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bliP 8th May 2004 18:27

[00:58] <fatty^^> ooer i think im getting fatter

[01:00] <Bob> pug bail
[01:00] <Bob> brb
[01:00] *** Bob Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[00:06] *** bliP Quit (Quit:)
[00:06] <MadkillerZ> bye blip
[00:06] <Ret-> bliP` is still here.
[00:06] <MadkillerZ> bliP Quit (Quit: )
[00:06] <Wolverine-> -_-
[00:07] <Wolverine-> MadkillerZ
[00:07] <MadkillerZ> yo
[00:07] <Wolverine-> -------------------------------------------------------------->
[00:07] <Wolverine-> then look up
[00:07] <Ret-> heh
[00:07] <Ret-> at the top
[00:07] <MadkillerZ> 2 blips?
[00:07] <Ret-> ...............
[00:07] <Wolverine-> yer
[00:07] <Wolverine-> hes gotta twin
[00:07] <Ret-> ahahah
[00:07] <MadkillerZ> lol
[00:07] <Wolverine-> but its weird
[00:07] <Ret-> gold
[00:07] <Ret-> just gold.
[00:07] <Wolverine-> hes got black hair
[00:07] <Ret-> mp³: Concord Dawn - Morning Light Length: 6:42
[00:07] <Wolverine-> fucked up
[00:07] <MadkillerZ> is blip the hairy 1
[00:07] <MadkillerZ> or was that the watcher
[00:08] *** bliP` changes topic to 'Word of the day: detalubobmocsid | Clever award of the week goes to: MadkillerZ'
[00:08] <Ret-> also I like dnb
[00:08] <Wolverine-> rofl
[00:08] <Ret-> :]
[00:08] <Ret-> haha
[00:08] <Wolverine-> hairy one?
[00:08] <Ret-> shot bliP with a `
[00:08] <MadkillerZ> lol =)
[00:08] <MadkillerZ> wat award thing is this
[00:08] <MadkillerZ> is this new?
[00:08] * Ret- actually lols
[00:08] <Wolverine-> no
[00:08] <Wolverine-> you
[00:08] <Wolverine-> fucking retard
[00:08] <Wolverine-> hes insulting you
[00:08] <Wolverine-> CANT YOU SEE
[00:09] * Ret- slaps his knee with humour
[00:09] <Wolverine-> do you see why i dont trust your dealer
[00:09] <Wolverine-> he could be coming onto you
[00:09] <Wolverine-> and you wouldnt know it
[00:09] <MadkillerZ> he aint gay
[00:09] <Ret-> AHA
[00:09] <MadkillerZ> im sure he aint
[00:09] <MadkillerZ> he rekons i wont show up haha

[23:30] <Wolverine-> oi type !klckme MadkillerZ
[23:30] <MadkillerZ> looks like um that other game
[23:30] <MadkillerZ> me?
[23:30] <Wolverine-> yer
[23:31] <MadkillerZ> !kickme madkillerz
[23:31] <Ret-> ahahaha
[23:31] <MadkillerZ> ...
[23:31] <Ret-> just !kickme
[23:31] <Wolverine-> bliP
[23:31] <Wolverine-> you've failed me
[23:31] <MadkillerZ> !kickme MadkillerZ
[23:31] <MadkillerZ> nope
[23:31] <Wolverine-> !kickme
[23:31] *** Wolverine- was kicked by bliP (Sure Man)
[23:31] <Ret-> JUST !kickme
[23:31] *** Wolverine- has joined #nztf
[23:31] <Wolverine-> WTF
[23:31] <Wolverine-> WTF
[23:31] <Wolverine-> WTF
[23:31] <Wolverine-> WT
[23:31] <Wolverine-> FW
[23:31] <MadkillerZ> silly wolv
[23:31] <Ret-> god damn
[23:31] <Wolverine-> TWF
[23:31] <Ret-> idiots

[12:53] <mpx> fucking hell i was in mid battle and i lagged out
[12:53] <mpx> bliP` wanna ctf or stunt
[12:56] <tmasky> arrrrgh
[12:56] <tmasky> what happened to my HEAD D=
[13:04] <mpx> circumcisions a bitch huh
[13:05] <circa> lol!
[13:05] <circa> nice matt
[13:08] <tmasky> ahahhaah
[13:11] <p-b> ffs
[13:13] <Ret-> ahaha

[01:00] <iT_Belth> i'm a tf'er, I have no fuckn clue where the d goes in 'good'

[15:37] <bliP> lemme take a dump first
[15:37] <circa> blue shirt and jeans standing on the side of the road i wouldn't be hard to miss
[15:37] <circa> hehe ok
[15:37] <circa> thats a good thing
[15:37] <circa> now i wont get shit on my dick
[15:38] <iT_Belth> ahahah
[15:38] <iT_Belth> dirty
[15:38] <Ret-> ahah

[15:33] <icefox> lol i guess if i was another guy i owuld say shes hot =P
[15:33] <lifter> cool
[15:33] * icefox hides
[15:33] <lifter> hook us up
[15:34] <bliP> my sister is hot
[15:34] <lifter> nah it doesnt matter if you say your sisters hot
[15:34] <lifter> better than saying shes ugly
[15:34] <lifter> cause thats just stink
[15:34] <lifter> mp3(Incubus - I Miss You)!(128kbps/2m49s)
[15:34] <icefox> argh 3 sneezez is a row D=
[15:34] <icefox> damn cold
[15:34] <Ret-> mp³: Opeth - The Funeral Portrait Length: 8:44
[15:34] <bliP> saying your sister is hot is ok, but saying you want to fuck her crosses the line
[15:34] <icefox> all over the monitor
[15:34] <icefox> really?
[15:35] * icefox keeps moouth shut
[15:35] <icefox> sick lol
[15:35] <lifter> ok now we can mock you
[15:35] <lifter> you sicko weirdo
[15:35] <icefox> lolol
[15:35] <bliP> SISTERFUCKER

[19:24] <@bliP> K98 and No4 are the same
[19:25] <Ret-> hmm
[19:25] <Kevorkian> nein
[19:25] <Ret-> I thought they were different
[19:25] <Kevorkian> about 94 difference
[19:25] <Kevorkian> =]

