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Bringoutyerdead 24th September 1999 19:58

18 year old female drivers...
Ok so last night I'm at the Mobil station at on the corner of Barry's Point and Anzac in Takapuna. Filling up my car, and happy with the way the world is treating me.

To set the scene, Anzac is a dual carriageway that runs into Takapuna. I needed to make a right-hand turn onto Anzac to get home.

There is a set of traffic lights 50 yards away to the right (where I was to turn). I went to turn to the inside lane, near the kerb, because there was a queue of traffic in the outside lane (probably because that's one way to the Shore-City motorway.

So I get in my car, hit the driveway, stop to check traffic is clear (9pm Thursday in the 'burbs, no traffic), notice the queue in the outside lane and think "inside lane sweet". Go ahead with the turn, and the driver of the car at the end of the queue in the outside lane (whew), *reversed* into the front driver fender of my car as I was making the turn.

I pulled over onto the kerb to assess the damage and she followed suit. Before she'd even finished opening the door the insults were flying at me. I should've seen her reverse lights apparently.

While I'm at it I suppose I really should get those extra eyes for the back of my head, if only I'd had them I might have avoided being at fault *ahem*.

I asked her WTF she was doing reversing backwards along a dual carriageway and she had no answer. Only insults. I got her registration/name/number and decided to deal wtih it in the morning (today).

So this morning I go along to the Police station to make utterly *sure* that my turn was legal. Which it is, I have had 3 different officers confirm it, and I have combed Anzac for any 'no right turn' signs- there is none.

Accordingly, I leave a message on "Hayley's" phone, saying that I've been to the Police, and have had confirmation from both them and my insurance company (we both had 3rd party), that she was in the wrong.

Her father (lol, daddy's girl) rang back instead, and informed me that not only was he an insurance agent (lol), but he had sought the advice of her claims agent (she was with a different company apparently); and this man had advised them *I* was in the wrong.

At which time I pointed out that the opinion of the law is not in dispute, particularly from an anonymous insurance agent. No answer. Went through a chain of evens with Hayley's dear old dad to make SURE we were clear on what happened.

Yep, all clear. Only he sees it as my fault.

I visited both my insurance agent, and hers. Since we both have 3rd party, it was her company who would have to pay the costs of my repairs. I trotted down to NZI to suss it out.

Oops, the lady said- they haven't lodged a claim so we can't help you. So I wonder, why wouldn't they lodge a claim? A quick call to my insurance agent tells me that she has a $900 (count 'em) excess on claims.

No wonder they don't want to claim. They'd have to pay my repairs out of their own pocket.

I speak to the Police about it and they suggest the Small Claims Court. So I leave another message on Hayley's phone saying that if they haven't claimed by Monday then I will apply for a hearing at Small Claims.

An hour or so later I am the happy recipient of an extremely abusive call from Hayley's dad, pointing out that I was being far too serious (oh yeah, of course I should just say it's ok and pay the repair cost myself *cough*), and that he's been in the insurance trade for years and will "rip me to shreds you little fucker". He also said he hasn't made a claim because his daughter's company advised him *not to*.

Why on earth would they do that? Umm maybe because she'd have to pay up

Anyway, even though I did nothing wrong I have lost an entire day to dealing with assholes who do nothing but abuse me because they don't want to pay for their mistake.

Anyone who doesn't believe that 18 year old female drivers are the most agressive and careless on the road can blow me

Bringoutyerdead 24th September 1999 20:03


Anyone who believes 18/f's are NOT the most agreesive drivers on the road, THEY can blow me.


I also laid a complaint for phone abuse. I'll let you all know how things go, even if you ain't interested .

Bringoutyerdead 24th September 1999 20:04

Oh wait... I had it right the first time. @#@%, you know what I mean

Deff 24th September 1999 20:28

mMmMmmm 18yr olds...

