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Lightspeed 24th September 2014 20:00

The Green Party
With Labour struggling to re-establish itself while Aunty Helen runs with the UN, it seems like the time is right for the Greens to step up.

The Internet Party left plenty of good stuff they can pick up on without the burden of DC. And I think what they said today about National taking aim at some sweeter targets like environmental restrictions was right; easy pickings for Green. We might start seeing some early fallout from National social policy too that's a bit harder to ignore.

So lets hope they get on to it leading up to 2017.

blynk 26th September 2014 10:15

Its interesting. While Labour is in disarray and working out where to go, it would be a great time for the Greens to become visible and get there name out there as a viable party and just keep working hard. The issue though would be in 3 years, people may just forget about that and would just go to Labour.

As mentioned in the other thread, I think Greens a viable for the 2nd major party, and I think that there is going to be a bigger trend over the next 5-10 years that will see the world heading more towards their key policies (environment & people).

And Im sure that for every "looney" policy that someone things they have announced, there will be a "looney" policy that national has announced or implemented.

CCS 26th September 2014 10:42


Originally Posted by blynk
The issue though would be in 3 years, people may just forget about that and would just go to Labour.

Labour may not even have its shit together in 3 years. If the Greens are smart (which they're not) then they'll make hay while the sun shines.


And Im sure that for every "looney" policy that someone things they have announced, there will be a "looney" policy that national has announced or implemented.
Apparently those loony National policies are ones that the majority of voters are happy to live with.

Certainly National hasn't proposed anything as asinine as shower heads that restrict water flow or lightbulbs that restrict energy use.

Lightspeed 26th September 2014 10:48


Originally Posted by CCS
Labour may not even have its shit together in 3 years. If the Greens are smart (which they're not) then they'll make hay while the sun shines.

Pretty much.

fixed_truth 26th September 2014 16:26


Originally Posted by blynk
I think that there is going to be a bigger trend over the next 5-10 years that will see the world heading more towards their key policies (environment & people).

It will be a mix of people heading towards the Greens; and the Nats and Labour becoming more Green as people demand it.

pxpx 26th September 2014 16:52

So, how do you guys explain the greens losing support this election?

Agree with FT's last point too.

Lightspeed 26th September 2014 17:05

Complex reasons no doubt. It was a minor drop, but one really where gains were expected or at least hoped for.

I suppose I can stick with my bias and suggest that it's hard to get across a message of power for people, when those who prefer power over people are in power.

leadinjector 26th September 2014 17:32

imo greens are never gonna be a "big" player. they are always going to be a sidebar, and theres nothing wrong with that. that is their role.

really the left are fucking this whole thing up for themselves. they need the greens to be what the young, hip, and with it people vote for- environment, gay/transgender/pan quaffle rights, reforming drug policies, all that shit.

labour needs to be the big balls of the group. they need a big fat loud bastard whos sole focus and drive are the rights of the working class. someone who worked in a meatpackers for 20 years and is a union buddy buddy. they need someone who is gonna stomp holes on motherfuckers, and motivate the masses to vote to save their jerbs. now you have the greens for all the save the world youth hipsters, and labour for all the blue collar workers who dont give a fuck about gay rights and want to add a shed to their backyard but cant because of people taking their jerbs and shit. right now they have some dude who always wears a scarf who went to harvard and apologises for being a man. that shit is not going to fly, and he needs to go.

were they to do this, and have a good campaign machine behind it, they could win. right now, to most people, national are better in every way.

pxpx 26th September 2014 18:39


Originally Posted by leadinjector
really the left are fucking this whole thing up for themselves.


Originally Posted by Lightspeed
it's hard to get across a message of power for people, when those who prefer power over people are in power.


Originally Posted by Lightspeed
those who can make money from money can expect to make more money and those expected to work for money cannot.

When the messages from the left are basically voiced like this, I really don't know why National are doing so well.

Lightspeed 26th September 2014 18:46

What do you mean? What does the right do differently? (I usually expect a facepalm when I ask this question, but I have to try.)

pxpx 26th September 2014 19:28

Ok I'll explain. When you try to make your points like I have quoted, what most people actually hear is:

Originally Posted by Lightspeed

Lightspeed 26th September 2014 19:34

Ah, so you're dismissive of what we have to say, but don't feel like you need to offer any rationale for that. Gotcha.

pxpx 26th September 2014 19:35

Sorry I couldn't resist.

I understand the point you're making with the two things I quoted, I really do. Income inequality etc, it sucks. Those two quotes though, they're so preachy and annoying, guess who else was preachy and annoying? I'll give you a tip: He's about to not be the leader of the Labour Party.

Aside from working on where on the spectrum they sit, Labour really really need to figure out what NZ wants from them, and how NZ wants to hear from them.

Lightspeed 26th September 2014 19:42

What's the subject of this thread? I mean, you can post what you like, I just don't get where you're coming from.

Ab 26th September 2014 22:04

The Greens are the party you tell people you're voting for "this year" but... don't.

