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Reformed_Quint 23rd February 2008 23:58


Originally Posted by Lightspeed
How so? That seems a little glib.

the grads at our office can quote off numbers and how things are supposed to be done.

Send them into the field where they have to deal with subcontractors, plans that are wrong, accidents, weather, soil conditions, all their knowledge doesn't count for shit, they can't apply their pretty equations.

Theory doesn't teach you how to be flexible, doesn't give you the confidence.

Lightspeed 24th February 2008 00:02

Yeah, that's true.

Rince 24th February 2008 08:51


Originally Posted by Lightspeed
How so? That seems a little glib.

give an exmaple where its not true if you don't agree

bah edit: didn't see the next page! ;)

leadinjector 24th February 2008 09:26

unfortunately theres still plenty of parents out there with no fucking clue

Lightspeed 24th February 2008 11:36

Totally. Being a parent doesn't automatically mean that you're instantly wise in the ways of parenting. Even after your kids are raised. Many people completely fuck it up.

And just because you haven't had kids, it doesn't mean you can't learn and teach good parenting skills.

If a parent quips back to genuinely good advice with "Do you have kids?", my initial thought would be the parent is acting irrationally ( as parents are prone ), however I think more likely it's the person offering advice failed to acknowledge the difficulties of raising children or otherwise neglected the parents feelings.

ZengE 24th February 2008 13:35

It's not just 'good' parenting ...
In much the same way as reading the rode code doesn't give you the ability to drive, being able to spew forth something you've read in a book about how children supposedly behave and for what reason doesn't make you any better equipped to actually get them to do or act in a certain way.

I'm not saying people with lots of knowledge aren't capable, just that most parents, who are going through the practical experience, don't appreciate those who they know have no real-world practical experience standing by and telling them where they're going wrong and what they should be doing instead.

Lightspeed hit the nail on the head, when you're up to your arse in alligators, it's sometimes hard to remember you're task was only to drain the swamp. Sometimes the 'helpful' advice does nothing more than add frustration to an already tense situation, especially with a lot of first time parents. I appreciate others offering me their wisdom and sage advice, but I personally think I'd like to work it through myself.

chiquelet 24th February 2008 13:46


Originally Posted by ZengE
but I personally think I'd like to work it through myself.

You mean if Super Nanny came knocking at your door you'd turn her away?! I bow at the altar of Jo Frost, that woman has a way of training parents AND kids.

chiquelet 24th February 2008 13:58

Inconsiderate cunts who park on the footpath, and I mean directly over the footpath (not just on the grass verge next to the footpath). I'm wondering if I should ring whoever it is you ring in these situations and get their ass towed? It just happens somebody who's at my neighbour though....Do they tow in these situations or issue a ticket?

crocos 24th February 2008 14:07


Originally Posted by chiquelet
Do they tow in these situations or issue a ticket?

Ticket, IIRC.

crocos 24th February 2008 14:12

What grinds my gears? Washing. In this day and age with all the technology we've got, why can't the damn clothing wash itself? GRRR!!!

(Going away for 2 weeks then coming back with 2 weeks worth of laundry... <shudder>. The facilities provided were crude at best)

Lightspeed 24th February 2008 14:15

Self-washing clothes would be weird, but some magic clothes washing bag ( similar size, shape to a suit bag ) would be the bee's knees.

dead goon 24th February 2008 14:18


Originally Posted by crocos
What grinds my gears? Washing. In this day and age with all the technology we've got, why can't the damn clothing wash itself? GRRR!!!

(Going away for 2 weeks then coming back with 2 weeks worth of laundry... <shudder>. The facilities provided were crude at best)

WHAT A WORLD! i tell ya.

CCS 24th February 2008 16:53


Originally Posted by chiquelet
Inconsiderate cunts who park on the footpath, and I mean directly over the footpath (not just on the grass verge next to the footpath). I'm wondering if I should ring whoever it is you ring in these situations and get their ass towed? It just happens somebody who's at my neighbour though....Do they tow in these situations or issue a ticket?

Call the council. I think you can get people towed... (don't recall) but at the very least I'm sure they'll get a fine.

Soleil-Raid 24th February 2008 17:21


Originally Posted by crocos
What grinds my gears? Washing. In this day and age with all the technology we've got, why can't the damn clothing wash itself? GRRR!!!