APOCALYPSE 24th September 1999 22:30

BOYD...hope you take that pretentious prick and his slut hole of a daughter to the cleaners...assholes like that need a new asshole ripped for them as the one in their mouth always seems to be filled with shit

EB 24th September 1999 22:43

Something similar to that happened to my father at a Mall, the driver edged out into the road which you exit the Mall (Glenfield Mall if you are interested) a bit too far and after some honking decided to reverse back.

Well driving and logic must have not been his strong points as he just tapped our Mazada and the whole bumper got warped and right indicator popped out. Since the other driver had an older car suffered no damage as this new Jap import cars are made to break.

Now normally the person in the wrong is the person rear ended the front car, this is the story which this guy told since he was un-insured. Fortunately we had the forsight to get some names of witnesses and the guy quickly changed his story to what really happened.

It is a shame that people can be so hypocritical, believing that they are making good decisions but only good for themselves or loved ones. Expecting you to pay for your own repairs is outrageous, this father is not being a good role model.

Now when my sister gets into trouble we don't do pathetic things like abusive phone calls we get even... My sister was once kicked out of a flat all because she put a lock on her bedroom door, the guy sub-leasing flat didn't like it as he "needed access to her bedroom"... boy is that weird. Anyway to cut a long story short that apartment building was condemmened for human living and owners had to sell it... didn't I mention that my father is an engineer who can recognise illegally converted flats at a glance?

Jodi 24th September 1999 23:16

One word:


GoosE_ 25th September 1999 00:22

BOYD - if it were me, well, that fucker would be regretting already trying the shit on you wrote about - and all totally legal like too

toad 25th September 1999 00:25

Man i feel sorry for ya ...u shouldnt have to put up with that crap !
Theres only 1 good thing for people like that ....root em up the !@#$% .

Bringoutyerdead 25th September 1999 00:37

GoosE_: I'm listening

Seriously, I know I've got them in the nads... they have nothing on me and I've got everything on them.

There's only one problem, buraucracy. It could take the Small Claims Court months to hear my complaint; that's assuming that these people don't claim like any decent human being would.

I'm a student and can't afford that kinda repair job because of some toad and her father.

Oh well, just goes to show... no matter what happens, make *sure* you're insured, and make sure you have a warrant.

If this had happened on Monday, my warrant would be expired and I'd be the one in the wrong no matter what happened.

Undertaker 25th September 1999 00:46

No two ways about it. BOYD, you simply MUST see this matter through to the bitter (bitter for them that is) end. Put those arseholes right back into their place. I really can't stand it when dickheads like that try to pull that sort of crap.

And I'm quite sure that the law states, if there is a nose-to-tail crash, the rear car is at fault - UNLESS the front car is reversing (which it was), in which case THEY are at fault.

Give 'em hell man.

Bringoutyerdead 25th September 1999 00:47

EB, I agree. Glenfield Mall appears to be a hive of scum and villainy (thanks Uncle Ben!), nuisances just seem to ooze out of the cracks in the pavement there.

Oh, and not to mention that the mall is a dump I hear they're renovating it? Muahahaha

Sorry about all my ranting on here tonight... consider it my little vent. Stressful day, annoying people.

Glad you guys can see sense at least

Looks like we got "Utu" the NZ EverQuest guild established though so it wasn't all a waste. I sure hope they didn't change the name after I left, heh.

Undertaker 25th September 1999 00:48

Yeah, one more thing.. If the matter does go to court, make sure you sue for all your legal/related expenses. Heh, and while your at it, faking an injury might not be a bad idea >

dev 25th September 1999 01:04

Boyd - similar situation happened to me on Dominion Road a while back. Dev goes to turn right into Landscape Rd (indicator flashing and all the other stuff). Other car waiting on Landscape Rd to turn right onto Dominion Rd (at a stop sign). As I start turning and get halfway through my turn she decides to turn...end result..BANG !!!

