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ChaosWulf 20th May 2010 20:26

Damn thats an impressive collection - good luck getting a good price for it!

Perfk 20th May 2010 20:37

you should have seen when I got rid of the CD collection
someone walked away with milli vanilli, wham AND bros for like $10

... girl, you know it's true

xpandnz 20th May 2010 20:40

"I heard that Milli Vanilli recently got arrested for impersonating a McChicken nugget."

mpx 20th May 2010 20:49


Originally Posted by Perfk
you could buy the tv series stuff I have left over
there isn't much good (actually it's mostly shit)
but there is lain, gasaraki & bubblegum crisis :) you could hide it from her & she'd never know your secret shame haha

Some dick just put $50 straight up on that auction, which I guess in itself isn't too much but I just wanted the anime from it haha. Damnit :(

Warrick 20th May 2010 21:27

Last Saturday I used Dylan's KFC voucher.

10/10 for Dylan's effort, If I ever meet him I'll surely buy him a beer + dinner. Stand up guy for going to the effort

KFC 0/10, the voucher was for a deluxe quarter pack, I took my mate who reckons he has KFC at least once a week and loves it more than any other fast food. I thought it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. You're meant to eat that with your hands? My hands were a disgusting mess afterwards and they give you these dry napkins that pretty much rip off on your fingers, well, not quite. But jesus, show me the nearest bathroom. They really need some type of moist towelette or something.

I took loads of photos and film of my disappointment, but not going to be bothered with uploading it. Sorry. Will NEVER ever EVER eat there again, how disgusting.

Only person in my immediate family to do so, got a family wedding coming up and that'll be one of my topics, pretty sure fuck all of my family will approve of KFC either. So, SO GROSS.

Fx. 20th May 2010 21:32

i like their burgers and the cajun fillets
fuck the oily ass hand chicken tho :p

Thomas Meatball 20th May 2010 21:36


Originally Posted by Warrick
My hands were a disgusting mess afterwards

Well DUH! It's finger lickin' good! Can't believe you're not going to post the video or photos. I reckon you went into this determined not to like it.

Pepsi 20th May 2010 21:51

So are you saying you didn't like the taste of it either, or were you too caught up in having greasy hands?

btw they used to do moist towelettes.. but for some reason just stopped making them I guess?

Warrick 20th May 2010 22:00

The taste was satisfactory. I wasn't chewing bone like the rest of the people in the restaurant. Merely pulling meat.

I was hungry, it filled me up and my friend and I had an awesome time afterwards and was met with good fortune. It was a k-rad night except for the KFC.

mpx 20th May 2010 22:00

I used to love KFC in my teenage and early 20s, but now even just the thought of it makes me feel off-colour. I don't know what it is, but I just couldn't eat KFC if I tried nowdays. I wouldn't even class anything they sell there as tasty either.

I do remember when the chicken used to be crispy and dry, now all I think of when I think KFC is the amount of fucking disgusting fluid that comes out of every single thing on the menu and the soggy coating on the chicken.

I'm probably just getting old. I used to love nothing more than getting a shitload of bad food and sit in front of the computer playing AQ2 all night, now I love nothing more than going to a first rate restaurant and sampling their menus. Working my way from South Auckland into the CBD! Almost there! Found some real gems along the way too.

Pepsi 20th May 2010 22:17

I like KFC, but I like cold KFC even better.. om nom..

Well at least post a couple of pics if not the video.. Go on :D

chiQ 20th May 2010 22:30

Cold is the only way to eat it. I eat it every three or four years, cold, and then happily don't for another few years. I do like it cold, but it's too rich even then.

Thomas Meatball 20th May 2010 22:32

I don't think you should leave cold KFC in the fridge for 3 or 4 years.

Warrick 20th May 2010 22:33


Just finished watching Star Wars, all of them. I've never seen the originals. My God, the new ones are SO much better. There's NO WAY Luke was more powerful than Anakin/Vader. It's a joke that Luke could learn as much as he did in such a short time frame. Fuck Yoda was comical at the start of ROTJ; an actual JOKE. Thank god the new ones made him a much more serious and fulfilling character. The Emperor made me laugh in the new ones, when Palpatin(spelling) was haxed up by Windu. HAHAHAHAHAHA WTF WAS THAT ABOUT??? He was like a deranged loonie.

If it wasn't for the new ones, the old ones would've remained so meh. You're all OLD FUDDY DUDDY'S -- those of you that enjoyed the originals. I guess you had nothing else to go on, but my god, they were/are terrible. I've only watched the Blu-ray series, so I guess you old cunts had a lot, and I mean A LOT of missing special effects. WOW. The originals were so corny.

Something that the originals had going for them was Han Solo(Harrison Ford), the new ones had what? Jaja Binks for comical effect, rofl. Han Solo is an awesome character. Chewie is a whinny bitch. Princess Leia(Carrie Fisher) was super, SUPER sexy.