[16:56] <mpx> what are nice chicks delivering pizza for
[16:56] <mpx> shouldn't they be modelling
[16:56] <mpx> the only people who deliver my pizza are incompetent indians

bliP 8th May 2004 18:29

[13:50] *** Wolverine- has joined the channel
[14:20] <Wolverine-> fuck
[14:20] <bliP> you
[14:20] <Wolverine-> Shoyu
[14:21] <bliP> i
[14:21] <Wolverine-> love
[14:21] <bliP> big
[14:21] <Wolverine-> floppy
[14:21] <bliP> bananas
[14:21] <Wolverine-> running
[14:21] <bliP> away
[14:21] <Wolverine-> from
[14:21] <bliP> the
[14:22] <Wolverine-> disgusting
[14:22] <bliP> overloaded
[14:22] <Wolverine-> cuntfaced
[14:22] <bliP> homophobic
[14:22] <Wolverine-> retard
[14:23] <bliP> cow
[14:23] <Wolverine-> named
[14:23] <bliP> HellToupee
[14:24] <Wolverine-> whom
[14:24] <bliP> ate
[14:24] <Wolverine-> sticky
[14:24] <HellToupee> Wolverine-
[14:24] <bliP> while
[14:24] <Wolverine-> taking
[14:25] <HellToupee> a
[14:25] <bliP> huge
[14:25] <Wolverine-> rainbow
[14:25] <HellToupee> with
[14:25] <bliP> iT_Belth`z
[14:25] <Wolverine-> tiny
[14:26] <bliP> dog
[14:26] *** iT_Belth`z is now known as iT_Belth
[14:27] <Wolverine-> which
[14:27] <bliP> had
[14:27] <Wolverine-> a
[14:27] <bliP> gaping
[14:27] <HellToupee> hole
[14:27] <Wolverine-> bursting
[14:27] <bliP> with
[14:28] <iT_Belth> Wolverine-
[14:29] <Wolverine-> rocketlauncher
[14:29] <bliP> aka
[14:29] <iT_Belth> bliP
[14:29] <Wolverine-> the
[14:29] <bliP> MIGHTY
[14:29] <Wolverine-> SPAMMER
[14:29] <iT_Belth> but
[14:29] <bliP> he
[14:29] <Wolverine-> lost
[14:30] <iT_Belth> his
[14:30] <bliP> brains
[14:30] <Wolverine-> by
[14:30] <iT_Belth> cutting
[14:30] <bliP> off
[14:30] <Wolverine-> the
[14:30] <iT_Belth> long
[14:30] <bliP> hairy
[14:30] <Wolverine-> microphone
[14:30] <iT_Belth> and
[14:31] <bliP> he
[14:31] <Wolverine-> cried
[14:31] <iT_Belth> for
[14:31] <bliP> his
[14:31] <Wolverine-> lover
[14:31] <iT_Belth> christina
[14:32] <bliP> murphy
[14:32] <Wolverine-> lee
[14:32] <iT_Belth> jones
[14:32] <bliP> the
[14:32] <Wolverine-> obese
[14:32] <iT_Belth> opera
[14:32] <bliP> camel
[14:32] <Wolverine-> with
[14:33] <iT_Belth> the
[14:33] <bliP> huge
[14:33] <Wolverine-> cd
[14:33] <iT_Belth> that
[14:33] <bliP> broke
[14:34] <Wolverine-> kfc's
[14:34] <iT_Belth> colonel
[14:34] <bliP> statue
[14:34] <Wolverine-> with
[14:34] <iT_Belth> a
[14:34] <bliP> stained
[14:34] <Wolverine-> dildo
[14:35] <iT_Belth> which
[14:35] <bliP> COMBUSTED
[14:35] <Wolverine-> internally
[14:35] <iT_Belth> causing
[14:35] <bliP> MASS
[14:35] <Wolverine-> hyper
[14:35] <iT_Belth> CUMSTAINS
[14:35] <bliP> OVERPOWERING
[14:35] <Wolverine-> LINUX
[14:36] <iT_Belth> with
[14:36] <HellToupee> bill
[14:36] <bliP> gates
[14:36] <Wolverine-> losing
[14:36] <iT_Belth> windows
[14:36] <bliP> and
[14:36] <Wolverine-> a
[14:36] <HellToupee> game
[14:37] <iT_Belth> called
[14:37] <HellToupee> ut2k4
[14:37] <bliP> which
[14:37] <Wolverine-> sux
[14:37] <HellToupee> ownzord
[14:37] <iT_Belth> =(
[14:37] *** bliP sets mode: -o+b HellToupee *!*[email protected].*
[14:37] *** HellToupee was kicked by bliP (you fucked it)

[14:54] <zeocen> remind me at about 5pm SpeedAFK
[14:55] <zeocen> SpeedAFK
[14:55] <zeocen> savant_
[14:56] * bliP`` hands zeocen his tab key manual
[14:56] * zeocen hands bliP`` a knuckle sandwich

[15:14] <zeocen> i watched fist of legend today lordp
[15:14] <zeocen> er lordp
[15:14] <zeocen> leadinjector
[15:14] <zeocen> for fucking fuck sakes
[15:15] <lordp> hahaha

Jin 24th August 2004 23:28

[22:20] <lordp> jin - he's moving to hamiltron... move now while you have the chance
[22:20] <Jin`> i dont live at hammy
[22:21] <Jin`> *thank god*
[22:21] <sepulchral> i've moved to hamilton :D
[22:21] <sepulchral> oh man
[22:21] <sepulchral> :(
[22:21] <Jin`> keke
[22:21] <Jin`> remeber, hamilton - the place where condoms are a must
[22:21] <sepulchral> my heart has been broken, back to whangarei it is
[22:21] <Spink> haha
[22:22] <lordp> full body condoms
[22:22] <Jin`> rubber gloves, you name it
[22:22] <lordp> and probably a sharp weapon to fight off the bogans
[22:22] <sepulchral> well if jins not gonna be my city dubby, then who is :(?
[22:22] <Jin`> bliP can be
[22:23] <Jin`> he can double you on his push bike to the STD clinic
[22:23] <sepulchral> i'm going to run over the next nerd i see on a bike
[22:23] <Jin`> make sure he has round glasses and a bf1942 manual under his arm
[22:23] <sepulchral> hahaha
[22:23] <Jin`> i miss bliP ima go harass him
[22:24] <sepulchral> where do you live now
[22:25] <Jin`> Las Vegas

W0Lv3R1nE 25th August 2004 12:50

i miss blip too :(

circa 25th August 2004 15:00

blip has a hardout pushbike :<

bliP 23rd October 2004 20:52

[19:56] <sepulchral> !s
[19:56] <sepulchral> damn
[19:56] <sepulchral> wrong chan :|
[19:57] <tmasky[TC> lol
[19:57] <Gerbs> u were 3 letters away from a kick :p
[19:57] <tmasky[TC> !shit?
[19:57] <tmasky[TC> !shot
[19:57] <tmasky[TC> !slut
[19:57] <tmasky[TC> !SLUT!
[19:57] <tmasky[TC> that's gotta be it
[19:57] <Gerbs> "s" being the 3rd letter in the word :p
[19:57] <Gerbs> Mmmm
[19:57] <Gerbs> sluts
[19:58] <Gerbs> !SLUT
[19:58] <Gerbs> !SLUT
[19:58] <Gerbs> !SLUT
[19:58] <Gerbs> !SLUT
[19:58] *** crank sets mode: -o+b Gerbs *!*gerbils@*
[19:58] *** Gerbs was kicked by crank (Trigger Flood [#56] tempban 3 min)

[01:28] <p-b> you guys wanna know something funny!
[01:29] <p-b> one of my workmates is a lesbian, and she's allergic to nuts! hahahahahaha!
[01:29] <p-b> aahahahahahaha!
[01:29] <p-b> hahahahahahaha!