Filed a claim with NZI and get the car fixed (we had full insurance), end of matter. 1 year later NZI ring us to have us pay the excess and most of the bill. Dev replies "Ride my GoAt loverboy !!!" As it turns out the insurance company couldn't track her down to extract the readies (she lied to me when we exchanged details). I tell the insurance company that they can go screw themselves and get their money back themselves as I pay the premiums not them !!!

6 months later dev and wifey sit in a small claims court waiting for the elusive car pranger to show, we swap small talk with the judge and pick our noses. She doesn't show. The judge says something like "Well she didn't show so NZI can screw the bitch for all she's worth !!!"

End of story.

Moral #1 - Insure yourself to the hilt
Moral #2 - Even your own insurance company will screw you, let alone the opposition's company
Moral #3 - Small Claims is definitely worth it, once that decision is made in your favour it gets mighty expensive and real messy to have it overturned
Moral #4 - NZI suck major ass, after that incident I told our agent to piss off and went with AMP for 1/4 the premiums and got a nice bonus of shares when they listed

Soleil-Raid 25th September 1999 01:06

BOYD: A story of my own, that didn't directly involve me as such, but is pretty interesting.

One Friday night, at around 11:30pm, I got pulled up at one of those random breath testing blocks. This was fine with me, since I'd spent the night playing Roller-hockey, but I'd forgotten to carry my liscence. This I'm 17 and look even younger, I think they had a fair enough reason for asking me to stay put while they check my story. I get out of the car and hand over keys, (so I can't try to bash my way out of there).I'm standing quietly by my car, enjoying the fresh air, the cops have decided that I'm pretty harmless and one guy is keeping an eye on me. (Case in point there people, I didn't give them no shit, and I got none in return) Anyway, a car pulls up, a cop strolls over, gives the electronic thingy test, then gets the driver, a chic (not telling names, but shes on her restricted) and starts giving the cop shit. She refuses to do the bag test, The cop (a dude who looks like he'd give Mike Tyson a run for his money btw) motions over another cop, who repeats the attempt to get her to take a bag test. She finally does, after some more shouting, the results are pretty negitive by the looks of things. This chic gets really abusive and starts throwing punches at these cops (!). Natrully, she gets hand-cuffed, bundled up, and chucked into the back of a cop car. The rest get out of the car, theres another chic and three guys. The guys stand by nice and quietly, give their names and all that jazz and follow the cops nice and quietly. They get taken away in seperate cars in the direction of their respective homes, the chic starts throwing abuse. This time the cops don't piss around, they just hand-cuff her and chuck her into the back of the car with her mate which roars off into town, no doubt to the cop-shop. Around this time, the cop whose been checking my liscene comes back and asks WTF I'm doing out at 11:30pm on a restricted. I say that I was a roller-hockey and got held up (true). He asks where I live. I say just up the hill, less than two minutes away and that I'm heading home now. He takes a look in the boot, gets me to open my gear bag (Suprise! A helmet and a pair of Rollar blades) and a stick in the car (doesn't fit in the boot).
Fair enough he says, if I'm caught driving out of an area between there and home I'm fucked. Here's your keys, off you go.

I bugger off home, having done nothing more wrong than being home a little later than curfew. The guys in the other car, who I talked to on Monday, got nothing more than a lecture from their parents after the cops dropped them off and pointed out what had happened. The chics who got agro, ended in the cells for the night, apparently got a big-ass fine and community work. Oh, and a criminal record.

I've talked to some cops (off-duty) and apparently chics (esp drunk ones cause way more problems than guys). <shrugs>

Hooker 25th September 1999 04:22

Well, when I drove Dad's car to tech one time...

I usually park in what my mates and I call 'The 60 minute park'...but the warden goes there every Tuesday or Thursday, which is sweet...anyway. The car was parked innocently, got back to the car after lectures and there was a little dent and paint marks on the car. I didn't notice it at all, what made me look was when I went to get some guys business card under the window wiper, turned out the guy was a courier and left a number on the opposite side. Cool

Hooker 25th September 1999 04:24

Oh yea, BOYD, make sure you win the battle

I HATE cheap cunts.