What was that shit with Obi-Wan disappearing when he had a scrap with Vader? When Yoda died(of natural "i'm 900 years old" causes) sure he faded into nothingness like Obi-Wan did but wtf, Vader was like "where did my old master go?" and so did the rest of us and he played this eerie force character for the remainder of the series. Qui-Gon(spelling) didn't get the same justice and that's unfair, he was a way cooler character.


I'm such a noob and I've bet you've all seen the originals 300 times and read all sorts of Star Wars universe comics and watched all sorts of spin-offs that I'm just a fucking noob with no answers.

I did watch Episode 1,2, Clone Wars cartoon, 3, 4, 5 ,6. So I like to think I watched them with as much cohesion as possible?



Lightspeed 20th May 2010 22:33

In the future, there will be Super KFC and it will be even more rich! And delicious.

Warrick 20th May 2010 22:34


Just finished watching Star Wars, all of them. I've never seen the originals. My God, the new ones are SO much better. There's NO WAY Luke was more powerful than Anakin/Vader. It's a joke that Luke could learn as much as he did in such a short time frame. Fuck Yoda was comical at the start of Empire Stikes back; an actual JOKE. Thank god the new ones made him a much more serious and fulfilling character. The Emperor made me laugh in the new ones, when Palpatin(spelling) was haxed up by Windu. HAHAHAHAHAHA WTF WAS THAT ABOUT??? He was like a deranged loonie.

If it wasn't for the new ones, the old ones would've remained so meh. You're all OLD FUDDY DUDDY'S -- those of you that enjoyed the originals. I guess you had nothing else to go on, but my god, they were/are terrible. I've only watched the Blu-ray series, so I guess you old cunts had a lot, and I mean A LOT of missing special effects. WOW. The originals were so corny.

Something that the originals had going for them was Han Solo(Harrison Ford), the new ones had what? Jaja Binks for comical effect, rofl. Han Solo is an awesome character. Chewie is a whinny bitch. Princess Leia(Carrie Fisher) was super, SUPER sexy.

What was that shit with Obi-Wan disappearing when he had a scrap with Vader? When Yoda died(of natural "i'm 900 years old" causes) sure he faded into nothingness like Obi-Wan did but wtf, Vader was like "where did my old master go?" and so did the rest of us and he played this eerie force character for the remainder of the series. Qui-Gon(spelling) didn't get the same justice and that's unfair, he was a way cooler character.


I'm such a noob and I've bet you've all seen the originals 300 times and read all sorts of Star Wars universe comics and watched all sorts of spin-offs that I'm just a fucking noob with no answers.

I did watch Episode 1,2, Clone Wars cartoon, 3, 4, 5 ,6. So I like to think I watched them with as much cohesion as possible?



Thomas Meatball 20th May 2010 22:35


Originally Posted by Warrick
Just finished watching Star Wars, all of them. I've never seen the originals. My God, the new ones are SO much better.

You homo. You've seriously gone down in my estimation. You must have seriously populist movie tastes.

Warrick 20th May 2010 22:39

I've never seen Alien(s). Is/are it/they worth it?

MadMax 20th May 2010 22:40

i miss homestead chicken

Thomas Meatball 20th May 2010 22:40


Originally Posted by Warrick
I've never seen Alien(s). Is/are it/they worth it?

Fuck yes they are, but you'd probably prefer AVP.

StN 20th May 2010 22:41


Originally Posted by Warrick
The taste was satisfactory. I wasn't chewing bone like the rest of the people in the restaurant. Merely pulling meat.

Context is everything.

Warrick 20th May 2010 22:42


Originally Posted by Thomas Meatball
Fuck yes they are, but you'd probably prefer AVP.

I'll watch them asap, both my brothers are along the lines of your thinking.

Meanwhile, take a slice from my life.

StN 20th May 2010 22:42

No KFC, no Star Wars and no Aliens - WTF were you doing all your life?

PS - Qui Gon was the first Jedi to work out that he could become one with the Force - at the end of Revenge of the Sith, he contacts Yoda telepathically and Yoda goes off to Dagobah to work out how to do it, and to then he tells Obi Wan. Or at least that's how George retrospectively explained it.

doppelgänger of someone 20th May 2010 22:44

Isn't that quite obvious from his other posts?

Thomas Meatball 20th May 2010 22:44

Licking bumhole.

StN 20th May 2010 22:46

I'm sure I posted this afternoon saying that he should get the tag "Ringmaster" - unless it was baleted.

Spink 20th May 2010 22:47


Originally Posted by StN
I'm sure I posted this afternoon saying that he should get the tag "Ringmaster" - unless it was baleted.

