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MadLep 10th June 2005 15:06

List Ya Skills v2.0.0b
The original List Ya Skills thread was a great idea. It's been 2 years since then, so lets do it again with all the bleeding edge skills everyone has been jamming on their CV since then :)

From original:

Anyhow, the point of this thread is for ya'all to list your skills if you want to offer free help and advice. (wanted paid work is kinda like advertising so that can be dealt with person to person I guess).

Anyhow, if you want to list some of your skills, qualified or not, then list some here. Anyone wanting help can control+f for the skill needed and then contact each person.
Things are usually pretty well behaved in this forum, but try to keep the posts on topic anyway _b

MadLep 10th June 2005 15:12

I'll kick it off:

Coding related
-Java (Swing, J2EE, EJB, JSP, JMS, JDBC, whatever)
-Some C/C++

-Oracle SQL PL/SQL
-Lotus Notes (although I took that off my CV cause I loathe it so much :mad: )

Web stuff
-HTML, XML, XSLT, XSD, Web Services (SOAP, JAX-RPC, Axis)

-Keeping servers ticking (JBoss, Oracle, Lotus Domino, Windoze)
-OO design & architecture
-Software team lead guff
-Keeping clients happy and stopping them from suing company _b

Madman 10th June 2005 19:20

Some C/C++

Most SQL-compliant databases

HTML, XML, XSLT, XSD, Web Services (SOAP, JAX-RPC, Axis), CSS etc. (just copied your line Madlep =P)

Always dabbling in new things
Worked on code-heavy projects - eg. creating zip files without using ziplib in PHP and writing code to create ISO files capable of being played in dvd players with PHP.

Can't think of anything much else.

Foggerty 11th June 2005 04:13

Delphi - still :D
Windows API *cries*
Have started learning LISP cos I heard it makes you "cool and stuff". Still waiting for the cool. Still waiting for the stuff, come to think of it.
OO Design

Generic SQL (sod all actually, but I've played with Oracle, Sybase and MS-SQL. I think there's a Terra Data server lying around at work as well. p.s. Sybase is SATAN to install and set up.)
MetaSQL - work's proprietary SQL abstraction :D

Web / Intraweb
ASP.NET (Quite liked it actually)
ISAPI - recently (mostly) finished writing a ISAPI module for displaying maps and related data from our main product (visualization software).
Usual HTML guff.
Some JavaScript - I personally hate it and try to avoid writing anything in it if posible.

Generic computer "stuff"
Used to do desktop enginerring, never want to fuck about with hardware ever again if possible.
Getting reasonably good at Linux, but as a desktop user, not a server.

Hemebond 11th June 2005 09:26

In order of confidence:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ECMA Script/Javascript
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • XSLT
  • C/C++
Plus other little things.

samael 11th June 2005 14:15

Languagey type stuff:

Java (swing, j2ee)
Scheme (sisc)

Admin type stuff:

All manner of servlet containers and web servers (well just tomcat, jetty, apache, websphere, IIS)
sendmail :(
General linux and winblows admin stuff

Other stuff I do at work:

General hardware fixin'
Reading slashdot

EDIT: Forgot about databases

I have used postgres, db2, oracle, mysql, and am fairly fluent with the dialects of SQL they use.

TD 11th June 2005 15:49

- C#
- Javascript
- Oracle SQL PL/SQL
- SQL Server
- Python

And obviously stuff like relational and OO design and minor skills that just about everyone ends up picking up: XML, VB script, Access, Excel etc.

My main strengths are the interesting combination of C#, Oracle and HTML/CSS/Javascript.

benn 13th June 2005 18:56



Menace 13th June 2005 21:27

  • Flash / ActionScript 2
  • PHP
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • XHTML/CSS etc
  • MySQL
  • Photoshop, AfterEffects etc

yem 22nd November 2005 12:58

8ish years of Perl, Java, C. Google. :)

Jodi 22nd November 2005 17:51

Embedded C/C/C++/C#
I Love WinDBG
Perl,Python, Nullsoft Installer
PostgreSQL, MySQL

I'm not a web coder, so my web coding skills are, meh. Wouldn't mind getting my dirty mitts on some windows driver development. I so hate window forms programming.

Why can't C#'s XML be as easy as tinyxml?

Marshall 2nd December 2005 09:39

ASP.NET / C# (best thing to come from Redmond in years, I love the .NET framework)
ASP, HTML, CSS, Javascript etc.
Windows servers.

Haven't played with linux much in the past year except for the server running under the house

Furry Crew 2nd December 2005 14:43

Tiny bit of pascal


DrTiTus 2nd December 2005 16:24


Originally Posted by Furry Crew
Tiny bit of pascal


Thats pretty good - if you're 7 :P

MadLep 2nd December 2005 16:36


Originally Posted by Furry Crew
Tiny bit of pascal


You forgot: making computers work by yelling at them really loud :p

MoP 3rd December 2005 12:56

Java (Swing, J2EE, EJB, JSP, JMS, JDBC, Quartz, Hibernate)
(omg Hibernate rules compared to Entity EJB)
PHP (v4, v5, Smarty, ADODb)
Bit of C/C++
Learning Ruby/Rails
Tiny bit of .NET

Access (ungh)

(X)HTML, CSS, Javascript ,XML, Web Services (SOAP, JAX-RPC, Axis)
Bit o graphic design

