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Savage 20th August 2015 18:46


Originally Posted by Ab
But it's not even a conservative Christian government. The thing about theocracies is at least they have principles. This government is just plain corrupt. It's about paying off its backers, nothing else.

A CONSERVATIVE government would be in favour of, say, marriage equality. Because marriage holds families together and the family is the fundamental unit of conservative social policy. The more people getting married the better, a conservative should say.

A CHRISTIAN government would be in favour of accepting refugees from wars, because that's what Jebus would do. Show those refugees some charity, a Christian would say.

A quote-unquote NEOLIBERAL government would be in favour of, say, renewable energy projects because there's a possibility of making shitloads of money out of it. Or in favour of Internet infrastructure because bitchinfast Internet means innovation and startups and new tech shit we haven't even thought of and there's a possibility of making shitloads of money out of it. Let's get fucking rich before some other fucker somewhere else does, a neoliberal would say.

The Abbott Government is saying none of those things and is in favour of none of those things. It's fucking over families, so it can't be conservative; it's running fucking concentration camps, so it can't be Christian; it's stomping all over tech development and the jobs and money and market domination that could result, so it can't be quote-unquote neoliberal.

Sure is bending over backwards for mining companies and traditional media companies though. If you want to dig up some coal or print some newspapers, the Abbott government will accept your paper bag without question.


I've been astounded at some of the downright backwards decisions and policies they've implemented. Abbott is slowly but surely confirming he will not survive the next election, so from that point of view I'm perfectly happy with the job he's doing =/

Savage 21st August 2015 02:05

Ab 21st August 2015 19:37

Aussie treasurer just announced 10% GST will be applied to all online purchases from offshore sellers.


madmaxii 21st August 2015 21:45


Originally Posted by Ab
Aussie treasurer just announced 10% GST will be applied to all online purchases from offshore sellers.



Juju 24th August 2015 11:04

Someone please start a campaign for all Australians to buy $1 items from all over the world.

A big reason for the current NZ GST import threshold is because any less and it would cost more to process the claim for the GST than the revenue it collects.

Spoon1 24th August 2015 11:56

Well NZ are somehow doing the same as well.

They'll just have to sweet-talk Amazon and co into doing it for them...

CCS 24th August 2015 12:25

My understanding is that NZ is only doing it on digital goods, eg Netflix, itunes presumably ebooks.

Brutus 24th August 2015 13:32

AFAIK they're discussing lowering the threshold on physical goods as well.


Originally Posted by stuff
Key said GST on the importation of goods was "a more complicated nut to crack" and he did not think the exemption would disappear - an option being discussed in Australia which currently has a very high exemption set at $A1000 but where a new level of $A20 or even zero has been floated.

He said he would be surprised if the NZ GST exemption dropped to zero.

He expected a relatively quick move on services, perhaps before Christmas, but GST on the purchase of goods overseas was more challenging and would take longer to put in place.
If the Government set the exemption at zero everything would get held up at the border.

"That's a massive inconvenience to consumers. There's got to be an easier way through. I think there is an easier way through we just have to work our way through it."

Spoon1 24th August 2015 17:56


Originally Posted by CCS
My understanding is that NZ is only doing it on digital goods, eg Netflix, itunes presumably ebooks.

Ah, yes, true.

And I see the Aussie version is both Goods and Services, so they must have arranged some deals already or something...

madmaxii 24th August 2015 18:03


Originally Posted by Spoon1
Ah, yes, true.

And I see the Aussie version is both Goods and Services, so they must have arranged some deals already or something...


Instead, Australian Taxation Office officials are going to fly around the world to ask "hundreds" of foreign companies exporting more than $75,000 worth of goods to Australia to levy the GST at their end. Nice work if you can get it.

verve_rat 24th August 2015 18:30

I really don't get any of this. If the IRD goes to a foreign company and says: "Can we have some GST please" and the company says "No", then what? In which court does the IRD take action? The foreign company is not subject to our laws, that is part of being foreign.