Tenkay 25th September 1999 04:45

The last run in i had with the police i was suspected of being someone they were after. Apparently some security guy fingered me. Í politely help them with their inquires, they apologize for the inconvenience and i'm happily on my way. Moral of the story, don't be foolish with the coppers they only tolerate that crap from kiddies.

Mabd 25th September 1999 09:36

Do it BOYD. No sense in taking that kind of crap, *then* paying for the repairs yourself. You aint in the wrong so make the bastards pay.


Bringoutyerdead 25th September 1999 11:52

I intend to Mabd

Thanks for all you guys have said, appreciate it

How about this gem? "Mike" (Hayley's dad) told me that he'd been to the Police as well (can you say 'bluff'?) and that this mystery officer had told him I was at fault.

Looks like we have the Police giving conflicting ztatements eh? Or some wanker who thinks he can try to scare me out of taking it all the way.

Oh, which btw isn't working I'm actually kinda enjoying this whole thing now. One of the cops I talked to even suggested she could be guilty of careless driving, as it was a major road and she didn't look at all before reversing (which is illegal anyway).


Anyway, I've got the olds' cars while they're in Europe so the ol' Prelude can stay parked for a couple weeks till the courts can get a good look at it.

It's obvious guys, all you gotta do is look where the damage is to my car (front driver door/fender) and to hers (rear bumper). A blind and mute man could easily articulate what happened simply by having a feel.

Heresy 25th September 1999 12:13

Keep at it BOYD, interested to know how it turns out

Hmm, the people who piss me off on the roads are the ones who're turning when you're going straight (therefore they have to give way to you) but they think "naaah he'll stop" and turn in front of you when you're so f`ing close to them that you have to jam on the brakes and blast them with the horn and stuff. Grrr.

TnT 25th September 1999 13:40

Bottom line is this, if you are reversing and there is an accident it's your fault, regardless.

I had some cock hook a u turn in front of me one day and strode up to the local police station to report the accident and there was a guy in front of me in the line, who had reversed out of a car park and the road he was reversing onto was a one way street, the guy he hit was coming the wrong way up the one way street, and the cop said, "sorry doesn't matter if he was coming the wrong way, you are reversing, you are responsible for ensuring you don't hit anyone".

From what you've said BOYD you've got no problems at all. Small Claims court is good, the adjudicators are very fair, logical and reasonable people, (I've just been through a battle with an ex-landlord through the Tenancy Tribunal which is similar), logic and the law are on your side, but it sucks to even have to need to go through this sort of shit.

Erazhure 25th September 1999 18:01

was she nice?

you have her fone number even.. your in

go hard, get them Fuckers!

NT_VlaD 25th September 1999 18:21

Ummm I think the most important question here is being overlooked, did she have nice perky hooters ??

Boofhead 26th September 1999 01:40

man... the Dad sounds like a real "winner"...
maybe we should start a "help-BOYD-screw-over-the-weiners-fund" or something... after all, he's only a student...

p-b 26th September 1999 02:02

Yeah boyd was she a looker?

You probably would have got more fullfilment, sooner, if you had of just given her a quick one over the hood.

OLL 26th September 1999 02:14

BOYD let us know how it goes, so we can dance on the graves of stupid 18yo bimbos and their redneck fathers

Spink 26th September 1999 03:04

Did her dads name happen to be "Jethro" or "Cletus" ?? and her parents have the same maiden name (Not sure what this means but im getting at surname from birth)

Bringoutyerdead 26th September 1999 11:08

The father's name is "Mike", guys. Mike, the Insurance Agent. heh I wonder if it's the same guy I've seen off those Hot Gossip ads (I only watch the ads damnit!).

"HI! I'm Mike..." I'm sure you fine gentlemen know what I'm talking about.