I think it was in the nzg appreciation thread but I was too lazy to look before posting this.

xpandnz 20th May 2010 22:47


Originally Posted by Warrick
I'll watch them asap, both my brothers are along the lines of your thinking.

Meanwhile, take a slice from my life.

I went to school with Alphrisk or frisko now.

Good friend of mine at kura high.

Warrick 20th May 2010 22:49

you must all agree there's no way that little homofish Luke could actually take Vader?

Anakin was a machine(pun not intended). Anakin had so much training. Luke was a whiny little f'n bitch cake. The emperor and even though he was pushing on in the years should've wasted Luke. I guess he just wanted to fry him up a little and make him turn. Even then, Vader lost his hand to Luke? ROFL. Anakin was WAY WAY WAY WAY WAYYYYYYYY more trained than that little bitch knickers.

StN 20th May 2010 22:53


Originally Posted by Spink
I think it was in the nzg appreciation thread but I was too lazy to look before posting this.

Yeah - that's what thought - but it's gone now.

Warrick 20th May 2010 22:55


Originally Posted by xpandnz
I went to school with Alphrisk or frisko now.

Good friend of mine at kura high.

Mareko and I go way back!

Pepsi 20th May 2010 22:57


Originally Posted by StN
Context is everything.


Warrick, have you been on the piss tonight? You're in a cheeky mood aren't you? :p

Warrick 20th May 2010 23:09

Yummy~ Don't be silly!?!!?!?! Me pissed? pffffffffffffffft*makes a fart sound*

Thomas Meatball 20th May 2010 23:50


Originally Posted by Warrick
you must all agree there's no way that little homofish Luke could actually take Vader?

Anakin was a machine(pun not intended). Anakin had so much training. Luke was a whiny little f'n bitch cake. The emperor and even though he was pushing on in the years should've wasted Luke. I guess he just wanted to fry him up a little and make him turn. Even then, Vader lost his hand to Luke? ROFL. Anakin was WAY WAY WAY WAY WAYYYYYYYY more trained than that little bitch knickers.

Man, you totally don't get what was going on in that scene, eh.


Originally Posted by Warrick
Mareko and I go way back!

There's you wearing that stupid hat you say you never wear!

gentle 21st May 2010 10:08


Originally Posted by Warrick
I've never seen Alien(s). Is/are it/they worth it?

Some of the best cinema you can watch imo. The first is awesome, the second is even AWESOMER! Warrick, you won't even be disappointed with the cgi / puppetry(?).

xor 21st May 2010 10:25

Alien > Aliens

Back in the day my mum would cook up Warrick some meals and he'd just look at it and say "I don't eat that" quite the lol. EAT YA FUSH WARRICK.

StN 21st May 2010 10:43

Warrick - the thing with Aliens is that you have four movies imaged and imagined by four directors - each with their own style. This can be awesome - like how Empire was better than ANH.

Alien = Ridley Scott = Haunting visuals and tension.
Aliens = James Cameron = "American" Space Marines Action flick.
Alien3 = David Fincher (back when he was doing music vids) from a story and initial direction by Kiwi Vincent Ward = "British" prison drama.
Alien resurrection = Jean-Pierre Jeunet with his usual gaggle of actors
= "French" style.

So people who love the first one, will agree that the second evolved and was awesome, but may not like the tangents taken after that.

Rince 21st May 2010 11:24


Originally Posted by StN
Warrick - the thing with Aliens is that you have four movies imaged and imagined by four directors - each with their own style. This can be awesome - like how Empire was better than ANH.

Alien = Ridley Scott = Haunting visuals and tension.
Aliens = James Cameron = "American" Space Marines Action flick.
Alien3 = David Fincher (back when he was doing music vids) from a story and initial direction by Kiwi Vincent Ward = "British" prison drama.
Alien resurrection = Jean-Pierre Jeunet with his usual gaggle of actors
= "French" style.

So people who love the first one, will agree that the second evolved and was awesome, but may not like the tangents taken after that.


chiQ 21st May 2010 11:57


Originally Posted by StN
Warrick - the thing with Aliens is that you have four movies imaged and imagined by four directors - each with their own style. This can be awesome - like how Empire was better than ANH.

Alien = Ridley Scott = Haunting visuals and tension.
Aliens = James Cameron = "American" Space Marines Action flick.
Alien3 = David Fincher (back when he was doing music vids) from a story and initial direction by Kiwi Vincent Ward = "British" prison drama.
Alien resurrection = Jean-Pierre Jeunet with his usual gaggle of actors
= "French" style.

So people who love the first one, will agree that the second evolved and was awesome, but may not like the tangents taken after that.

Also QFtMFT.

^BITES^ 21st May 2010 12:10

WTB Aliens Earth Hive ....

Will pay money for digital pwn of a rhino-alien and or shark alien.

Cause thats just awesome.

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