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Lightspeed 27th July 2023 14:04


Originally Posted by fixed_truth (Post 2027126)
Yeah, definitely nothing to do with you, or society, or how people with mental health issues are supported in NZ. It's all their fault. #everydayeurocentrism

I was once hurt in my vulnerability, so everyone who is ever vulnerable must feel like I did.


Ab 27th July 2023 14:23

Jeez this story keeps getting weirder. So Allan drove drunk, crashed outside the house of a Justice staff member, abandoned her car halfway across the road, did a runner, and had to be tracked and located by a police dog squad, and when she was caught she refused to accompany the cops.

Lightspeed 27th July 2023 14:28

Sounds like a mental health breakdown. They tend to be weird.

xor 27th July 2023 15:29


Cyberbob 27th July 2023 16:41


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2027141)
Sounds like a mental health breakdown. They tend to be weird.

I dunno about that. It sounds like panicking while being almost black-out levels of intoxicated, knowing that you're about to be caught doing a whole string of things that are going to bring a mountain of negative attention your way, including losing your job.

I think it'd be perfectly normal to have a bit of a panic attack about that situation.

Lightspeed 27th July 2023 17:44

Did they not do any kind of breath test? Or did it show levels of alcohol that would suggest being black out drunk?

Ab 27th July 2023 18:27

I thought it was low-range, which is why she hasn’t been charged with drunk driving?

wazza 27th July 2023 19:49

yeah she got an infringement. over 250mcg, under 400mcg.
she decamped in a panic, knew her life was fucked, irrationally didn't follow orders(or belligerently didn't follow them). the ego her position afforded her and her downfall has fuck all to do with mental health, imo.
who the fuck gets on the sauce on a sunday night when you're on thin ice after being back in the job for a week and drives home whilst you're the cabinet minister of justice. it's not mental health. she deserves everything she gets. life's hard. deal with the consequences, nothing more, nothing less.

StN 28th July 2023 06:54


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2027140)
...and had to be tracked and located by a police dog squad.

Media seem to have backpeddled on that bit now - a dog car was present, people heard dogs in it, but she had been located and spoken to by officers before they needed to deploy.

In a non-injury accident, you have 48 hours to contact the property owner don't you, so apart from leaving her vehicle in an unsafe position, was she compelled to remain at the scene?

Ab 31st July 2023 17:35

Good news everyone, your favourite talentless brown gay male former Labour MP Tāmati Coffey has announced that he has been "shoulder tapped" to take over from Kiri Allan as the Rainbow Labour candidate in the East Coast electorate.

Lightspeed 6th August 2023 15:46

It looks like this election is a race between who can most out neolib the other:

$24b for roads? Chump change! Check out this $45b action!

Tunnels, light rail, cycling and bus lanes - govt unveils ambitious $45b new harbour crossing plan

Makes the money we used to bail out universities recently look like a rounding error.

Ab 7th August 2023 11:53


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2027197)
It looks like this election is a race between who can most out neolib the other

always has been.jpg

Know me. 8th August 2023 17:39


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2027197)
It looks like this election is a race between who can most out neolib the other:

2B from Blackrock. Beat that National!

Ab 14th August 2023 14:51

FUcking muppets.

Lightspeed 14th August 2023 15:19

It doesn't matter. We're not allowed to genuinely address issues of cost of living by acknowledging escalating inequality in any case.

Best we can do is make pretend. 🤷

Ab 14th August 2023 15:55

It's fucking bullshit. Changing GST does fuck all for any individual household, offers massive benefits to business, and does absolutely nothing about runaway inflation.

Lightspeed 14th August 2023 16:09

Of course.

But let's not talk about our economic model, our finance and tax laws that make it so easy for businesses to benefit, while everyone working a job for their money gets poorer every day.

How ineffective these reforms would be exposes that. But whatevs.

Ab 14th August 2023 19:04

Good news everyone, it's an election year so COVID has magically disappeared!

The Government is dropping the last of its Covid restrictions just as reported cases and hospitalisations are trending back up.

_indigo1 14th August 2023 23:08

As someone with a compromised immune system, I find the non-requirement of masking in health venues quite a FUCK YOU IN PARTICULAR move.

StN 15th August 2023 07:11


Originally Posted by _indigo1 (Post 2027257)
As someone with a compromised immune system, I find the non-requirement of masking in health venues quite a FUCK YOU IN PARTICULAR move.