As for the daughter, don't think I didn't consider what you guys are saying. Only thing is, those considerations flew out the window when she got out of the car. Yes, she was a skank. Sorry

Sorry to disappoint

I'll be calling NZI tomorrow to see if they've made their claim or not. If not, I'll go straight down to the courts to apply for a hearing.

No fund necessary either guys er, what am I saying? heh... maybe we could have an after-the-final-victory celebration, yesssss...

Mabd 26th September 1999 11:37

You could have a porty tape/cd player with Dennis Leary's "Your an Asshole" in it ready to go for the jive down jungle boogie victory dance you will give the shit-stains when they slime their inbreed way out of court all embarrased and shit.

And we'll be all like:

Go BOYD, Go BOYD, Get Busy, Go BOYD.

and stuff.

umm yeah.


Nemises 26th September 1999 12:37

One thing it says in insurance Manuals (yes I've actually read my one (after having an accident ) is NEVER admit guilt to an accident, and doing so may void your insurance, even if you think you are at guilt... sounds like this "insurance brooker" was taking it a bit far tho eh.

Shooman 26th September 1999 13:52

Umm..that song is "I'M an asshole" (eeeoooeeooo-eee-ooo) wouldn't be a good idea to be playing that...

Bringoutyerdead 26th September 1999 15:42

Well I know he's bluffing Can't really blame him for not admitting guilt, but hey- he wasn't even there.

I haven't heard a peep out of her (the only one who was there) since it happened. If her father thinks he's gonna appear for her in court he is mistaken.

mr selfdestruct 26th September 1999 16:06

Fuckin bitch man.

I'm sure hundreds of us know exactly how you feel. It sucks to be abused when you're in the right, even the satisfaction you get from being right, it still hurts to be abused like that.

Fuckin bitch. You did well not to fuckin kick the dumb bitches head in. I think I would have slapped her around a bit.

Good luck bro and I hope her Dad cops it for threatening you on the phone.

A supposed upstanding citizen these insurance agents. What a wanker.



ZoSo 26th September 1999 16:21

Hey nice going BOYD, and good luck to you. It sounds like you've got things fully in control. (unlike the pathetic post above) Hope it works out.

Kadabra 26th September 1999 17:27

fuck I assed some chinese guys car in welly he got a little dent in his bumper and I got about $11,500 damage to my car .. fuck I was pissed .. I got in shit cos only on restricted at the time as well .. but my exess was pretty low so I wasnt that fussed on the cash side of things ...

Mabd 26th September 1999 21:17

Yeah, I pretty much fucked it Shooman, but what the hell, if BOYD was doing a jive down jungle boogie victory dance...well then it still fits, neh?

<font size="1">Can't believe I used the bloody possessive "your" instead of the contracted "you are". Sigh. Git.</font>


Bringoutyerdead 29th September 1999 17:26

Just got a quote from a local panelbeater's today for the repairs to my car, so I can take that to the Disputes Tribunal.


And that's on an old Honda Prelude, too.

Hooker 29th September 1999 17:54

Dunno how much time you have on your hands, BYOD. But if I were you I'd rig up the phone so you can record your conversations with 'Mike'. Also, say that you will only speak to the Bitch (Daughter) and not him.


Bringoutyerdead 5th October 1999 02:22

Little update for you guys who are interested... I called Mike last Tuesday to give him one last chance to make the claim.

I told him that I didn't want to go to the Small Claims Court, but I would if he forced me to. He said it was fine, no worries, he'd claim in the morning (last Wednesday in other words).

Here we are on Monday and there is still no claim. I hadn't even realised how long it has been till Jodi sent me an ICQ asking what had happened about it...

So i decided it's been long enough, he's had every chance to avoid a court hearing and blown it. So fuck him and his daughter

Filed the papers today, hearing is set for 10th of December @ 10am (courts must be busy ). That's at the Takapuna District Court on Anzac St; if anyone's interested in dropping in to cheer me on n' stuff

Ok a long shot I know hehe... I'm in a good mood though.

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