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Hory 7th August 2008 14:22

What I find disturbing is that Paris is better at reading a script about energy policy than McCain is, which is pretty bad given that he's been a Senator since before she was even born.

Sgt Seb 8th August 2008 01:28

McCain and free trade dagnabit


"Kittelson questioned why the US should bother with a free trade deal involving New Zealand: "What are we going to get out of trading with a country with only 4 million people?"

"Obviously, New Zealand will reap the benefits of this agreement."

He also criticised the Republican presidential candidate, John McCain, for suggesting the United States sign an FTA with New Zealand.

That statement - made two years ago in a meeting with Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters - that "one of our top priorities is a free trade agreement with New Zealand," has been repeatedly trotted out by advocates of such a deal.

"Senator John McCain has publicly expressed his support for a free trade agreement with New Zealand," Kittelson said."
I wonder how many NZ'ers who want Obama to win know that McCain supports a FTA, which the Democrats oppose :P

dead goon 8th August 2008 01:38

FTA or nothing.

Obama will do the world and us a favor compared to McCain.

Spink 8th August 2008 04:08

It seems like at the moment the agenda is get >60 seats rather than win the election. How can you lose against McCain anyway?

Seems like Republicans are basically all automatons controlled by whoever is controlling bush and less than 60 dems in congress means that republican annoying mosquito hooooo.

Word of the day is Filibuster: The term first came into use in the United States Senate, where Senate rules permit a senator, or a series of senators, to speak for as long as they wish and on any topic they choose, unless a supermajority of three-fifths of the Senate (60 Senators, if all 100 seats are filled) brings debate to a close by invoking cloture.

Ashley 8th August 2008 08:14

Hory 8th August 2008 11:37


Originally Posted by Sgt Seb
I wonder how many NZ'ers who want Obama to win know that McCain supports a FTA, which the Democrats oppose :P

In terms of trade McCain is a far better President for NZ but a FTA with the US would be BAD for NZ.
We'd just end up adopting all their copyright laws and other assorted bullshit while they keep subsidising their farmers.

ZoSo 8th August 2008 11:43


Originally Posted by Hory
In terms of trade McCain is a far better President for NZ but a FTA with the US would be BAD for NZ.
We'd just end up adopting all their copyright laws and other assorted bullshit while they keep subsidising their farmers.

So true.

Sgt Seb 8th August 2008 14:11

Maybe that's how it would work in practice but in theory NZ agricultural sector could gain a lot. Although I guess even if McCain did win, he'd have a hard time getting a FTA with nz approved by a democratically controlled congress.

lektronimo 8th August 2008 18:06


Originally Posted by Hory
What I find disturbing is that Paris is better at reading a script about energy policy than McCain is, which is pretty bad given that he's been a Senator since before she was even born.

Not that it matters much, but she actually memorised the script written by Adam Mckay of Talladega Nights and Step Brothers (also the creator of

Logik 8th August 2008 18:33

Fuck an FTA with the US. Do you want a DMCA notice in your letter box?

Spink 8th August 2008 18:48


ZoSo 9th August 2008 12:59

Gutted. No Edwards for VP.

..and wtf is with this:

How much further can that country slide.

Ab 9th August 2008 13:07

Holy wtf???

funnel web 9th August 2008 20:41

A war hero, a black guy, or a woman? You Choose.

Ritalin 9th August 2008 21:23

Another spoof video...

Dan 10th August 2008 02:15

A look (literally) at the presidential candidates:

Jonas Undrawing 10th August 2008 12:13

damn. That there makes Obama look like he's still in nappies.

dead goon 12th August 2008 09:53

BarackRoll'd !

shut up, it's funny ;)

?>Superman 12th August 2008 10:02


Originally Posted by Dan
A look (literally) at the presidential candidates:


This Oct 26 1967, file photo provided by the Library of Congress shows Navy fighter pilot John McCain, center, being captured by Vietnamese civilians in Truc Bach Lake near Hanoi Vietnam. McCain's A-4E Skyhawk had been shot down - he landed in the lake with both of his arms and one leg broken. Once he was ashore, a crowd attacked him, and he was further injured with a rifle butt and bayonet. (Photo/Library of Congress)
Fucking hell

Azmodan 12th August 2008 13:03

That picture of McCain being administered to hospital is creepy, that vacant stare.. also freaks me out how his hair went white as a result of his "enhanced interrogation"

dead goon 12th August 2008 21:22

McCains one hardass son of a bitch, no doubt about it.

still an idiot though.

