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p-b 17th December 2014 13:22

Elite: Dangerous
So I stayed up til 12 last night to ensure that I could get Elite: Dangerous downloaded and installed, so I can get straight to playing it when I get home.

I've purposefully stayed away from the beta & gamma so that I could experience it for the first time at release.

All the memories and nostalgia of playing Elite, Elite 2 and Frontier are flooding back.

I can't wait!

crocos 17th December 2014 13:47

Temptation to simply disappear for a week :)

"Only" £40

Ab 18th December 2014 02:51

oh god, so cruel. If there was any game that can take responsibility for making me a gamer, Elite is it.

leadinjector 18th December 2014 13:03

so is it good?

ilk 18th December 2014 18:08

Too soon to tell for me. Played for about an hour last night just flying around, didn't see a single human.

Ajax 19th December 2014 13:04

I badly want to play this, but would need a complete system upgrade.

p-b 20th December 2014 18:14

I was quite surprised out how well my system was able to run it on ultra settings, a system I'd built back in 2012...

From what I've played so far, I'm enjoying it. It would have been nice to have to be able to land on planets, but I've read they're working on that.

I find it a really relaxing game to play, found myself a good intra-system trade route which is more profitable than another other. Will start branching out once I've been able to upgrade.

I see other players coming and going from the busier stations all the time.

ilk 21st December 2014 22:09

I've flown to Lugh, players are trying to do enough missions for a rebel faction to force a regime change. Will see if that's actually a mechanic that works.

So far I've made 100k or so in a few hours bounty hunting in an eagle, so not too shabby. Will probably have to jump in a hauler to do missions as a lot are cargo based.

Lightspeed 22nd December 2014 21:00

Just like classic Elite first thing on the shopping list is a docking computer.

Ab 22nd December 2014 21:04


BoyWonder 22nd December 2014 23:28

Probably some of the most tense moments in gaming ;)

StN 23rd December 2014 07:14


Originally Posted by Ajax
I badly want to play this, but would need a complete system upgrade.

:( Same...

And from the vids it really looks to be the gateway drug for a Rift.


Originally Posted by Ab


Ab 23rd December 2014 13:46

Playing Elite on a Beeb micro back in -- 1983? -- was a seminal gaming experience for me. It was the first time I ever experienced knowing what to do without knowing how to do it, you know, like how after playing an FPS with a mouse for a while you just know how to do it without thinking "this button moves me forward, this key makes me jump, this mouse movement changes where I'm looking", all that unconscious stuff.

I was out in space in my Cobra and some fuckers jumped me and I had no ECM so I had to fly while lasering incoming missiles while trying to get out of trouble. And I was fucking freaking out, this was some panic-attack shit for a little kid. No joystick, so doing it keyboard style. And I did it without knowing how my fingers knew what to do. I've never forgotten it.

SMUT 23rd December 2014 15:09

I played this a lot as a pube-less child, Amiga 500 (maybe Elite 2.0 though).

Hundreds of hours of gameplay was lost because my one game save was done AFTER taking on a mission to escort some baby Thargons? (thargoids maybe) from one system to another. However, whenever I tried to hyperspace they (2 mother thargons) would interrupt and basically 10 minute battles would ensue, with me limping from one encounter to the next. I never did complete that mission, I effectively rage quite at the tender age of 12, after trying for about 20+ hours to make the transaction.

Im downloading this tonight!

ZoSo 24th December 2014 13:47

Dude is serious.

ilk 24th December 2014 18:23

Had my first death last night. Misjudged my pass at an imperial clipper, collided head on. Insurance system is pretty sweet it turns out.

StN 25th December 2014 07:31


Originally Posted by ZoSo

Crikey - it would look flash on the 270° sim at work, but I don't think it would run on the same distributed platform.

Lightspeed 25th December 2014 15:21

I finally have an autopilot for landing. Not the docking computer kind, just the hours of game play kind.

Lightspeed 26th December 2014 13:21

Am I the only one who thinks trade is a bit weak? I figured there'd at least be a trading computer you could buy, but it doesn't look like it.

ilk 27th December 2014 13:37

I don't trade but there are tools - Google for Thrudds. Nothing in game as they want to generate nostalgia for finding your own routes that work like the original games

Fx. 29th December 2014 14:38

this game tempts me dangerously

Lightspeed 30th December 2014 19:50

The game physics are excellent, there's nothing quite like zooming around a star system at hyper-lightspeed. The stars and planets look great as well.

The gameplay is as obscure as it was in 1984 however. This article makes me think I need to stop pimping up my small fighter and get something bigger.

MoP 2nd January 2015 16:34

I've been clocking some serious hours into this (and was during the beta/gamma too).

Traded in rare goods for a bit, saved up enough for a Cobra MkIII + some upgrades, which is now looking sweet (I've since put bigger guns on)

Currently bounty hunting around Sol, but might go in for another trade run soon.

I've gone for a bit of hardware too, using a TrackIR 5, an X55 HOTAS setup, and using VoiceAttack for a few things too

oOo Dragon oOo 3rd January 2015 10:44

Is this game entirely online - or can you do it offline as well? I used to smash this game out back in the ol spectrum days and wouldn't mind doing it all again. All these posts give me Elite envy

Lightspeed 3rd January 2015 14:47

There's both. Not sure if the single player is as expansive as the online mode.

I think maybe I'll save up for an Asp and do some serious exploring, try and find a black hole or something.

How do people search for rare items? Is it visiting systems, finding outposts that sell uncommon stuff?

oOo Dragon oOo 4th January 2015 10:13

So I bit the bullet and purchased the game. I don't remember so many controls!! So outta touch. I need to get my flying sorted out then spend a bit of time trading (in solo first before I go online)

ilk 4th January 2015 10:28

Some confusion above - the game requires an internet connection to play as the economy and all the reputation states etc is server side. Also Solo mode players share the same servers and have the same impacts.

oOo Dragon oOo 4th January 2015 10:43


Originally Posted by ilk
Some confusion above - the game requires an internet connection to play as the economy and all the reputation states etc is server side. Also Solo mode players share the same servers and have the same impacts.