(Going away for 2 weeks then coming back with 2 weeks worth of laundry... <shudder>. The facilities provided were crude at best)

It practically does! Did you see TV show The 1900's House?
Here plug this into google (for the cache, the server is down);

There's some associated religious 'stuff', but just skip the first four paragraphs or so.

Reformed_Quint 24th February 2008 19:31

Missing your girlfriend when she goes overseas...

god dammit.

Simon K 24th February 2008 21:51


Originally Posted by CCS
Call the council. I think you can get people towed... (don't recall) but at the very least I'm sure they'll get a fine.

Ticket for parking on footpath.

You can get people towed for parking across your driveway though. Some Twat did it a few years back with their SUV so I called a mate whose partner worked in a Tow yard for advice. Was told to call the parking enforcement in Wgtn(Parkwise) who then popped over, wrote out a ticket then called towie(in that order).

ilk 24th February 2008 22:11


Originally Posted by Reformed_Quint
Missing your girlfriend when she goes overseas...

god dammit.

Ditto - except I'm the one who went overseas.

Actually, this doesn't really grind my gears. Is there a "What makes you emo?" thread?

Reformed_Quint 24th February 2008 22:36


Originally Posted by ilk
Actually, this doesn't really grind my gears. Is there a "What makes you emo?" thread?

Getting emo about shit grinds my gears though.

Jonas Undrawing 24th February 2008 22:56


Originally Posted by chiquelet
Inconsiderate cunts who park on the footpath, and I mean directly over the footpath (not just on the grass verge next to the footpath). I'm wondering if I should ring whoever it is you ring in these situations and get their ass towed? It just happens somebody who's at my neighbour though....Do they tow in these situations or issue a ticket?

x2. I have to ride down a gutter most days to get around cars. I know the cars dont belong to the people who live on the street, they most probably belong to people who park there, then cross the road and catch the train into the city.

I have the right mind to get their asses fined or towed..

Viddy 25th February 2008 02:03

Kids screaming because it's a fun thing to do. (not because of external factors like dogs, fire, or a drive-by)

I fucking hate screaming kids. Its like my brain has static through it. No other thoughts can exist in my head while said screaming is occurring.

My grandmother had a phrase that I'm never going to be able to use, but it worked beautifully when I've seen it in action: "If you don't stop screaming, I'm going to give you something to scream about."

ZengE 25th February 2008 06:46


Originally Posted by Viddy
My grandmother had a phrase that I'm never going to be able to get caught using, but it worked beautifully when I've seen it in action: "If you don't stop screaming, I'm going to give you something to scream about."


[Malks] Pixie 25th February 2008 10:37

On Friday I searched around for someone in the organisation who could answer a question for a client. I was told, "so and so knows all about this" so I send them through a copy of the email asking if they would be able to respond or provide me with enough information that I could respond - thought it was all sorted (as I now understand they are the only people in the organisation with knowledge about this).

Come in this morning and find said person has sent it to someone else in OUR team asking, "can someone in your team answer this?". Worse than that, the person in our team (who is pretty much the "know it all" in the organisation) hasn't even looked at what the enquiry is or where it came from and has sent it back to me saying, "answer this".

Very tempted just to email the client back (cc'ing in both team members) saying that I would love to answer the query but there is no one willing to actually look at it here (of course I won't do that though).

Meh - getting to be so over this.


Asriel 25th February 2008 14:54

Pixie: I'm sure it doesn't seem so to you, but thats kinda funny actually :) Having a question come back to you - didn't they read the quoted text? Idiots.

Going to a place called 'Soups and Salads' for a bowl of soup for my sick gf, and not being able to get any soup as they don't have any. wtf?

[Malks] Pixie 25th February 2008 14:55


Originally Posted by Asriel
Pixie: I'm sure it doesn't seem so to you, but thats kinda funny actually :)

Oh I very much see the funny side of it - but to able to express that I needed to "get my grump on" (as my fiance terms it) and get it out of my system.

This thread "grinds my gears" in a good way - much praise to this thread for allowing a safe release of steam!


TnT 25th February 2008 16:45


Originally Posted by Asriel
Going to a place called 'Soups and Salads' for a bowl of soup for my sick gf, and not being able to get any soup as they don't have any. wtf?