[20:02] <zeocen> fuck i dunno
[20:02] <zeocen> fuck computers man
[20:02] <zeocen> they're gay

[13:16] <tasshat> wanking causes penis cancer

[11:11] *** (s) *** Notice -- Received KILL message for [email protected]. From AdminServ Path: (uggboot - Racist Comments / Interfering with Admins on Official Business / Bypassing Channel Bans / Bypassing G-Lines / Attempted Channel Takeovers)

[00:57] <bliP> BANANAS
[00:57] <Vanquish> morning bliP
[00:57] <Trigger> FIST YOU IN THE ASS
[00:57] <bliP> hello Vanquish
[00:57] <flic> stop it already
[00:57] <Vanquish> hi bliP
[00:57] <Trigger> ,test
[00:57] <Trigger> how do you colour it in!
[00:58] <Vanquish> fuck it
[00:58] <Vanquish> i dont know
[00:58] <bliP> alt+z then click both
[00:58] * Trigger waits
[00:58] *** Vanquish ([email protected]) has left #nzgames
[00:58] <bliP> HEHEHA
[00:58] <Trigger> HHAAHHAAH
[00:58] <flic> hahahahaa
[00:58] *** Vanquish ([email protected]) has joined #nzgames
[00:58] <Vanquish> bliP is a dick
[00:58] <bliP> lolol
[00:58] <flic> BURN
[00:58] <Trigger> FEEL THE BURN

[15:36] <Fred> lol eb
[15:36] <Fred> someone should post about how he met his gf on austnet chat channel
[15:36] <Fred> then covered it up cause he was too embarassed

[17:05] *** (s) *** Notice -- Received KILL message for [email protected]. From AdminServ Path: (vhost abuse)

[19:46] <Biggus> nah man she's just a horney skank that wants anyone with 2 legs, dont feel special
[19:46] <Biggus> er woops wrong window
[19:47] <Speed3D> rofl
[19:47] <Biggus> well I bet you can guess what that was about :)

[22:17] <Sho> [22:17:33] *donaldo* it_belth wants buttsecks now plz
[22:17] <Sho> [22:17:36] *zod^^* buttsecks now plz
[22:17] <Sho> WTF is this
[22:17] <goten-> LOL
[22:17] <iT_Belth> er
[22:17] <bliP> ahaha
[22:17] <iT_Belth> ;x
[22:17] <zod^^> [22:17:13] [toules]: feel the love
[22:17] <zod^^> [22:17:14] [iT_Belth]: /msg sho buttsecks now plz

[17:35] *** bliP changes topic to 'Welcome to the BASH SHO FOUNDATION! || TNA Movie: GIVE ME SONG IDEAS <: the lil spanish flea || read forums (this means you sho)'
[18:54] <Shoyu> well6 o_O
[18:54] <Shoyu> yes put my name up bliP!
[18:55] <goten-> put me down blip
[19:02] <Shoyu> up!
[19:02] <Shoyu> bliP is not a vet :P
[19:02] <goten-> put me up blip!
[19:02] <goten-> ;p
[19:02] <Shoyu> hm that doesnt sound right

bliP 23rd October 2004 20:55

[19:16] * fatty^^ slaps HellToupee with a portrait of Billy Gates
[19:17] <fatty^^> muhhahahha
[19:17] * HellToupee slaps fatty^^ with a handfull of linux distros
[19:17] <fatty^^> kaka
[19:17] * fatty^^ puts a knoppix cd in the microwave
[19:17] <iT_Belth> <:
[19:17] <fatty^^> :D
[19:18] * HellToupee puts windows cd in fattys car
[19:18] <HellToupee> that outa make it crash
[19:18] <iT_Belth> lol
[19:18] <fatty^^> rofl
[19:18] <fatty^^> haha

[13:17] *** circa has left #nzgames
[13:17] *** circa has joined #nzgames
[13:20] <leadinjector> look who came crawling back
[13:22] <circa> fuckup or i'll put your cat in the freezer

[14:03] *** (s) *** Notice -- Received KILL message for [email protected]. From AdminServ Path: (trig - interfering with an admin on official business)

[17:22] <bliP``> [17:22] <crank> CHANGEME | | 2fort5r | 1/2 | 0:bl1P
[17:22] <mercury> ye
[17:22] <mercury> join it
[17:22] <bliP``> i am
[17:23] <mercury> #$%^&(*
[17:23] <bliP``> :/
[17:23] <mercury> JOINNSDUIbaisdba
[17:24] <mercury> rofl
[17:25] <mercury> right
[17:25] <mercury> u must be on a pretend server
[17:26] <bliP``> [17:26] <crank> mercury loves cock | | 2fort5r | 1/2 | 10:bl1P
[17:26] <mercury> lol
[17:26] <bliP``> what the hell server are you on
[17:26] <mercury> thats wierd
[17:26] <mercury> mvdsv
[17:27] <mercury> is not evenm on my windos
[17:27] <mercury> yet ctrl alt delete
[17:27] <mercury> and its there
[17:27] <mercury> wtf
[17:27] <mercury> nm
[17:27] <mercury> it works
[17:27] <bliP``> sort your shit out man
[17:27] <bliP``> :P
[17:27] <mercury> rofl
[17:27] <mercury> i had fuhquake open
[17:27] <mercury> im waiting
[17:27] <mercury> ..
[17:27] <mercury> WTF IS HE
[17:27] <bliP``> lololol

[20:39] <zeocen-> im like "you cant type for shit dude" and hes like "watch me care while i have sex"
[20:39] <zeocen-> i was like, ohhh burn

[16:12] <Marsh> rofl im looking for this microsoft website called elms
[16:12] <Marsh> and google returns this
[16:12] <Marsh> ELMS - The Encyclopedia of Lesbian Movie Scenes

[16:54] *** Trigger` has joined #nzgames
[16:54] <Trigger`> uhh
[16:55] *** Torka has joined #nzgames
[16:56] *** Trigger` Quit (Killed (Services.EnterTheGame.Com ([Ref#:84369 - Expires:6/14/04] trig - interfering with an admin on official business)))
[16:56] <bliP``> haha