Good to know....

MoP 4th January 2015 15:06


Lightspeed 4th January 2015 15:19


Originally Posted by oOo Dragon oOo
Good to know....

Ah, yeah, sorry about that.

p-b 4th January 2015 23:09


Originally Posted by MoP
Traded in rare goods for a bit, saved up enough for a Cobra MkIII + some upgrades, which is now looking sweet (I've since put bigger guns on)

What weapons loadout do you have on your Cobra MKIII?

I have two rating/class F2 multi-cannons (gimballed) in the two main hardpoints, and two E1 beam lasers (gimballed) in my lesser hardpoints.

Not so comfortable with it however, as I'm finding the gimballed lasers to be not that accurate, so I'm having a hard time getting shields down.

Fixed lasers seem to have a very wide convergance point though, so unless it's a large target and I'm very close, I have quite a hard time getting maximum damage with two fixed lasers!

With the gimballed beam lasers, I almost had my ass kicked by a hauler which had interdicted me, but luckly I was saved by system security ships...

p-b 4th January 2015 23:19

Also, are there systems that a specifically better for weapon and upgrade choices?

I'm flitting around LHS 3447 and the surrounding systems, but I'm not sure if I'm in the best place for finding good equipment...

MoP 5th January 2015 02:48

Yep, The F2 multicannons on the mains, and a pair of G1s on the smaller ones. Def does the job, I took down an Anaconda a couple of nights ago.

Mixing fixed and gimballed I found to be a pain, but these def do the trick all together. Other, less wide ships (like the Eagle) or Sidey are better in terms of the laser spread issue.

Also have a chaff launcher, heatsink launcher, and a C2 shield cell bank installed. All good for keeping others' gimballed weapons off you, or bringing your shields back up when you get slapped around a little tooo much.

In the beta I played with the Railgun and the beam lasers on a Sidewinder, which are fun, but draw a lot of power :-/

As for where I got all that stuff, high-tech systems are your best bet. Most of that stuff I got at I think WISE 1506+7027 (Dobrovolskiy Enterprise), which is a loong way from where you are now. You should be able to find something closer though.

MoP 5th January 2015 02:49

Also, is your bible. Find trades, find which stations have blackmarkets, figure out rare trade routes, etc.

Edit: for Route planning beyond 100LY, which you'll need for doing rares

p-b 5th January 2015 09:57

Am guessing all your weapons are gimballed?

I've been using a combination of: Slopey's BCP and EliteOCR for finding/updating trade routes.

I've found that if I'm industrious with the taking and completing of missions from the bulletin board, sometimes 4-5 at a time, I can increase my credit balance quite nicely if I use Slopey's BCP to figure out what the best possible trade would be between systems I'm travelling too.

So at the moment, I have my configurationn

I've found a good hi-tech system in GD 219, so I at least know where to go to get some good stuff when I need to.

Once I can upgrade my weapons and then my drive so I have better distance capabilities, I may go for a wonder to another part of the galaxy!

crocos 5th January 2015 11:53

Will you be wandering while you wonder?

Noon416 5th January 2015 18:44

I'm running two gimballed F2 Multi-cannons on the main hardpoints and two gimballed G1 Burst lasers on the outer hardpoints. Works very well as a combo to quickly bring down shields with the lasers and then pummel the hull/modules into oblivion with the cannons (firing all 4 at the same time).

Combine with a Heatsink launcher, FSD Interdictor and Kill Warrant Scanner and you can make good coin bounty hunting.
The Shield Cell Bank sounds good but I haven't tinkered with one yet,

p-b, Eravate's "McMahon Dock" is a good stopover for higher-tech equipment (mainly weaponry) in the vicinity of LHS 3447.

I wonder if anyone has made the 57,000ly trip to the far side of the galaxy yet? :)

p-b 5th January 2015 19:11

Sounds like there are some people hell bent on getting to the centre of the galaxy.

So I'm sure it will eventually happen!

It's a shame misjumps are absent from the game mechanic; let your Drive fall into significant disrepair (or have it be damaged during a fight) and increase your chances of ending up somewhere extremely remote...

p-b 5th January 2015 19:46

Holy shit, the one wart on the ass of Elite is the forums.

Never have I seen such a gaping cesspool of utter babies.

Posted today:


So over 2 weeks without any update. Are you planning something big?

Then there's this guy who lost his million dollar ship and had to start from scratch... all because he didn't think to keep enough insurance money handy...

Sure enough, he finds little sympathy from other forum goers, but it's a sad sign of what I'm talking about...

So much drama and whining about a game feature or mechanic that doesn't behalf exactly like that person thinks it should...

Back in the day, we'd get a game and the game would be exactly the way the developers intended it to be, warts and all, end of discussion... Until the follow up 2-3 years later, and then they'd take into account feedback on the previous game. So you ended up enjoying that game for what it was, even if it was imperfect.

For those who haven't got Elite: Dangerous and are thinking of getting it: Avoid the forums!

ilk 6th January 2015 08:59

I think the basic mechanics have been implemented beautifully. I quibble about some minor points in the flight model but that's mostly because I'm used to Jumpgate. Which brings me to what it doesn't have - any kind of implementation of the kind of group activities/PVP that I would love to see.

The game world is massive so players don't cluster, and the mechanics for grouping are bare bones at best.

I know that's the ethos of the series - you and your ship versus the enormity of space - but they could make such an amazing multiplayer experience if they wanted to.

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