?>Superman 13th August 2008 01:42

Originally Posted by taken from wikipedia
McCain spent six weeks in the hospital while receiving marginal care.Now having lost 50 pounds (23 kg), in a chest cast, and with his hair turned white,McCain was sent to a different camp on the outskirts of Hanoi in December 1967, into a cell with two other Americans who did not expect him to live a week. In March 1968, McCain was put into solitary confinement, where he would remain for two years.

In mid–1968, McCain's father was named commander of all U.S. forces in the Vietnam theater, and McCain was offered early release. The North Vietnamese made that offer because they wanted to appear merciful for propaganda purposes,and also wanted to show other POWs that elites like McCain were willing to be treated preferentially.McCain turned down the offer of repatriation; he would only accept the offer if every man taken in before him was released as well.

In August 1968, a program of severe torture began on McCain. He was subjected to rope bindings and repeated beatings every two hours, at the same time as he was suffering from dysentery.Further injuries led to the beginning of a suicide attempt, which was stopped by guards.After four days, McCain made an anti-American propaganda "confession".He has always felt that his statement was dishonorable, but as he would later write, "I had learned what we all learned over there: Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."His injuries left him permanently incapable of raising his arms above his head.He subsequently received two to three beatings per week because of his continued refusal to sign additional statements.Other American POWs were similarly tortured and maltreated in order to extract "confessions" and propaganda statements.[47]

Tbh that's pretty hardcore. I couldn't even imagine going through 2 years of that shit.

Ab 13th August 2008 02:59

Can't have been too hardcore, otherwise he wouldn't be a supporter of the USA using torture on suspects in THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR AGAINST EVIL-DOERS.

?>Superman 13th August 2008 08:45


Biff 13th August 2008 11:25

please digg this

Asriel 18th August 2008 10:48

I just heard on Bfm that Hilary Clinton might still have her name on the electoral roll. Hearsay though.

CCS 18th August 2008 10:53

Thanks student radio!

Asriel 18th August 2008 10:57

haha what a surprise :p
A link then:,4376041.story

CCS 18th August 2008 11:04

So it would be a symbolic thing, then.

In her part of the statement, Clinton blessed the arrangement, saying, "With every voice heard and the party strongly united, we will elect Sen. Obama president of the United States and put our nation on the path to peace and prosperity once again."
No news here. Move along, people.

Asriel 18th August 2008 11:09

Its kid of lame though. If they were that happy with Obama being the candidate, why not let him be the only candidate. The reporter on bfm did neglect to say it was for historical reasons though.

Hory 18th August 2008 11:15

Yea, Hillary is even casting her delegate vote at the convention for Obama, and I'm sure Bill is under instructions from her to do likewise.

Obama should be making his VP pick this week.
I still hope he picks Joe Biden.

Ab 18th August 2008 15:07

Right now the Democratic Party should be scouring its ranks searching for a married white male who isn't fucking anyone other than his wife. Sounds like a pretty big ask though.

Redneck 18th August 2008 15:10


Originally Posted by Ab
Right now the United States of America should be scouring its ranks searching for a married white male who isn't fucking anyone other than his wife. Sounds like a pretty big ask though.


SpaceCowboy 18th August 2008 17:12


Originally Posted by ZoSo

"One chain e-mail claims that the Antichrist was prophesied to be "A man in his 40s of MUSLIM descent," which would indeed sound ominous if not for the fact that the Book of Revelation was written at least 400 years before the birth of Islam."

wheres my facepalm gif?

doppelgänger of someone 18th August 2008 17:21

If Obama is serious about his 'change' rhetoric, he should have Hillary as VP

[Malks] Pixie 18th August 2008 17:23

How is having a Clinton in power "change" - certainly that would dent his rhetoric for change by bringing in an established power group...


SpaceCowboy 18th August 2008 17:36

yes, but bill actually did quite a lot of admirable things for the US people.

[Malks] Pixie 18th August 2008 17:41


Originally Posted by SpaceCowboy
yes, but bill actually did quite a lot of admirable things for the US people.

Yes but that doesn't change the fact that Hillary and Bill still represent the old guard (so to speak).


doppelgänger of someone 18th August 2008 17:43

He would be a 'uniter', not divider. From the primaries people want Hillary almost as much as Obama, whatever power establishment she may represent. If she is VP candidate Obama will get a lot of her votes, it would be a sure win for Democrats.

The only reason not to have Hillary as VP is that he considers her as a political threat to his authority. If he cannot overcome this perceived disharmony and unite his own party, then how can he claim to be able to change the political landscape of the whole US?

[Malks] Pixie 18th August 2008 17:54

Well either way it's a bit of a moot point - this is the US presidential election we're talking about - the chances of any significant change are so minimal you'd have more chance winning lotto (IMO).


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