0Lv3R1nE 16th October 2002 17:28

ese :P

Jonan 22nd October 2002 10:05

Rebel's map list

Jonan 22nd October 2002 10:05

Scorched Earth's map list

bliP 9th November 2002 01:25

Shoyu 18th November 2002 18:32

]{evin 25th November 2002 23:27

gw guys, Thanks for keeping us uptoo! date with the map's and how the servers work Great sites too!

Jonan 27th April 2003 16:19

Newbie Team Fortress Series

Jonan 22nd September 2003 14:02

Map guides, mostly for non-standard TF maps by searching this forum for "guide" and user "Jonan"

(Because you can't link them :()

Jonan 28th November 2003 21:24

some map guides

Jonan 14th June 2004 18:41

Jonan 24th August 2004 16:37

Bit more stuff at the above link now. :)

Jonan 8th November 2004 15:10

Jonan 15th January 2005 22:00

Blam 23rd February 2005 22:32


Originally posted by Jonan
Nice post at that site..

(Posted by Rae =AR= on June 03, 1999 on the Ironglove message board.)

Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 1999:

Play TF.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, getting an OC-3 fiber optic connect to your gaming rig would be it. The long-term benefits of fiber optic speed have been proved by LPBs everywhere, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own lag filled experience.

I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and speed of your computer. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and speed of your computer until you've tried to play Quake on a 486-50.
But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at screenshots of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how much you really Pwned. You are not as bad as Phat Dragon.

Don't worry about the future.

Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to grenade jump from the basement of 2fort5 with 20% health. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the 50% packetloss that blindside you at 9 p.m. on some IGL Thursday.

Do one thing every day that scares your clanmates.


Don't mind the flames from other clan. Don't put up with clans that do.

Play all D.

Don't waste your time on ping envy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The match is long and, in the end, it's the team with the most flags AND frags that wins.

Forget all the times you threw the pin and not the grenade.

Remember the good air frags. If you have too many air frags to remember, tell me how.

Keep your old demos. Throw away your old Voodoo1 .

Respawn camp.

Don't feel guilty if you end up in the enemy's spawn room and spam to keep alive. The good TFers are able to camp my spawn room, hours at a time. Some of the best TFers I know still haven't left.

Get plenty of armor. Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're shot off.

Maybe you're l33t, maybe you aren't. Maybe you'll win Dragon Warz, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40 because your wife thinks you play too many video games, maybe you'll both be playing Everquest on your 75th wedding anniversary.

Whatever you do, don't take losing too seriously, or winning either. Your defense was probably be half assed. So was your offense.

Enjoy your rocket launcher. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid to rocket jump with it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest weapon you'll ever own.

Learn to snipe. Even if you have to shoot your own clanmates playing TP11.

Avoid a Kaizen sniper , even if you have to swim the whole match.

Do not read the Top Ten Clans list. It will only make your clan feel like shit.
Get to know your Engineer. You never know when your dispenser will be gone for good. Be nice to your Pip er. They're your last line of defense and the people most likely kill the flag runners.

Understand that clans come and go, but only a respectable few live on in memory.

Work hard to bridge the gaps between TF and TFC, because the older it gets, the more you'll miss the people who fragged with you when you were young.

Play in Iron Glove once, but leave before it makes you hard. Play CanalZone Golf once, but leave before it makes you soft.


Accept certain inalienable truths: Pings will drop. Clans will cheat. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, pings sucked, Clans were noble and respected their leaders. Respect your leaders.

Don't expect anyone heal you. Maybe you have a good Medic. Maybe you'll have a kick ass scout. But you never know when either one might run out and conc you off the bridge.

Don't mess too much with your binds or by the time you're done you will overflow everytime you connect to a server.

Be suspicious about the rectangular box in the middle of the ramproom, but be patient with those who disarm it.

Discarding packs are a form of territorial pissing. Picking up packs off a dead guy is a way of fishing ammo from the disposal, wiping off the blood, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the OC-3 fiber optic connect.

Rae =AR=

Anthony.S 23rd February 2005 23:26

Nice post Blam.

silva^ 24th February 2005 15:10


Originally posted by Blam

Don't waste your time on ping envy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The match is long and, in the end, it's the team with the most flags AND frags that wins.

I never recall being ahead in the ping area :) Started out on the 486 dx2 80 , s3 virge, but my ping was always 999 .... I cant believe these whinging fucks who complain of a 100 ping now.

Uncle Fes 17th March 2005 23:52

Qwery,Query ?
Does anyone remember that proggy? Like Fizz and gamespy,sure it was spelt Qwery....Cann from Oz told me about it. Done a search but nuffin :/

Jonan 22nd May 2005 21:55

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