Oh I love this one. Over here in West Oz we have a chicken takeaway franchise called 'Chicken Treat'. I rocked up there one evening to a handwritten sign on the door, 'Sorry Out Of Chicken'... Um, so it's just Treat tonight then..

MadMax 25th February 2008 18:43

same as the time i pulled up to kfc and they had no chicken. it was after dark mind you


W@$#*#$(# firefox has done another update, i'm guessing, as an old default button had appeared on the links bar and the theme has reset. That's all fine BUT THE STUPID ALT+S HAS DIED AGAIN. I WANT SUBMIT FORM NOT HIsTORY!

chiquelet 25th February 2008 19:46

YouTube pulling down a freaking hilarious Tina Fey clip from SNL this weekend. Fuck you NBC for getting your bloomers in a twist :p

MadMax 25th February 2008 20:07

one of those?

chiquelet 25th February 2008 21:42

No unfortunately, it was a political commentary about Hillary Clinton. She made a dig about how women these days are so liberated that they don't feel obligated to vote for a woman, but to vote for who Oprah tells them to vote for!

Obviously it was funnier when Tina said it....

madmaxii 25th February 2008 22:14

No pictures in "Pic of the day" or "Hottest person........."


chiquelet 25th February 2008 22:39


Originally Posted by madmaxii
No pictures in "Pic of the day" or "Hottest person........."



Rince 25th February 2008 23:13

^^^ hahahahah

ZengE 25th February 2008 23:14


Originally Posted by chiquelet

roflburger _b

smudge 25th February 2008 23:20

iTunes: what a cunt of a piece of software.

Torka 26th February 2008 02:09

The way the medical profession has hijacked the word "depression", to the point where if you use it to describe your current mood, it's reasonably likely some jackass will jump down your throat and accuse you of misusing it or being a drama queen because you're not suffering from a crippling psychological disorder or a brain chemistry imbalance.

Fuck you! The word wasn't invented by doctors.

xor 26th February 2008 05:44


Originally Posted by smudge
iTunes: what a cunt of a piece of software.

What's worse is when someone installs it on your laptop without asking:mad:

[Malks] Pixie 26th February 2008 09:24


Originally Posted by Torka
The way the medical profession has hijacked the word "depression", to the point where if you use it to describe your current mood, it's reasonably likely some jackass will jump down your throat and accuse you of misusing it or being a drama queen because you're not suffering from a crippling psychological disorder or a brain chemistry imbalance.

Can I follow that up with the food industries (and horticulture) hijacking the word "organic" - if I have one more idiot say, "oh but it's not hazardous, it's organic" I'm going to - welll probably not anything aside from sigh at their stupidity but I can but dream.

I believe I've ranted about this on here before - never hurts to revisit a gripe.


dead goon 26th February 2008 09:36

organic meat


BadNova 26th February 2008 09:47


Originally Posted by MadMax
same as the time i pulled up to kfc and they had no chicken. it was after dark mind you

that happened to me once too. They said they had no chicken and that all I could order was a twister. I was going to ask them what was in the twister if it isn't chicken but I figured eh screw it.

DMZ_Chainsaw 26th February 2008 10:22

Taggers... grrrrr... Not that I want to stab them but there are times I wish I have a taser to teach those buggers.

Anyway sweet justice for DOC


A German backpacker has been caught spraying graffiti on the rocks and ice face at Franz Josef Glacier.

Police said English tourists managed to photograph Jan Philip Scharbert on Thursday as he tagged rock walls leading up to the glacier terminal and even the glacier ice.

Guides removed the glacier tagging with their ice axes, and a description of the offender was given to Conservation Department staff, who reported to police early the next morning that he was waiting to get on a bus heading out of town.

Constable Paul Gurney said police apprehended Scharbert, 28, from Munich, as he was getting on the bus. He was arrested and ordered to clean up his graffiti, under DOC supervision.

Mr Gurney said it took Scharbert 1½ days to clean up his handiwork, during which he was severely dressed down by passing glacier guides and tourists.

Police said DOC was satisfied with his repair job, meaning he escaped a wilful damage charge and left Franz Josef "in one piece".
Photo at

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