[19:54] <circa> she said you kiss like a washing machine :l

[15:15] <goten-> balls are overrated

[16:39] <rocketbear> [21:31] <raver> gota work this farkn dog
[16:39] <rocketbear> [21:31] <raver> walk
[16:39] <rocketbear> [21:32] <sandz> haha
[16:39] <rocketbear> [21:32] <sandz> WORK THE DOG VINCE
[16:39] <rocketbear> lol
[16:59] <donaldo> haha
[17:12] <raver> wtf
[17:12] <raver> when did i say that hehe
[17:12] <rocketbear> 2 years ago lol
[17:13] <raver> hehe

[22:52] <HellToupee> blip u tried joint operations?
[22:53] <bliP``> never heard of it
[22:53] <zod^^> i think thats the pot growing game
[22:53] <bliP``> ahaha
[22:53] <KoE|Naithin> haha
[22:53] <zod^^> you grow it then sell it

bliP 23rd October 2004 20:57

[15:24] <toules> we will smash them like guitars
[15:24] <toules> h3h3

[23:05] <PLUMETZX> but yeah, crunch could do a kicker and it wold all be over
[23:05] <PLUMETZX> again...
[23:05] <PLUMETZX> and i'd be left watching zut demos

[19:57] <zeocen> "Scary thing to happen isnt it"
[19:58] <zeocen> "ITS A NEW CAR"
[19:58] <peebs> new car, poor girl
[19:59] <zeocen> i'd repair her

[21:18] <zeocen> sometimes i walk past the smoke alarms naked
[21:18] <zeocen> just to set them off

[04:40] *** !MadHacker! $ I think we should just use the other option:
[04:42] *** !MadHacker! $ TBH, don't try QuakeNet at home.
[04:42] *** !MadHacker! $ It's pretty tragic when your mum looks over your shoulder and realises that you've got the nick "SexGod69"
[04:43] *** !MadHacker! $ Or that you're camping #teensexwithdonkeys
[04:44] *** !MadHacker! $ So pils tells me, anyway.

circa 26th December 2004 00:41

this is why the drinking age should NOT be lowered:

(23:18:38) —› mode: (ChanServ) sets (+o circa)
(23:18:40) (@circa) :0
(23:18:58) (Ret-) =D
(23:19:40) (@fatty^^) omghi2u
(23:21:38) —› quit: (fatty^^) ([email protected]) (Quit: 23:12:15 [ @jin- ] wm's retarded || 22:37:58 [ @scottZZZ ] wms a fuckhead)
(23:25:28) (@circa) whoa
(23:25:41) (@circa) oh gay
(23:25:44) (@circa) he left
(23:25:45) (@circa) :<
(23:25:48) (@circa) hi ret
(23:26:04) (Ret-) hasi
(23:26:11) (Ret-) hai
(23:26:14) (@circa) lol
(23:26:16) (@circa) hasi
(23:26:16) (@circa) : D
(23:26:59) (Ret-) drink:d!
(23:27:06) (Ret-) ::D
(23:27:34) (Ret-) winna
(23:29:04) (Ret-) ciraca
(23:29:06) (Ret-) circa
(23:29:21) (Ret-) tit tit ewhy aeell
(23:29:27) (Ret-) wtff
(23:29:45) (Ret-) yaa?
(23:30:01) (@circa) hi
(23:30:03) (@circa) ret
(23:30:06) (@circa) are you drunk
(23:30:06) (@circa) .
(23:30:11) (Ret-) drink
(23:30:15) (@circa) :)
(23:30:40) (Ret-) quacke33 =D
(23:30:47) (@circa) i'd be swashbuckled right now if i didn't have to come home for christmas :L
(23:31:07) (Ret-) wtf iss a bswaclahbaucker
(23:31:12) (Ret-) fycj
(23:31:13) (Ret-) fyuck
(23:31:15) (Ret-) fc
(23:31:16) (Ret-) fuck
(23:31:19) (Ret-) yay=d
(23:31:28) (Ret-) wtf is a
(23:31:32) (Ret-) swash
(23:31:35) (Ret-) byuckled
(23:31:50) (Ret-) ffs typo
(23:31:50) (@circa) its a breed of monkey
(23:32:27) (Ret-) im going t o play gaim
(23:32:32) (Ret-) bf orr qack
(23:32:51) (Ret-) quake
(23:33:10) (@circa) i dunno
(23:33:12) (@circa) !
(23:33:48) (Ret-) bf
(23:34:01) (@circa) are you binz yet
(23:34:13) (Ret-) bf yes
(23:34:18) (Ret-) litareally
(23:34:32) (@circa) k
(23:34:33) (Ret-) imn in thew best dc caln in nz
(23:34:42) (Ret-) we beat nts
(23:34:54) (Ret-) =D
(23:34:59) (@circa) nice
(23:35:08) (Ret-) its calld
(23:35:10) (Ret-) NN
(23:35:16) (@circa) i have no idea what you're talking about btw
(23:35:20) (Ret-) No Name ((( yay nio typo)
(23:35:27) (Ret-) -NN-Ret-
(23:35:34) (Ret-) dc = bf mod
(23:35:56) (Ret-) moire peopppple play it thaan normal bf
(23:36:01) (Ret-) there waas a comp
(23:36:14) (@circa) a computer?
(23:36:15) (Ret-) we lost toa FUJCCCKEN aussie team for thee final
(23:36:24) (Ret-) copmtition
(23:36:30) (@circa) compton?
(23:36:43) (Ret-) comp
(23:36:45) (Ret-) i
(23:36:48) (Ret-) titon
(23:36:51) (Ret-) tition
(23:36:58) (@circa) oh
(23:37:02) (@circa) one of those
(23:37:03) (Ret-) you're
(23:37:11) (Ret-) you're
(23:37:12) (Ret-) you're
(23:37:12) (Ret-) you're
(23:37:26) (Ret-) BF TEIM
(23:37:31) (@circa) ok
(23:37:35) (Ret-) =DDD
(23:37:55) (@circa) make sure you dont throw up 2 beers on your keyboard


Ret- 26th December 2004 01:40



Ret- 26th December 2004 09:43

Oh jesus... I was fucked lastnight...


raffe 4th February 2005 23:27

[22:23:06] * bliP changes topic to 'breaking news: fatty is fat'
[22:23:06] * bliP was kicked by crank (Text flood - 1 lines in 10 sec [#125])
[22:23:06] * bliP ([email protected]) has joined #nztf
[22:23:06] * crank sets mode: +o bliP
[22:23:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bliP
[22:30:00] <tripz> owned by ur own creation :O

Summoner 21st December 2005 21:00

I cant beleive i read all of that. Damn im bored. But there is some extremely funny shit in there haha!! Lifter you crack me up haha

Jin 24th January 2006 01:24

fucken LOL thread

[Lifter] 24th January 2006 04:03

I just read all of that all over again..

