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Naithin 28th May 2004 22:33

Oi.. So many people.. So long ago.. My name back then was Jono, I was in TNA with Shoyu back in the first version of the clan, some of my all time best memories reside back with that group.

I still remember the first day I ever made the discovery that NZ even *had* a TF community, I had been playing with near 500ms pings on US servers and dialup. The improvement of being able to play on games3 was just incredible. :)

I hadn't been in the NZTF scene too long, when one day Shoyu asked if I wanted to join the clan he was forming. I have to admit at first, that my reaction was 'no0b'. I'd seen a lot of people wanting to form clans around that time, and just accepting any old person who didn't currently have a tag. (xTreme anyone? They came later.. But still.. heh)

But I happend to be on the opposing side from Shoyu on this map when he asked me, so I made a point of fighting him when I came across him. And holy hell could he send me my ass on a platter. So I chatted with him a bit more, and ultimately joined him in TNA.

Shoyu became the guy that I learnt like 80% of everything I knew about the game from. We spent countless hours dueling together, honing my abilities as a soldier (primarily). I always felt like it was a losing battle fighting him, he was a legend, in every sense of the world. Shoyu could totally own me. I never felt any better while doing the hours long sessions with him, but every time, when I hit the public servers again afterwards, I really saw the difference.

So yeah, Shoyu is way the heck up there on the list of guys I admire, along with everyone else from the original TNA crew, Wuffle / SpiderFly I especially remember as a good guy.

Adunaphel (Pull! Aim! FIIIREE!) whom I still keep in contact with also could own me at will, and put in a lot of hours in training me up when SE2 was in round robin 1v1 mode (my favourite style for quite a while :) ).

As did Purge. Another really great guy, who owned at TF, whom I really regret losing contact with.

I also really admire and miss:

Shrimp / Slime / Wibbs

DiGriz, Master.. Damn.. There are just so many, was so long ago..

I hope most of all these guys are still around to give a big 'how the hell are ya?' to.

Jonan and bliP I also remember, from the times when I came back for a while to test the waters..

So many good people.. I miss you guys!

Long live TNA! Long live NZTF! :D

Naithin 28th May 2004 22:35

Oh, and one more addition.. I know we never really got it off the ground..

But I also admire all the talented mappers that helped contribute to TFO (Team Fortress Olympics)

We got some great maps off that.. The spy breakdance map.. The Platform dueling thing, that Wuffle and I made, the hieght jump map.. I think I still got a copy of a race course we had made up as well..

A lot of these maps I still have actually.. I wish I had stuck around to really see this take off.. But I think we had quite a bit of fun with it at the time, so yeah.. I admire everyone who really took part in that original whacky thread I made, and then actually contributed with some cool event maps.

Jonan 29th May 2004 00:24

Naithin 29th May 2004 00:30

omg! Those maps are actually hosted! :D

Man.. That platform map sure does bring back memories. It was insanely unfair to some classes. rofl. Basically, scout / medic owned it cos they had conc grens, HWGuy could own it cos he was pretty much immobile while firing his main weap. Sol vs Sol duels were fun, but usually pretty short lived..

But ah well.. I think it was a fairly exciting map, one of the first maps I ever worked on. :) Although most of it was Wuffle's, I did the 'detailing' (if you could really call it that) underneath the platform, and the lighting in it if I recall correctly.

Anywho.. Jonan! Good to see you again man, good to know you're still around. :)

Jonan 29th May 2004 00:45

Yea, still here, 4 years, just like that. :)

You don't happen to have any DOH demos?

Hunter 1st June 2004 00:20


Originally posted by IceFox0r
Hi hunter =D!

Man I aint heard from deathdefine in ayges. Come to think of it, where the fuck is he?

its because he is a skanky bitch :D

Will, if your out there, email mum ;)
if not i will email you..........
Dont drive angry :D

MadMax 2nd June 2004 03:45


Originally posted by IceFox0r
2) stormlrd for being the best sniper ever
haha. I kicked him out of SFS for cheating during a clan match (sniped 3 people off within a fraction of a second, all from different heights and positions)

FireStorm 25th June 2004 15:06

How quickly you're forgotten in these realms... *sigh*

People I really admired/looked up to/good friends with:

Uncie Fes

Damn... there were so many more too....

mick 25th June 2004 21:34

i really can't remember everyone, my icq (which i never really use now) used to be in the hundreds, the ones that i really remember tho are (sorry if ive forgotten anyone)

wuffell (spiderfly)

many others which I've forgotten.. many good times were had late at night on games3 :) i enjoyed those days :) sometimes, i wish i could go back to that life of no responsibility, no worry.. :(

im sure I kept my ICQ history from '96-'00.. where the fuck it is now i have no idea.

exo 26th June 2004 13:07

F@e cuz he's A GaNGsTeR !

ArchAngel cuz he's A GaNgSter 2

MehT Is rad cuz he made quake map of his flat and is going to teach me how to speed jump :D

btw, nxt time find somone stealing my nick in se2 i going 2 pop a rocket in j00r ass, F@e, Meht, luda, and all my Ni99erz are ready so better get da fuk bak !

Summoner 13th December 2004 10:22

Fucken too many to remember lol.

All of those in the original tc, big ups striker ;)
Orignal tna too. Shoyu keeping it going.

Shoyu alot of dueling fun :).

Wibble, shrimp, slime, raffe, mentor, gambit, wolverine, goten, jonan, purge, shoyu, digriz/dopeless when I first started you were the fucken l337 sniper lol. heaps more i just cant remember.

