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Mabd 10th April 2006 17:45

Are you in American or International Districts?

Spink 10th April 2006 17:56

American but I seem to come up against korean and japanese teams a bunch so I guess you fight everyone?

Mabd 10th April 2006 18:47

I don't play PvP a lot yet, since I'm more interested in getting all the skills in game, but last night we were on the American servers. Every now and then we'll go Inter, but mostly Yank.

Boofhead 10th April 2006 21:38

That's a pretty standard boon prot setup. May not be perfect for 4v4 or RA though :p

Spink 11th April 2006 11:03

I tried channeling instead of inspired hex last night and it went pretty well simply for the fact that it was a 40s duration 5 energy cost enchant that added to the power of my COP.

s4turn 11th April 2006 21:49

I moslty pvp at Heros Ascent, so you wont see me there :D

IGN Assasin Hench

now im trying to get rich, so im farming at tombs Barrage Pet build hehe

I play in the American District, when there isnt enough around i switch to Int District

TB 11th April 2006 23:49

B/P ftw

Spink 12th April 2006 12:23


Originally Posted by Spink
American but I seem to come up against korean and japanese teams a bunch so I guess you fight everyone?

Heh I was grouped with this guy with the name Kareshi Kanojo last night and he said "Look out we're fighting Japanese" and the people we were all fighting had chinese character set names. Pretty funny seeing someone with a japanese fanboi-ish name doing that :x

Mabd 12th April 2006 13:31

I love playing the Asians when they start swearing in Engrish, so you have to correct them. :D

That actually amuses me no end.

MadLep 13th April 2006 17:20


Originally Posted by s4turn
Tony, where are you?

Havent seen u online in ages? :P

Do ppl here still want to join a guild? :D

Not dead.. yet. Work has been crazy for the last month or so. Big project finished at the end of last week, then spent this week out of town with one of the clients getting it running.

Gonna play hardcore tonight though. GF has gone away for Easter, and I'm not working 12 hour days anymore :D

blackwinter 22nd May 2006 10:54

I've just purchased WoW as of yesterday (I'm a bit late in know). I'm going to crank it up tonight after work. I've had a quick look at the different realms, which one do you guys play on? And is there still a guild going?


armourking 22nd May 2006 12:32


Originally Posted by blackwinter
I've just purchased WoW as of yesterday (I'm a bit late in know). I'm going to crank it up tonight after work. I've had a quick look at the different realms, which one do you guys play on? And is there still a guild going?


Well, for a start you could try the right thread...

Anyways, could I get an invite to a guild? Me needs to PvP, and I seem to no longer be in GLS. Did it disband? Or was it I just hadn't played in a month? :P

Char names: Ivy Stvalentine / Test Mctest.

s4turn 23rd May 2006 13:58


Originally Posted by armourking
Well, for a start you could try the right thread...

Anyways, could I get an invite to a guild? Me needs to PvP, and I seem to no longer be in GLS. Did it disband? Or was it I just hadn't played in a month? :P

Char names: Ivy Stvalentine / Test Mctest.

Well, you were inactive for over 3 months ~ :D

I've invited you back now, if you want.

As soon as I see you online, ill make ya an officer again ;)

Also if you have factions, we are now into alliance battles, and have joined the TTA alliance - Trans Tasman Alliance, made up of AUS/NZ guilds~

Heres the GLS Link

TTA Link

Oh and BTW we now have a different Guld Hall , merchant, storage, skill trainer etc etc in our Hall!!!


armourking 23rd May 2006 14:02

Fuck yeah. The Factions PvP is what has got me back in and playing :)

WoW made something of a revival in my life, which is why I "gave up" GW for those months (3? Holy crap.)

s4turn 23rd May 2006 14:04

I just remembered, that the TTA link wil only work if you are a reg member, so maybe try this link

Spink 23rd May 2006 14:13

Is alliance battles different from the 12v12 in Etnaran/Saltspray/Grenz or is that what you meant by alliance battles?

TB 23rd May 2006 20:51

12v12 is Alliance battles. Pitty there is only 5 maps. 5 maps, not much of a war.

TB 24th May 2006 12:19


Originally Posted by s4turn
Also if you have factions, we are now into alliance battles, and have joined the TTA alliance - Trans Tasman Alliance, made up of AUS/NZ guilds~

Which faction?

Spink 24th May 2006 15:49

I have to say the factions are kinda annoying, it seems like there's a population bias towards the Kurzicks (at night atleast) which means that you're 'queueing' for longer than you're actually playing some nights as a Kurzick and only one game is going on even though there are 30-40 Kurz but only 12-20 Luxons, I don't care about faction points so much so I generally try to guest into a Luxon guild for the night so that I can play more than queue :\

Huge 'sides' without some way to balance population is always lame with pvp, it was annoying in daoc, it was annoying in wow and it was annoying in city of heroes.

TB 24th May 2006 16:33

The vast majority of people on the US server played kurzick on the preview and so return for the full game. I did this as well but id rather go luxon where the enviroments are open and the population is smaller.

things will balance out as more people buy the game who didnt play the preview.

s4turn 2nd July 2006 18:17

Tony? I havent seen you in ages, you still play GW's? :D

Also, a side note here, if any guild leaders or guilds here wanting to join up, Im thinking of making a alliance, for kurzack

SpaceCowboy 17th October 2006 15:28

bow down to the eve overlord

MadLep 17th October 2006 16:54


Originally Posted by s4turn
Tony? I havent seen you in ages, you still play GW's? :D

Also, a side note here, if any guild leaders or guilds here wanting to join up, Im thinking of making a alliance, for kurzack

Oops, just saw this one now. I bought GTA SA in the $30 bargain bin a couple of months ago, and that's been keeping me busy.

Figure I'll probably pick it up again when Nightfall is out :D

s4turn 7th January 2007 23:45

I havent played guildwars in months, and have demoted myself as leader to a officer.

You still in GLS Tony?
I will prop come back to guildwars, I've gotten back into quakeworld again :D

MadLep 23rd January 2007 17:05


Originally Posted by s4turn
I havent played guildwars in months, and have demoted myself as leader to a officer.

You still in GLS Tony?
I will prop come back to guildwars, I've gotten back into quakeworld again :D

I think my time in GW is done :( Haven't played in months, and don't have much desire to.

I started playing WoW of all things

s4turn 17th October 2007 18:42

geez, Ive gone to lord of the rings online :(

guildwars is boring now

Naithin 20th January 2008 18:34

This still going at all?

Also, anyone who is playing, do you guys get epic lag of doom now?

I'm on Go Large, so I suspect it is the shaping causing the issues. But even outside of shaped periods it isn't perfect. GW used to be a pretty lag free experience, so not sure what is up there.

s4turn 15th October 2008 10:09

havent played in ages!
Im thinking of going back actually, im actually wanting to buy gw's for my nephew who is 12... - if anyone is interested in selling?

s4turn 12th March 2009 00:06

a bit of an old thread... but if anyone is reading this..

hit me up on MSN if you still have it

s4turn.17 at

Saladin 21st August 2009 09:32

Guild Wars 2 Trailer

s4turn 1st September 2009 11:44

will def be getting that

Currently playing AOC :)

TB 1st September 2009 14:49

GW as of right now is jam packed. GW2 has got people excited, and many are back in GW to see all the changes from the 4th anniversary upgrade (equipment packs bitches), as well as getting titles and unlocks for GW2 (which you can do via Eye Of The Norths hall of monuments).

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