What a fucking brilliant thread, it makes me miss qwtf and the irc channel so much :( I want the old days back :(

bliP 24th January 2006 18:51

[23:08] <Marsh> rocketbear is the lawyer that will sue u for not having a valid copy of maya
[23:09] <descent_> i got ligit version :>
[23:09] <rocketbear> lol
[23:09] <descent_> you a lawyer tho anyways?
[23:09] <rocketbear> nearly
[23:09] <descent_> liar :>
[23:10] <rocketbear> ?
[23:10] <descent_> iunno :>
[23:10] <rocketbear> i am heahhAHaehh
[23:10] <descent_> when i get into the proffession and things i will scrap all my warez which is relevant -
[23:11] <Marsh> aha u admit it

[15:49] <zeocen> uh oh
[15:49] <zeocen> battern the hatches boys
[15:49] <zeocen> zeocen has a miniskirt once again

[22:06] <zeocen> LOL
[22:06] <zeocen> OOPS
[22:06] <zeocen> CAPSLOCK
[22:06] <zeocen> NO TURNING BACK NOW
[22:07] <tmasky|wow> ahaha

[15:40] <zeobang> nah im all about knitting now

[18:02] <p01s0n_> anyone here know if i can get my pod filter wet whilst i wash my car? or should i remove it first?
[18:03] <Speed3D> it will be fine if you wet it
[18:05] <p01s0n_> k, its sitting under one of the grills on my cars "bonnet" and you can see the pod from outside the car, so it might get quite wet
[18:06] -Speed3D:@#nzgames- anyone know what a pod is?
[18:06] <tmasky|wow> ahahahaha
[18:06] <tmasky|wow> Speed3D: ;D

[00:03] <bern> im going to ask him to msg you
[00:03] <toules> fuckoff
[00:03] <toules> fUKCOFF
[00:03] <bern> [22:01] (bern): maybe toules will go\
[00:03] <bern> ahaaaaaaaa
[00:03] <toules> OH FUCK YOU
[00:03] <bliP> lol
[00:03] <Marsh> lolllll

[14:05] <Trigger`> hey red, show me some exciting WoW screenies plz
[14:05] <Trigger`> :D
[14:06] <Spink> that's like a gay guy asking you to show him some good porn
[14:06] <Trigger`> lol
[14:07] <Trigger`> wait did you just call me gay
[14:08] <Spink> hahaha

[02:14] <SASboy> when will finish the?
[02:15] <[515]ALLAH> lol
[02:15] <SASboy> I'm very excited
[02:15] <SASboy> :)
[02:15] <SASboy> what is lol?
[02:16] *** SASboy is now known as nickname

[18:21] <zeocen> its like arguing to a girl how to masturbate
[18:21] <zeocen> the end

[12:52] <Beccara> i dont think so but IANAL

bliP 24th January 2006 18:54

[18:33] <descent> hi all
[18:41] <rocketbear> my name is not hi, but hello anyway
[18:41] <rocketbear> DOH
[18:41] <rocketbear> its not all i mean

[15:00] <tmasky> the christmas additions to WoW are fucking priceless
[15:00] <tmasky> =D
[15:00] <tmasky> I spent 30 mins snowballing random people =D
[15:00] <tmasky> maybe I should have said "throwing snowballs"...
[15:05] <RedeviL> Whats the snowball do? :o
[15:09] <xin> Trigger`: you around?
[15:11] <Spink> topic -> <tmasky> I spent 30 mins snowballing random people =D
[15:13] <Cyberbob> :o
[15:13] <Cyberbob> haha
[15:15] *** RedeviL changes topic to '<tmasky> I spent 30 mins snowballing random people =D'
[15:17] <zeocen> THATS DISGUSTING

[23:25] <Ret-> well the peice of paper says im very experienced in word, excel, powerpoint etc etc.

[09:37] <BiggusSleepyTime> nick/ BiggusSemiAwake
[09:37] *** BiggusSleepyTime is now known as BiggusSemiAwake
[09:38] <BiggusSemiAwake> lol, see, its true

[00:59] <zeocen`> i was playing halo2 with my mate last night and i said "oh man there's a zerg of them coming"
[00:59] <zeocen`> he paused the game and put down the controller and was like
[00:59] <zeocen`> "matt this computer nerd talk has got to fucking stop"
[00:59] <zeocen`> i was like :/

[13:16] <descent> PnP are the shit
[13:16] *** Slappa sets mode: -o+b descent *!*nexus@*
[13:16] *** descent was kicked by Slappa (It must be a monday... -sigh-)
[13:16] <Slappa> OUT
[13:16] <Slappa> thought he said pnp are shit
[13:16] <Slappa> aha
[13:16] <sold> lol
[13:16] <Slappa> so dyslexic
[13:16] <Slappa> oh well

[21:30] <Trigger`> I hope my kid turns out black so I can tease him

[23:31] <zod^^> wolv will be your kitchen bitch for a month if you install it
[23:31] <zod^^> he said so earlier
[23:31] <zod^^> hes even got an apron
[23:31] <evlow> but i only make curry
[23:31] <evlow> so you'll have the runs for a month

[17:06] <raf^^> play what
[17:09] <Ret-> tf!%!
[17:09] <Ret-> or if you want, dm :)
[17:09] <Ret-> or midair?
[17:09] <tRIPZ> oh tf ok
[17:09] <tRIPZ> yeah illl meet you there
[17:09] <tRIPZ> dm2
[17:09] <Ret-> ;D
[17:10] <Ret->
[17:10] <tRIPZ> kk
[17:11] <tRIPZ> sorry ret that was a mean joke
[17:11] <tRIPZ> i dont even have quake on this pc
[17:11] <Ret-> :/
[17:11] <Ret-> I've just been jumping around on dm4 waiting for you