This x 1,000,000.

I'll still mask up to see the doc - because I know he's had it at least 4 times and going to see him is practically attending a superspreader event.

StN 15th August 2023 07:14


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2027249)
It's fucking bullshit. Changing GST does fuck all for any individual household, offers massive benefits to business, and does absolutely nothing about runaway inflation.

Yep - It will make no change to the prices of veges at the supermarket - they will find a way to inflate the prices again. "seasonal variances"

At least no change downward - the extra compliance cost will be factored into it and blam, no net gain for the consumer.

Just retarded. Will appeal to some knee jerk voters though. Will cripple some small businesses.

blynk 21st August 2023 08:28

Im all for not GST on fruit and veges etc - in a market where there are already different GST.

Its dumb as fuck to change a system that is so simple to something that is more complicated.

Lightspeed 5th September 2023 14:35


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2026753)
Waikato University has paid former cabinet minister Steven Joyce nearly $1 million


Waikato University has paid nearly $1 million to an advisory firm run by former National Party cabinet minister Steven Joyce.

RNZ obtained records detailing dozens of invoices from Joyce Advisory Ltd to Waikato University between December 2019 and December 2022, totaling $966,000.
Everything working as it should.

University of Waikato boss referred to new medical school as a 'present' for future National government

Ab 5th September 2023 14:56

burn it all to the ground.

Ab 4th October 2023 19:20


Good news everyone, it's an election year so COVID has magically disappeared!

The Government is dropping the last of its Covid restrictions just as reported cases and hospitalisations are trending back up.

nek minit


Labour leader Chris Hipkins tests positive for Covid-19 at crucial point in election campaign

Labour leader Chris Hipkins has revealed that he has tested positive for Covid-19, just as the party prepares to release its manifesto today.

He has had cold and flu symptoms since yesterday and will be isolating for five days or until he returns a negative test.

Hipkins earlier cancelled most of his engagements today after feeling unwell.

Ab 18th October 2023 14:49


In April this year, when Kiri Allan was still Minister of Justice, she launched a review of lobbying. Justice officials were asked to investigate how corporate lobbying might be better regulated, following the controversy of ex-Labour Minister Kris Faafoi setting up a new lobbying firm less than three months after stepping down from his ministerial roles.

On Monday we learned Allan herself has set up a new firm that will essentially be lobbying too. Her KLA Consultancy website advertises that she will help business clients with “legislative and regulatory reform and advice”. Her sales pitch is around her background as a Cabinet Minister and the “extensive networks” she can utilise “to ensure projects succeed”.

In fact, Allan registered her consultancy business only two weeks after resigning as Justice Minister, and while she was still an MP.

blynk 19th October 2023 09:46

Yep, she wants to get in before they put more restrictions on it.

Ab 10th November 2023 14:57

wtf. Either

- Labour knew about this and lied about how it was caring for Allan, or
- Labour did not know Allan was this unstable, or
- Allan is making this all up

DrTiTus 10th November 2023 23:02

I couldn't give a rats arse what her situation is, I just want her to be prosecuted equally under the law, and get the help she needs.

All this talk is just her portraying herself as a victim, which is cool, but she can be a victim in therapy, after she deals with the consequences of her actions.

Wow, she's sad, boo hoo, deal with it yourself. We don't care.

Ab 16th November 2023 12:53

The NZ health system: destroyed

Lightspeed 16th November 2023 13:34


It is up to the new government to provide the leadership, resources and support to empower our health professionals to provide the health services we expect in a first world country.
Oh well, never mind. 🤷

Ab 16th November 2023 13:50

Yep, we’re fucked.

Ab 30th November 2023 14:48

Kiri's going with the It WaS a SoCiAl ExPeRiMeNt defense:

Ab 24th December 2023 07:21

Meanwhile, former PM Chris Hipkins really has no idea why he’s not PM any more.


Lightspeed 25th January 2024 15:21

It's a bit awkward how good Labour would be looking now if they were in power.

Budget deficit lower than forecast, Treasury figures show

Ab 20th February 2024 13:29

Grant Robertson retiring from Parliament to take up post of Otago Uni VC.

Cyberbob 20th February 2024 15:19


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2027972)
Kiri's going with the It WaS a SoCiAl ExPeRiMeNt defense:

I didn't break it, I was testing its durability.

I didn't steal it, I was testing the security.

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