Lightspeed 26th September 2014 22:33

Haha, that could be it.

chubby 26th September 2014 23:28


labour needs to be the big balls of the group. they need a big fat loud bastard whos sole focus and drive are the rights of the working class. someone who worked in a meatpackers for 20 years and is a union buddy buddy. they need someone who is gonna stomp holes on motherfuckers, and motivate the masses to vote to save their jerbs. now you have the greens for all the save the world youth hipsters, and labour for all the blue collar workers who dont give a fuck about gay rights and want to add a shed to their backyard but cant because of people taking their jerbs and shit. right now they have some dude who always wears a scarf who went to harvard and apologises for being a man. that shit is not going to fly, and he needs to go.
sounds like a fair call..but there is a potential labour leader who fits that particular bill,and i can hear the anti-socialist squawking from our most visible 'journalists' now if he was even considered as a leader-and im sorry,but the sheeple of godzone dont have the knowledge of recent history to realize that he is on their side.
'times have changed' i was told by a gay maori that i know who voted national-'no thanks to your chosen representatives' i said to that dumb fuck.
people get the representation they deserve....said the pissed off lefty.

Ab 3rd October 2014 14:18

Russell Norman regarding the Internana, today:


"We had enough trouble with John Key standing up every day telling all his nonsense about us and on the other had we had to deal with these crazies. Having them on the radio and tv all the time talking their nonsense, it was like ‘Oh god'".

pxpx 3rd October 2014 15:13

The Heralds Editorial today:

Farmer Joe 30th October 2014 13:23


Green MP Steffan Browning signed this petition calling for the WHO to “quickly” fight ebola with homeopathy. Argghh.


Ab 30th October 2014 13:25


Lightspeed 4th November 2014 17:39

Not quite that broad it seems:
Greens' Ebola MP Steffan Browning stripped of portfolio

Ab 4th November 2014 17:50

Had to be done.

crocos 5th November 2014 19:09


They have a Natural Health Products portfolio?

Actually sounds like he was well suited to it.

Originally Posted by Metiria Turei, the fucking co leader of these numbskulls
Individuals can make choices about their own health treatments, but it is critical public health decisions are evidence based and that consumers have appropriate evidence based information about alternative health products.

If they worked they wouldn't be "alternate".

Rince 6th November 2014 22:40


Originally Posted by crocos
If they worked they wouldn't be "alternate".

Ha, borrowing from Ab's rant on Facebook. (This is not a bad thing)

Ab 8th December 2014 19:11


CCS 8th December 2014 19:41


Although a few beach visitors gave her some odd looks, she was not as silly as she looked, she said.

"I put a plastic bag in the hole so I didn't get sand in my ears."
If she had her way, she wouldn't have a plastic bag to be able to do that with.

pxpx 30th January 2015 12:37

Wussell is goooone

CCS 30th January 2015 13:44


I wonder if he ever did get his flag back.

crocos 30th January 2015 14:39


Originally Posted by pxpx
Wussell is goooone

Door, Arse, Way out, etc.

Probably still won't shut up about quantative easing though.

Ab 11th February 2015 13:57

Green MP Steffan "fight ebola with homoeopathy" Browning invites you all to this reception at Parliament:

Our tax dollars at work.

creamcheese 11th February 2015 16:57

Will there be light refreshments?

Ab 11th February 2015 17:19

I'm sure they'll be paleo non-GM homoeopathic refreshments. Also, magnets.

Savage 11th February 2015 18:32


Originally Posted by Ab
I'm sure they'll be paleo non-GM homoeopathic refreshments. Also, magnets.

But will they be gluten-free??

CCS 11th February 2015 18:38

I want Steffan Browning to be the new co-leader.

Lightspeed 11th February 2015 18:49


Originally Posted by Ab
Our tax dollars at work.

Fools, listening to scientists. Don't they know academics are just like lawyers?

CCS 11th February 2015 19:22


Originally Posted by Lightspeed
Fools, listening to scientists. Don't they know academics are just like lawyers?

Except that Gilles Eric Séralini is a shitarse scientist.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand rejects findings of Seralini paper
"On the basis of the many scientific deficiencies identified in the study, FSANZ does not accept the conclusions made by the authors and has therefore found no justification to reconsider the safety of NK603 corn, originally approved in 2002.
The European Food Safety Authority, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment and Health Canada have now completed their reviews of the Séralini paper and rejected its conclusions."

Séralini Threatens Lawsuit In Wake Of Retraction Of Infamous GMO Cancer Rat Study

Journal withdraws controversial French Monsanto GM study

Journal set to retract Seralini GM rat cancer study

Séralini affair

Smelling a rat

"Within weeks of its appearance in the peer-reviewed journal, more than 700 scientists had signed an online petition calling on Seralini to release all the data from his research."

CCS 11th February 2015 19:25

Don Huber is pretty shitarse as well, tbh.

Lightspeed 11th February 2015 19:26

Scientific veracity? How quaint. Academics are like lawyers, you find the one that supports the point of view you want to promote. Right?

CCS 11th February 2015 19:30

Did you just do a 180?

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