[23:46] <zeocen> godamn the goldenhorse chick is soooo hot
[23:47] <zeocen> well not hot
[23:47] <zeocen> but cute
[23:47] <zeocen> i'd like to show her my goldenhorse
[23:52] <p-b> i'd like to be her stud
[23:54] <zeocen> i'd like to enter her stables
[23:55] <p-b> i'd like to be whipped by her riding crop
[23:55] <zeocen> she can lick my salt
[23:55] <p-b> i'd like to chomp at her bit
[23:56] <zeocen> haha
[23:56] <zeocen> how did we get so good at this
[23:56] <p-b> talent. pure talent
[23:58] <fobski> i will give her my sugar
[23:58] <fobski> i will mount her
[23:58] <zeocen> fobski
[23:58] * p-b looks at zeocen
[23:58] * zeocen shakes his head
[00:00] <p-b> hahahahaa

bliP 24th January 2006 18:56

[20:57] <tripz> meht
[20:57] <zod^^> likes
[20:58] <tripz> cccccoock
[20:58] <zod^^> all
[20:58] <bliP> the
[20:59] <tripz> way
[20:59] <zod^^> up
[20:59] <tripz> his
[20:59] <bliP> large
[20:59] <zod^^> hairy
[21:00] <tripz> sphincter
[21:00] *** meht ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:11] <eleusis> !top10 words
[22:11] <TaZet> Top10(words): 1. crank(9801) 2. eleusis(8263) 3. [ETF]Bandit5k(5376) 4. green(4637) 5. zar(3680) 6. Howi(3529) 7. ugg(3327) 8. assim(3249) 9. buggmuzz(3238) 10. Ced`Away(3072)
[22:11] <YMP> gooo crank
[22:12] <buggy> hey hey there we go
[22:12] <buggy> buggmuzz is on the list now
[22:12] <@assim> anyone that is that close to crank needs a voice

[22:53] <Ba`alaOtherPC> put it this way, this is the banlist:
[22:53] <Ba`alaOtherPC> ".1941.",*,db9500ec17ecd108799e886d8e96be6c,*,"bfgod",1101976861,0,PB HACK #130033 - Xtra BoB - perm ban
[22:53] *** Ba`alaOtherPC Quit (Excess Flood)

[11:57] <Jihad_Jeep> now time to use those 50 gmail invites as 50 gigs of temporary storage while I prepare to format :D

[11:52] * Luse_K -: |Fast Crew - It's the Incredible|
[11:52] <nemisis> hehe
[11:52] <nemisis> my brother use to fuck bec's
[11:52] <nemisis> from fastcrew
[11:52] <Luse_K> she ruins this song i reckon :P
[11:52] <nemisis> yeah
[11:52] <Luse_K> whats with the "im on my monthly"
[11:52] <Luse_K> thats just rank
[11:52] <nemisis> hahahaha
[11:52] <nemisis> classic
[11:53] <nemisis> its funny aye
[11:53] <nemisis> she use to hang wif us up at lukes best mates house ..
[11:53] <nemisis> quite sort ..
[11:53] <nemisis> not so quite anymore ..
[11:53] <Luse_K> hehe
[11:53] <Luse_K> hot?
[11:53] <nemisis> yea
[11:53] <nemisis> not to bad
[11:54] <nemisis> not drop dead
[11:54] <nemisis> but hot non the same

[11:05] <!@ChanServ> [VirusX] Hello Fellas
[11:05] <+VirusX> (+) thanks ChanServ
[11:05] <terminalinsanity> wow...
[11:06] <terminalinsanity> is that a helper... with gayscript 2.0?
[11:06] <terminalinsanity> you guys stop weeding out the noobs? heh

[14:49] <zod^^> fizz just fucked up bliP
[14:50] <bliP> doesn't surprise me
[14:50] <zod^^> i dble clicked the icon and the screen kinda flickered for about 10seconds then 92. yes 92! fizzes opened up
[14:50] <zod^^> i closed the group and i got 92 I/O error messages :p
[14:50] *** ChanServ sets mode: +l 11
[14:50] <zod^^> had to turn comp off at the wall at that stage :p
[14:51] <bliP> ahaha
[14:52] <zod^^> i thought someone was trying to hack me or something at first, got all paranoid
[14:57] <bliP> classic

[17:11] <zeocen> and it says
[17:11] <zeocen> system error
[17:11] <zeocen> lol
[17:12] <zeocen> man i suck
[17:12] <fobski> <zeocen> men, i suck

[13:03] *** phatmike has joined #pnpetf
[13:04] <phatmike> fatboy!
[13:04] <nagash> fuckup
[13:05] <phatmike> ?
[13:06] <nagash> sorry i was just trying to look hard in front of my e-friends
[13:07] <phatmike> LOL

[17:55] <zeocen> but the fact is
[17:55] <zeocen> im hotter, cooler, and awesomer than you
[17:55] <zeocen> and soon i'll be able to irc while taking a shit

bliP 24th January 2006 19:00

[17:54] <zeocen> i need to take a shit so bad but i want to get irc working first so i can irc while i poo
[17:54] <zeocen> there's precious little time p-b!!

[21:11] *** [515] has joined #nzbattlefield
[21:11] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v [515]
[21:11] <[515]> Thanks For The Voice ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:16] *** [GCDev]Phantom is now known as [9th]Phantom
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: -v [515]
[21:19] <[515]> Can I Have My Voice Back ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v [515]
[21:19] <[515]> Thanks For The Voice ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: -v [515]
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v [515]
[21:19] <[515]> Can I Have My Voice Back ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:19] <[515]> Thanks For The Voice ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: -v [515]
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v [515]
[21:19] <[515]> Can I Have My Voice Back ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:19] <[515]> Thanks For The Voice ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:19] <Ba`alzaman> O_o
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: -v [515]
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v [515]
[21:19] <[515]> Can I Have My Voice Back ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:19] <[515]> Thanks For The Voice ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: -v [515]
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v [515]
[21:19] <[515]> Can I Have My Voice Back ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:19] <[515]> Thanks For The Voice ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:19] *** [515] was kicked by Desktop (flood)
[21:19] *** [515] ([email protected]) has joined #nzbattlefield
[21:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v [515]
[21:20] <[515]> Thanks For The Voice ChanServ ×Tracer Script×
[21:20] <[515]> What The Fuck

[17:49] <dynamiC`Milons`Valentine> terminalinsanity: shut the fuck you
[17:49] <dynamiC`Milons`Valentine> up*

[14:54] *** Ba`alzaman sets mode: +m
[14:54] *** bliP sets mode: -m
[14:54] <Ba`alzaman> oi
[14:54] *** Ba`alzaman sets mode: -o bliP
[14:54] *** Desktop sets mode: +o bliP
[14:54] <Hun|DC> lol should work
[14:54] <Ba`alzaman> bah
[14:54] *** Ba`alzaman sets mode: -o Desktop
[14:54] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Desktop
[14:54] <Ba`alzaman> ahahaha
[14:54] <Ba`alzaman> can't win
[14:55] <WanGDoughnuts> a good thing to remember for tommorow night Ba`alzaman.
[14:55] <Ba`alzaman> lol

[15:40] <Luse_K> CAPS BANS ARE SO 1999 NET NANNYISH a bunch of assorted lower case letters go here
[15:40] <Luse_K> I FEEL LIKE MY HUMAN RIGHTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED ALONG WITH MY ANUS a bunch of assorted lower case letters go here