Quik_s2n 17th December 2004 12:53

me fool
admire me
all of you.

W0Lv3R1nE 17th December 2004 19:15

ohh sheiit quiksilva ;D where u bn man

Quik_s2n 14th January 2005 18:02

i am an addict of masturbation. i do it a lot. i need help.
wow server is down. im bored.

player 19th January 2005 17:08

master celebrator.

ay aye AYE AYE! AYEE!! AAAYYEE!!! (dramatic pause)


player 19th January 2005 17:11

quiks a gggIIIIAAAANttt of a man. you Buck.

i really used to admire the reflection of myself in the computerscreen.

Quik_s2n 9th March 2005 13:09

i used to get a boner playing tf. i would admire the reflection of that on the computer screen...

Wuffell 10th August 2005 01:07

omigod, too long to remember ... but everyone i used to play with, anyone who joined any of my clans, anyone that i chatted with ... bah, you all know who you are :P

sTriker 19th October 2005 19:55

i spent far far to much time playing that game. Supprised i remembered my password :D

Hope all is well for who ever remembers me

bliP 19th October 2005 22:07

I'm still waiting for the TC reform sTriker!

sTriker 20th October 2005 16:14


well i brought my 1st computer in about 6 years. and now have broad band! and not travelling as i used to :P

So bring it on ;)

although do more than 8 people play tf? lol

silva^ 20th October 2005 18:34


Originally Posted by sTriker
although do more than 8 people play tf? lol

No, this entire forum should be chucked into a txt file, and removed.

Adunaphel 20th October 2005 19:14

Theoretically I would agree - but if TF2 comes about - we might get /some/ new interest.... It aint over till the weight challenged lady sings.

But she is warming up.

Anthony.S 20th October 2005 20:17

Hey hey Striker (and gidday Adun ;)), what you up to these day's?

sTriker 20th October 2005 20:24

Anthony.S = purge? :P

i live in sydney now, was just passing through from england and decided to stay :)

you still in hamilton?

as for "No, this entire forum should be chucked into a txt file, and removed." comment I still came in to check it after a year or so.


silva^ 20th October 2005 20:45


Originally Posted by sTriker
bla bla ........ after a year or so. :D

My point exactly!

Adunaphel 20th October 2005 20:51

Awww Shuddup Silva.. and NO.. I HAVNT WATCHED LOST YET!

Heya Purge :) Get ye old ass on msn sometime for a chat damnit...

And howdy to Striker too! Aussie aye....Clan Dingo Claw has a ring to it.

silva^ 20th October 2005 23:43


Originally Posted by Adunaphel
Theoretically I would agree - but if TF2 comes about - we might get /some/ new interest..

Hardly. When TF2 comes out - aside from being more than 5 years overdue - it will bring with it a new community of players. I am also willing to bet that 75% of these people will have never played qwtf.

Naithin 21st October 2005 10:53

If TF2 ever actually releases, I'll likely be back for it. Geez, I still remember the joke a few of the guys pulled years ago 'bout downloadin the demo, had quite a few in on it too.

Bastards the lot of you! *shakes fist*

Not sure if it is still up now, but I checked TF2 website not all /that/ long ago.. like less tha a year ago, and it still had the '99 / '98 or whenver it was info on it. hehe.

Anthony.S 24th October 2005 00:53


Originally Posted by sTriker
Anthony.S = purge? :P

i live in sydney now, was just passing through from england and decided to stay :)

you still in hamilton?

Yeah to both :)

Married now, been with my lady for about 4 years. Both working and doing degrees while trying to juggle kids. Busy and stressful but awesome all the same. Don't really have a lot of time to play anything much (have bursts) but still frequent the forums a little.

How did England go for you?

Te-Griff 11th February 2006 22:34

Hi People ;)
People i had admired and neva forget would be the TMC clan as well as a few other clans such as TNA and DA and a few ohers without mentioning names, yous all rocked.

I take it TF is still rocking?

Adunaphel 11th February 2006 22:49

Heya dude, Long time no see!

TF isnt rockin anymore... But there are a few stalwarts who still play :)

MrTTTT 12th February 2006 15:22

how can you not admire lah: the greatest clan that ever was??

Adunaphel 12th February 2006 15:34

Because we were a bunch of obnoxious pricks *Shame!*

MrTTTT 12th February 2006 18:15

that's what made us so loveable.

ForKoreaLove 23rd February 2006 19:11

Lah owns you. Accept it.

Anthony.S 26th February 2006 02:30

Pity we didn't keep a better record of things, duration of clans, game wins, etc...

Be nice to look over an accurate overview of things for old times sake. All I can remember are the comp winners:

SE1 - TFT (go go indy frags and no pm)
SE2 - X-es (SJless)
GS - PnP/HMF (what a screw up that was)
Rejuve - Lah (heh, a lot of noses out of joint in this one)

There were a few other comps like the one Planetquake hosted (Greengods (if that was his name)), SE3 (KG came back) and a few other minor *cough* 'fun' comps that all failed to finish (and in some cases start).

Ah the fun of it all

silva^ 26th February 2006 14:13

Da Great TFDM Fragfest - uhhhh, the FFP team wasnt it? lol.

Anthony.S 26th February 2006 18:26

HoD had your number ;)

GiBs 26th February 2006 19:51

Haha shit thats old school, think I still got the webpages somewhere on my computer for Da Great TFDM fragfest.

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