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Gerbs 1st March 2004 23:50

Post yer REAL pics of YOU, 2004 edition
Right, time for another one of these threads.
Rules are as follows.
Pics MUST be of YOU, no-one else, photoshopping is not allowed - we'll make another thread for that.
Pic doesn't HAVE to be from 2004, but you still gotta look pretty similar.

You can get free webspace on various ISP's, just talk to your freindly helpdesk staff if you have a problem.

More rules MAY be added, but probably won't be if you behave.

So... heres me.
Don't be scared.

Yes, I know its a bad photo... like I said, no photoshop.
Oh, and BathTub..... resist. Please. I BEG you!

Update Ab: posts which don't contain personal pics run a very high risk of being deleted. Like, close to 100%. As do posts which contain old pics which we've all seen a million times before. This is the 2004 edition. Post recent pics, or don't post at all.

Claymore 1st March 2004 23:53

You are a secksie bitch Gerbs, but you pale in comparison.

xor 1st March 2004 23:53


catharsis 2nd March 2004 00:08

Cookie 2nd March 2004 00:11

Here's one of Bahamut and I this Xmas, with stupid stuff on our heads.

And my 'classic' pic...

stain0r 2nd March 2004 00:31

Heh.... Gerbs how can you not look kinda scary!

ohh well heres me pimpin my Mission shirt

PS bring back the juju ps thread :)

Matt0r 2nd March 2004 01:21

i want this photo on my license..

love your style there too btw xor

[TS]Sephiroth 2nd March 2004 01:37

Note: I now have less facial hair, and much less hair on my head.




Thomas 2nd March 2004 01:49

Me sitting in an ancient jacuzzi in a decaying abandoned bathhouse in Manchester. January 04 :)

Uncle Gus 2nd March 2004 02:54

I thought you said this was the 2004 edition, Gerbs? Haven't you been posting that same pic for the last three years?

I don't have anything recent, the Gusbacca(tm) pic is probably the most recent.

Anthony.S 2nd March 2004 03:33

Only pic I have atm.

Receding hairlines are in this year *cough.

Simon 2nd March 2004 03:48

Caught unawares at the computer desk:

Spoon1 2nd March 2004 03:56

As previously posted...

Jin 2nd March 2004 03:57

Si owned my previous post so, without further adue, me.

?>Superman 2nd March 2004 04:03


Originally posted by Simon
Caught unawares at the computer desk:

nice pose ghettoboy :)

simcore_ 2nd March 2004 05:00

I'm the odd one out
Yeh, the one with the bright shirt... :P

Pic taken on Chinese New Years

simcore_ 2nd March 2004 07:44


Do I fit in now ?

Whiplash 2nd March 2004 08:05

DRa1N 2nd March 2004 08:45


FULLCYCLE 2nd March 2004 09:39

taken @ staglands, waitangi day this year, keepin it trill

curses 2nd March 2004 10:04

ummm, some other guy...

DevilWTKC 2nd March 2004 10:16

Whiplash: Left
Me: Right.


StN 2nd March 2004 10:34

Bah - webcam has gone bung, so here is one that Hoox snapped when I was engrossed in looking at the interweb:

And for good measure, here is a munted one of him (Well, he is a bit older now, as you can see in his Scrubs pics)

chiQ 2nd March 2004 10:58

DevilWTKC 2nd March 2004 11:19


Originally posted by chiQ

/me makes wolf-whistle noise ;)

PelemaN 2nd March 2004 11:22

I can't resist this.

Chiq has been taking notes?

nostrom0 2nd March 2004 11:27

Me with some random girls....

StN 2nd March 2004 11:30


Originally posted by PelemaN
I can't resist this.

Chiq has been taking notes?

More like:

BassDemon 2nd March 2004 11:56

tittybiscuits 2nd March 2004 12:02


Originally posted by chiQ

hahaha, she looks like my Russian landlady. 'You pay rent? Yes, you pay rent? You made a little fishy pond, oh how cutey'.

Moon Spirit 2nd March 2004 12:07

Deth 2nd March 2004 12:38


Wolf-age 2nd March 2004 12:42

Here's me, picture is two years old now. Sorry about size. :p

samael 2nd March 2004 13:40

lazyness demands that i do not rotate, nor crop this pic :

hence the reason i provide a link. Its me, feeling pretty damn good.... >8)

Ishtar 2nd March 2004 14:03

Here is a photo of Cevin fucking my face on the weekend...

The cheeky bastard didn't even ask if he could pop his load...

Macca@Work 2nd March 2004 14:16

Ye Olde Lan Pic...(I now have even less hair..)

Slothking 2nd March 2004 14:30


Originally posted by Wolf-age
The guy in the middle is Statik-.


Pimpfish 2nd March 2004 15:14

cropcropcrop ;>

BoyWonder 2nd March 2004 15:30


SepulchraL 2nd March 2004 15:49

teh sepinator... taken especially for nzgames

twas a bright day, inside... by myself :(

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