JBoss/Tomcat, JOnAS/Tomcat
Linux admin (apache, qmail, exim, bind, iptables blah blah)
Windows admin (IIS, Exchange, AD, blah blah)
OO design & architecture, UML, etc
Producing pretty spec & design documents

TnT 8th February 2006 00:15

Coding related
-Visual Basic
-Open Insight

-SQL Server

Web stuff

-Windows 2K and up server stuff, (General Admin, security, user management, the usual shit no one else wants to touch)
-Microsoft Exchange 2k and 2k3
-Biztalk server
-Basic Network stuff
-OO design & architecture
-Software team lead stuff, ie. protecting developers from dickhead managment and even bigger dickhead clients.
-Financial software, god how I hate thee, especially as I know thee so well.
-Integration with legacy apps.

Farmer Joe 3rd April 2006 22:28

  • PHP
  • Javascript (ajax etc)
  • Little bit of rails
  • XHTML/CSS etc
  • MySQL
  • Photoshop
  • Linux web admin stuff (apache, mysql config etc.)

Synergist@ 4th April 2006 15:54

Photoshop for Web
XHTML Strict / HTML 4

see: for a portfolio!

Happy to help out with any questions though, specially if your either designing websites in photoshop or trying to edit other peoples websites.

Mayhem_mad 7th May 2007 03:46

Languages Etc.

XHTML, XML, etc.
CSS, CSS layout etc.
C/C++ 4 years of uni, many personal projects etc.
a bit of ISAPI (oh god)
Java 3 years of Uni, some personal projects
PHP 1 year ish for job
C# 1 year for job (ASP.NET)
Prolog, Haskell, Lisp, GPSS + other academic languages here (programming language papers)
REALBasic, VBA work and during school
GWBasic, QBasic - back in the day
MySQL, MSSQL, generic SQL

Excellent knowledge of programming from the ground up (CPU -> Buses -> Assembly -> Compilers -> Linking, Libraries -> Runtime Systems -> OO Design -> Dynamic Languages Runtime -> Polymorphism + other language constructs)

Programs Etc.

Photoshop ~8/9 years (since photoshop 4)
Excel (quite a bit)
Most other programs

Knowledge / Experience

OO design & architecture
Software Engineering Practices
Great knowledge of Web (please don't say web 2.0)
Multiple dynamic module based systems
Designed and built many websites
Graphic design work
Computer tutoring
Technician Work (~1 year)

Btw I'm 22 which I hope is surprising because that's what I'm going for. My 5th year of Uni (nearly finished) and working full-time.

silva^ 13th May 2007 19:20

Do you fix kitchen sinks as well ?

Mayhem_mad 14th May 2007 14:48


Originally Posted by silva^
Do you fix kitchen sinks as well ?

Indeed I do. I use wrench++ and #knife. Most of the time I use a threading subsystem to join parts of the system together. I use the plunger debugger at times and I'm fairly good at not causing content floods.

duckmannz 14th May 2007 20:24

How did you NOT mention overflows?

Mayhem_mad 14th May 2007 21:01

My bad.

In my defence it's been a while since I programmed C++ / C.

SpaceCowboy 23rd May 2007 13:57

some perl
just started using php and mysql, made a few personal websites that work fine and do general database stuff

looking to get some entry level commercial web development experience, particularly with php and mysql.

0ctopus8 5th July 2007 20:46

Ahhh. Compared to you guys I look really one sided. But here it is: only C++ :P lol

Watchmaker 10th December 2009 22:58

List Ya Skills v2 0 0b
Have you noticed that these forums have 49783 members account so far?
Im sure more then 3/4 of them are bot accounts and totally forgotten accounts, all with 0 posts.
It just asks for some real clean-up time. Just click Members List..omg.

crocos 11th December 2009 01:51

Now that's an interesting spambot strategy: Decry spambots.

Lightspeed 11th December 2009 10:43

Arguing on the Internet.

Adunaphel 13th January 2010 13:46

MadLep, your email appears to be dead. Looking for assistance with Ms Access 2007.

*Contacts a couple of others*

SID|DensitY 15th February 2010 10:03

Might as well list my skills. listing what I've used in the last 12 months.

- C/C++
- C# (goodbye MFC and Delphi!)
- php
- javascript (only if I can use jquery, else I run screaming *shudders*)

Common libraries
- Jquery
- .NET framework
- DirectX 9 (use D3dx for effects handling)

Web specific
- html
- css

- Mysql
- Microsoft SQL

Generic stuff
- Software development Process.
- Windows Servers 2000 and up.
- Exchange 2k3, WSUS, ISA.
- Excel (excel is fantastic for prototyping some algorithms), powerpoint, word.
- Above Avg/High PC hardware knowledge.
- SQL admin
- Avaya *shakes*
- Nintendo DS hardware

bladez 21st April 2011 17:19

If I had a wuffle

Originally Posted by Mayhem_mad
Btw I'm 22 which I hope is surprising because that's what I'm going for. My 5th year of Uni (nearly finished) and working full-time.

Nice, but its no wuffle.

bladez 21st April 2011 17:27

C, VB, Basic,
FTRW and Security

Im no programming GURU lik yu fullas But in my own defense I could ask to see your ID and still not let you in. :D

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