And even if Amazon and Netflix add GST, the three man outfit from Finland isn't event going to know NZ wants this tax. Why should GST be added to the services of only the companies big enough for the IRD to notice.

Basically, what the actual fuck? If this does anything at all, is it only because the big US companies let it work?

StN 25th August 2015 07:23


Originally Posted by CCS
My understanding is that NZ is only doing it on digital goods, eg Netflix, itunes presumably ebooks.

This makes sense as in NZ the time of supply is (from memory - 26 years ago when I was a GST auditor) when the goods come across the border. For digital it would be relatively simple to charge this by the limited number of big player vendors as part of the delivery process, and no doubt they will have to inflate prices to cover the cost of compliance. As for actual stuff, it should still be done by Customs at the border as it always has - just no more $50 floor on the limit, which was always in place because it cost more to enforce than the revenue gathered. That way they are not expecting the Santa Monica custom Chuck Taylor shop to have to get involved with the IRD each time Paul Henry orders a new pair.

I understand Customs have just spent a good lot of coin on an IT system, so no doubt they will have this covered (Ok, stirring a wee bit there...)

pxpx 25th August 2015 08:41

I've never had a package come in over the current threshold, how does it work at the moment?

spigalau 25th August 2015 09:32


Originally Posted by pxpx
I've never had a package come in over the current threshold, how does it work at the moment?

If customs identify package which has value declared of greater than NZD$400 including shipping costs, they charge you GST. You need to fill out a form to get a customs number, etc and pay it to get your goods released.

blynk 25th August 2015 12:22


Originally Posted by verve_rat
I really don't get any of this. If the IRD goes to a foreign company and says: "Can we have some GST please" and the company says "No", then what? In which court does the IRD take action? The foreign company is not subject to our laws, that is part of being foreign.

Well I guess worse case, the government could just say "Sorry, you cant sell and deliver to Australians"
For large companies, it would not be that hard to implement this


Originally Posted by verve_rat
And even if Amazon and Netflix add GST, the three man outfit from Finland isn't event going to know NZ wants this tax. Why should GST be added to the services of only the companies big enough for the IRD to notice.

Yes these small outfits would potential get missed out, but assuming they are looking at companies that export more that $75k to Oz, its doesnt really matter (at the moment anyway).

Its a global economy, it needs to happen. It just needs to start somewhere.

Ab 25th August 2015 16:04

The entire "political class" of Australia - you know, politicians, staffers, senior public servants, the whole machinery of government above and beyond who the government of the day happen to be - does not understand the Internet.

Lightspeed 25th August 2015 16:17

This political class probably has more important things to think about. Or at least they think they do. So used to being the arbiters of what's important or not.

verve_rat 25th August 2015 20:06


Originally Posted by blynk
Well I guess worse case, the government could just say "Sorry, you cant sell and deliver to Australians"
For large companies, it would not be that hard to implement this

I'm talking about the non-physical stuff. Are there any international agreements that cover this stuff? If not, I just see no way to enforce any of this without the good will of the overseas company.

StN 25th August 2015 22:19

Physical vs digital aside, it didn't take long for Ali/DX to put restrictions on laser sales once the "Trigger, don't be a hero" law came in to various countries with various power thresholds.

blynk 26th August 2015 09:58

I think it would be pretty easy for a government to block a site from sale in Australia.
Or even if they can't then there would have to be a law to take a company to court for not paying GST

Diirk 27th August 2015 00:42


Originally Posted by blynk
I think it would be pretty easy for a government to block a site from sale in Australia.
Or even if they can't then there would have to be a law to take a company to court for not paying GST

How? DNS? Deep Packet Inspection? Anything the government comes up with will be costly to implement and easy to circumvent. The only way to really do that is to have the cooperation of the supplier, and even then you can get around it (eg use services through a VPN, for physical goods mail forwarding etc).