[13:15] <slack0ne> F:\Documents and Settings\Michael\Desktop\m.mp3
[13:15] <slack0ne> ok that won't work

[15:01] <Luse_K> and now for Luse_K's abridged rendition of Norton Antivirus

[00:03] <Trigger`> I wonder what having 2 penises would be like
[00:03] <Trigger`> would you be able to have 2 separate orgasms?
[00:03] <Trigger`> or would jizz shoot out of both at once
[00:03] <Trigger`> what if you could have one flaccid and one erect
[00:03] <Trigger`> and maybe wrap the flacid one around the erect one
[00:03] <Trigger`> so many questions

[22:23] <leadinjector> constantine is pretty cool
[22:23] <Ultimative> indeed
[22:23] <leadinjector> jesus knuckledusters for the win
[22:23] <Ultimative> haha
[22:24] <Ultimative> that actually looked like it hurt too
[22:25] <Azmodan> you dick leadinjector
[22:26] <zeomob> Say anymore and i turn my pc on and perm ban.
[22:26] <leadinjector> :(
[22:26] <Boofhead> keanu reeves is in it!
[22:26] <Azmodan> hermione dies! :O
[22:28] *** zeocen sets mode: +b *!*
[22:28] *** Azmodan was kicked by zeocen (zeocen)
[22:29] <fobski> wtf
[22:29] <fobski> y ban azmo?
[22:29] <leadinjector> um
[22:29] <leadinjector> hate crime?
[22:29] <Boofhead> it's that time of the month
[22:29] <fobski> haha
[22:29] <zeomob> He gave away spoilers and he got a warning
[22:29] <fobski> so the chick from harry potter dies
[22:35] <zeomob> Oh i thought he was giving away constantine spoilers. Oops hehe
[22:35] <leadinjector> lol

[18:32] <crank> Players: 47/280 Servers: 9/11 [!crank for help]
[18:33] <Sydog> !crunk
[18:34] <Sydog> ...

bliP 24th January 2006 19:02

[11:56] <zeocen> ohhhhh me and my horsey and the felatio squiddy
[11:56] <zeocen> all up it only cost me three fiddy
[11:56] <zeocen> im not fond of the squid but i am the horsey
[11:56] <zeocen> we live in the farm far away from the city
[11:57] <zeocen> hahaha
[11:57] <zeocen> man im awesome
[11:57] <fobski> ahah
[11:57] <fobski> you should be a rapper
[11:57] <zeocen> emincen
[11:57] <trogs> zeominem

[22:00] <L|ama> yes
[22:02] *** IcedBacon Quit (Quit: Scared quit)
[22:03] <L|ama> lol
[22:06] *** L|ama Quit (Read error: EOF from client)

[00:07] <kasper> i wish computers were super easy
[00:07] <kasper> like there were only 3 different computers in the world
[00:07] <Jihad_Jeep> macs are overpriced for what your getting and not worth it
[00:07] <Jihad_Jeep> lol
[00:07] <kasper> real good, not so good, one for your grandma

[16:56] <donaldo> YOYO
[16:56] <donaldo> NZTF REPRESENT
[16:57] <donaldo> yo that j00 ice
[16:57] <bern> donald
[16:57] <bern> logn time no text interchange

[18:58] <Ret-> sorry bliP I fell asleep at kb lastnight :<

[12:58] <p-b> man
[12:58] <p-b> i was at a work do last night
[12:58] <p-b> and met one of my workmates daughters
[12:58] <p-b> my god she was fucking hot
[13:00] <fob_cleanathon> hahaha
[13:01] <fob_cleanathon> too bad
[13:01] <fob_cleanathon> she is like young :P
[13:02] <p-b> 19\
[13:02] <p-b> apparently the mother has a trespass order on her boyfriend haha
[13:02] <fob_cleanathon> haha
[13:02] <fob_cleanathon> pics of chick plz
[13:02] <p-b> her mother did ask me if i thought her daughter was attractive
[13:02] <p-b> and i played it safe
[13:03] <p-b> by saying that yes she was, and that it was obviously a mother like daughter trait
[13:03] <p-b> so i have scored browny points with the mother! hehe
[13:03] * fob_cleanathon cues polite laughter
[13:06] <Speed3D> so now the mother thinks you want her?
[13:07] <Spink> Go for the threesome p-b
[13:07] <p-b> i would do it
[13:07] <fob_cleanathon> WOULD YOU DO THE MUM
[13:07] <p-b> as you have often said fobski
[13:07] <p-b> there probably isn't a vagina in this world that i would not do
[13:08] <p-b> except maybe ugly ones
[13:08] <Spink> ugly vaginas or vaginas attached to ugly people?
[13:09] <p-b> hmm
[13:09] <p-b> have to think about that one

[18:24] <Trigger> if you forward this irc line to 200,000,000,000 english peasants you get 3kgs of potatoes

[01:01] <Jonesy> can ya connect to two diff servs?
[01:01] <Cdr> yes
[01:01] <Jonesy> whaaat
[01:01] <Jonesy> how
[01:01] <bliP> /server new
[01:01] <Sydog> gamesurge, nzbattlefield, Battlefield is a game
[01:01] <Sydog> make sense?
[01:01] <Jonesy> but but but
[01:01] <Jonesy> undernet
[01:01] <kuwa> holy fuck
[01:01] <Jonesy> ?
[01:01] <kuwa> you're a fucking genius sydog
[01:02] <kuwa> i never knew that
[01:02] <bliP> /server new
[01:02] <Sydog> !setinfo [01:01] <kuwa> you're a fucking genius sydog
[01:02] *** Jonesy Quit (Quit)

[01:08] <Jonesy> f1.. thats help
[01:08] <Sydog> indeed, you need it

[01:10] <Jonesy> whats a good chat server then
[01:10] <bliP> "network"
[01:10] <Ret`> dalnet
[01:10] <Ret`> #teens
[01:11] <Jonesy> ah yep..
[01:11] <Jonesy> im not a teen
[01:11] <Jonesy> by going into a teen room would violate all of their trust
[01:11] <Jonesy> VIOLATE I SAY
[01:11] <bliP> yeah we know: pre-teen
[01:11] <kuwa> hmm
[01:11] <Jonesy> im 19... :(
[01:11] <bliP> nineTEEN
[01:11] <Sydog> lol, the teens channel is illegal
[01:11] <Sydog> roffle

bliP 24th January 2006 19:04

[13:24] * cRuNkOcAlYpSe lurks >_>
[13:38] <Spink> GAY NAME
[13:39] <cRuNkOcAlYpSe> spink is a gay name
[13:39] <cRuNkOcAlYpSe> because it is an obvious mispelling for SPunk
[13:39] <cRuNkOcAlYpSe> in which case you want hot man chowder
[13:39] <cRuNkOcAlYpSe> FAG