You can't take the companies to court either, if they don't actually have any presence in your country. Although that doesn't stop America.

So for digital services, where would they draw the line? Obviously they want to get their GST off Netflix subscriptions, but what things like WoW subscriptions, buying a skin in League of Legends, etc ? The government is going to have a very long list of companies to talk to.

A number of companies also already charge more for their digital goods in Oceanic vs other reasons (software due to distribution agreements etc), so it will be interesting to see if they raise their prices even more, or just absorb the increase as the prices were artificially inflated anyway.

Lowering the threshold for GST on physical imported goods is also problematic in NZ... keep in mind if something crosses the threshold, you don't just pay the GST... you have to pay the processing fees for applying the GST (which is a flat $60 or so? Not sure the exact number). Which could all of a sudden make your $100 item into a $200 item with shipping and all fees added on. Which isn't to say they can't lower it, they just have to be careful about how much they lower it, and potentially look at changing how the fees are collected.

Ab 28th August 2015 15:41

If you want a snapshot that conveys just how utterly fucked-up Australia is right now, read this news article in the knowledge that it is not satire. Totally 100% real and happening now.

pxpx 28th August 2015 16:09

"During the operation on Friday and Saturday night, ABF officials will conduct "compliance field-work" to promote i"a secure and cohesive society" in Melbourne."

Ab 28th August 2015 16:35

Papers! Schnell!

madmaxii 28th August 2015 17:06

The 4th Reich has moved to the southern hemisphere.:(

Savage 28th August 2015 19:01

"The Australian Border Force operation that was to target potential visa fraudsters in the heart of Melbourne has been cancelled following a public backlash." (from your URL Ab)


madmaxii 28th August 2015 23:30

The fact that it was even considered shows to me that Australia's current government is fucked.

madmaxii 28th August 2015 23:36

The uniform on the guy on the right scares me. Reinforces my earlier 4th Reich comment.

Ab 10th September 2015 13:54


Originally Posted by madmaxii
The fact that it was even considered shows to me that Australia's current government is fucked.


Lightspeed 10th September 2015 14:57

lolz, that was my last boss's go to whenever I raised a concern.

Ab 11th September 2015 16:16


Ab 14th September 2015 19:02

Looks like the Liberals are gonna have a bit of bloodletting this afternoon.

madmaxii 14th September 2015 22:56


Originally Posted by Ab
Looks like the Liberals are gonna have a bit of bloodletting this afternoon.

Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

Savage 15th September 2015 00:20

Abbott is a complete fuckwit. Is Turnbull any better? I don't know anything about him.

fixed_truth 15th September 2015 08:36

Don't worry guys, all we need to know is that John Key approves of him!?! Whew.

Last night heading for this article was 'Why Australian Coup is Good news for Key'. This morning it's 'Australian leadership coup: The Malcolm Turnbull-John Key bromance has just begun'

CCS 15th September 2015 09:05

I'm gonna miss that crazg, onion eating bastard.

Ab 15th September 2015 15:26

At the moment we have what may be described as an interregnum in Australian politics. Turnbull is the new Liberal leader and as such is, I guess, "Prime Minister in waiting". But he can't be sworn in by the GG until Abbott formally resigns, and the guy has basically vanished since the vote went against him.


Tony Abbott's office could not be reached on Tuesday morning and he has not made any statement since his loss, not even to congratulate his successor.

Ab 15th September 2015 15:33

soo good

Lightspeed 15th September 2015 16:16

Tony has done you Aussies a solid. Now he can hold all the blame, rather than those bought up his bullshit and voted him into power. He is a fuckwit's fuckwit, and all you fuckwits loved him.

Ab 15th September 2015 17:23


Originally Posted by Lightspeed
Tony has done you Aussies a solid. Now he can hold all the blame, rather than those bought up his bullshit and voted him into power. He is a fuckwit's fuckwit, and all you fuckwits loved him.

"you fuckwits"? To whom do you refer?

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