[13:27] <Q|uni|assignment> i such the fat one at english

[12:59] *** icey Quit (Quit: She never checks her quit message so she won't know I changed it)

[21:42] <Sir_L|ama> oh we did for a while
[21:43] <Sir_L|ama> and just kept getting the same bullshit
[21:43] <kuwa> set up your own isp and do better
[21:43] <Fred^> well
[21:43] <Sir_L|ama> until they finally said "we have to get in a part from overseas, its a continuum transfuntcioner or some other made up bullshit"
[21:43] <Fred^> what happens is
[21:43] <Fred^> each time you ring
[21:43] <Sir_L|ama> they suck?
[21:44] <Sir_L|ama> you get a different person
[21:44] <Fred^> i counter ring and tell them we dont want you on the net
[21:44] <Fred^> they listen to us
[21:44] <H00ber> hahaha

[23:02] *** Beccara has joined #nzgames
[23:03] <Beccara> SOB, stuck outside home cos i dont have a key, thank god for wifi and laptop

[22:14] <bliP> t..whatnow?
[22:15] <Azmodan> ?!
[22:16] <bliP> cool people wouldn't understand, sorry az
[22:18] <Azmodan> fag
[22:18] <Azmodan> oh wait
[22:18] <Azmodan> good
[22:18] <Azmodan> ta
[22:18] *** Azmodan Quit (Quit: jah)

[01:51] <L|ama> bliP
[01:51] <L|ama> a firewall won't do shit
[01:51] <L|ama> if they really want to do something
[01:51] <L|ama> they'll go right past it
[01:51] <L|ama> its just an annoyance

[13:18] <L|ama_Tending_Lawn> I AM A CAWK

[21:43] <zeocen> some scrub named ren invited me back to oztf after i abused donaldo to ban me when i joined
[21:43] <zeocen> but i was too quick
[21:44] <zeocen> now im joining and leaving leaving witty msgs
[21:44] <bliP> nice
[21:44] <bliP> keep it up
[21:44] <zeocen> i bet he's fuming in his billabong
[21:44] <bliP> ahah

[17:42] <BaM`> hey bitches :)
[17:42] * BaM` is ssh'ed in from a 747
[17:46] <Cyberbob> haha
[17:46] <Cyberbob> heyya :]
[17:46] <Cyberbob> from where to where?
[17:46] <Speed3D> lol
[17:46] <BaM`> singapore to london
[17:47] <BaM`> pretty laggy
[17:47] <BaM`> they call it high speed - I'm getting mirc at 4k/sec
[17:47] <BaM`> ssh is shit with this much lag

bliP 24th January 2006 19:06

[16:30] <subhuman> !bf2 *crap pilots who plants c4 on my plane when he doesnt get it*
[16:30] <crank> Players: 335/1814 Servers: 50/67 Matched: 0/335 [!crank for help]
[16:30] <subhuman> huh that is weird, i thought he was on every server

[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> im going ot keep beeping you
[16:30] <zeopx> untill you msg
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> ill make an irc script if thats what it takes
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] <zeopx> bliP
[16:30] *** ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*
[16:30] *** zeopx was kicked by ChanServ (Repeat Flood!!)
[16:30] <bliP> HAHA

[21:45] <xin> dbr9lrs2
[21:46] <xin> oh
[21:46] <xin> fuck
[21:47] <bliP> all your passwords are belong to us
[21:47] <xin> *sigh*
[21:47] <wake> :D
[21:48] <wake> call
[21:48] <xin> evening just ruined
[21:49] <bliP> to make our's more fun, which is it too
[21:51] <wake> :P

[16:44] <Griever> I knew that
[16:46] <Griever> haha scat in the hat
[16:46] <Griever> cat*

[20:23] <Ret-> and my freind jamie always licks it off me haha

[21:52] <c2> !Gene69 PHR0412-05_-_Wake_Up_(Make_A_Move)
[21:52] <HellFyRe|42> Sif i am. Mr.Parsons is... and Josh
[21:53] <c2> woops
[21:53] <c2> no wonder my shit aint downloading

[19:32] <zeocen> myspace would be so easy to get laid from man
[19:32] <zeocen> look at this shit that missy chick posted to me
[19:33] <zeocen> 2. Do you have a crush on me/are you attracted to me:
[19:33] <zeocen> --->yep ur a cutie
[19:33] <zeocen> 14. Would you let me sleep with you (in the same bed):
[19:33] <zeocen> --->yep
[19:33] <zeocen> i mean wtf
[19:33] <zeocen> i have 1 pic of me looking like a backstreet boy and she'd let me sleep in her bed
[19:34] <zeocen> she asked me if i would let her sleep in my bed
[19:34] <zeocen> i said it cost me $3500 so unless i was 100% sure of getting some you're sleeping on the couch
[19:34] <zeocen> owned
[19:34] <zeocen> <-- wears the pants

[00:01] *** p-b has joined #planetslackers
[00:01] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o p-b
[00:01] <zeocen-> and that's how p-b lost his anal virginity
[00:01] <zeocen-> oh hi p-b
[00:02] <p-b> yes, that goat was crotchety

[23:37] <munchnutts> how long is it ognna take?
[23:37] <munchnutts> shd i come back?
[23:46] <munchnutts> should i come back in a few years?
[23:48] <bliP[GameOp]> yes
[23:49] <munchnutts> 2009?
[23:50] <munchnutts> your gotta be the world greast/biggest fag
[23:50] <munchnutts> greatest ^
[23:51] <munchnutts> later on faggot,
[23:51] *** munchnutts Quit (Client exited)

[17:56] <zeocen> man im in a rut
[17:56] <zeocen> i told this chick i had $1 credit left
[17:56] <zeocen> cause i didnt want to txt her anymore
[17:56] <zeocen> so she went out and bought a recharge card and gave me the number
[17:56] <zeocen> so i can keep texting
[17:56] <Spink> wow
[17:57] <Spink> bang her back out
[17:57] <zeocen> i dunno man, that's kinda creepy
[17:57] <zeocen> why doesn't she just call me on the telephone or something

[18:01] <Leadinjector> is she hot?
[18:02] <zeocen> shes hot enough that ifi was drunk and she came over id do her
[18:02] <zeocen> but not hot enough for me to make any effort
[18:02] <zeocen> but then again i don't think such a girl exists
[18:02] <Spink> haha
[18:05] <zeocen> maybe
[18:05] <zeocen> hmm
[18:06] <zeocen> i have a fetish for ashley simpson, i dont know why
[18:06] <zeocen> so maybe id make effort for her

Fatty 24th April 2006 16:30


W0Lv3R1nE 1st April 2007 18:49


quocactania 15th September 2010 15:24

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