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Master Villain 18th June 2001 11:32

Bango can frisk me any time. I've been bad officer Bango, I need to be punished....

Akane 18th June 2001 19:16


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Spoon1:
This one time I was flying a plane full of people without a license and after I landed the Airport Security came racing out to the plane, so I pulled a U-turn and swapped seats with the pilot and he got given a bollocking, being asked persistantly 'Who was flying the plane?!'.

Geez, it's not like we crashed or anything...


I wonder why Akane's post for sympathy didn't work???

I didn't need Sympathy, I was just stating how fucked up this world is, if I was asking for Sympathy I'd say "oh please help me god blah blah blah"
Don't assume things (just like that cop did), assumption is mother of all fuckups.

Disinformation 18th June 2001 20:10


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Akane:

Don't assume things (just like that cop did), assumption is mother of all fuckups.
Okay, the only thing the cop assumed was that you were an arrogant prat who thought he could get away with breaking the law. And he was correct in this assumption.

The racist thing on the part of the cop was just plain wrong, but you have to admit you were lucky to get away scot free.

cyc 18th June 2001 22:16

Given the whackiness of the "story" and Akane's general "Akane =always right in everything car-related" attitude, I'm not sure why anyone should believe much of what he claimed to have happened.

Akane, the only thing fucked up here is how you seem to be surprised by the cop's reactions.

Akane 18th June 2001 23:02

cyclonic: if you don't know me, don't judge me.

VERT 18th June 2001 23:04

I agree that Akane was a smart ass and perhaps should not have even been in that situation in the first place (but we all like to have fun), but I dont agree on how that cop acted, its instances like this that really piss me off about some cops (not all), those that think they have the power to push people around and get away with it.

Me and my friends had a little run in a few months ago when we were leaving the local pub. One of my friends went for a pee againest a fence, instantly out of the blue 2 cop cars pulled up, 1 of them next to my (peeing) mate the other of them cutting right in front of me and some other friends, they came very close to hitting us. Upon questioning (from us) of there crazy driving and badge numbers, we got nothing and they hopped back into their cars and drove off asap. Well they knew they were in the wrong and got away with it. I felt about complaining the next day, but thought it would not matter as cops generally stick together (it was probably a dead loss) and plus we had had a few drinks too.

Thats my story I thought I would add it, but oh well I guess shit happens and nothing can be done as there will always be cops like this.

[This message has been edited by VerT (edited 18 June 2001).]

AKuma 18th June 2001 23:26

yeah just cops with an attitude suck....
even if they've gone through 10 ten people that night.. its not the persons fault its the cops..
if the cop did that all Akane said then i agree that the cop was out of line..
there are more formal and profesional ways that the cop should have conducted himself with, we all no what happened when a cop took his job to far and shot a man dead just becuase he was going crazy with a golf-club...

bango 19th June 2001 01:10


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by chiquelet:
Oh no, you know what this means people? She's gonna arrest everybody from the Hutt.

And dammit Bango how many times do I have to tell you "YOU ARE AUSTRALIAN!!!!

Hey, i told you so many times, it skipped me. im not australian, and i will anialate anyone who says so.
And pulp, when you get pulled over for random stuff, its usually coz you did something stupid, i mean, you have been arrested twice.
And master villain, if i frisk anyone round here, it wont be you. Well, maybe just a little.

p-b 19th June 2001 01:20


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Akane:
Don't assume things (just like that cop did), assumption is mother of all fuckups.</font>
Hehe, so the cop assuming that you weren't some thick engrish speaking Asian, but could actually speak proper English, and that you had some sort of degree of intelligence in that skull of yours, was a fuck up?

Yeah, I'd agree with that .

Akane 19th June 2001 03:35

Yes and he assume that i raced that night, yeah, sure, we went racing in an old alfa romeo that can hardly pull 5 guys up a slope, we dragged off GTR's and stuff like that.... sureeeeeeeeeee.......

Master Villain 19th June 2001 04:25


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Akane:

and I pretend I don't know english, and say "who wha? what?"
And Akane assumes he has a right to fuck the police around and expect them to not get annoyed.

Stilgar 19th June 2001 05:10

Has anybody here seen the cops on the weekend george street/one way circuits around dunners ?
they look like a pack of angst ridden teenagers ffs, cruising around really slowly (mags and chopped springs would suit them)
4 to a car, staring at everybody they don't like the look of, trying to agitate some kind of response, it's sad really. I was pulled up once by a patrol car, right after walking out of a street side flat, no reason to stop me at all.
He just pulled up next to me, wound down his window and gave me this menacing look ( you could tell he was really trying :P)
puts on this gruff voice....

" What are you up to... mate ? "
"... err.. going home ? "
" oh " ..drives off.... .....slowly..

Maybe we just need better psych tests for all cadets :P find all the weak willed pushers who love that feeling of power, and kick their fukn ass onto the street, or better yet, turn em over to the home boys

Polarity 19th June 2001 10:57

Sounds like someone spends too much time in the Octagon...

Pulp* 19th June 2001 12:25


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by bango:
And pulp, when you get pulled over for random stuff, its usually coz you did something stupid, i mean, you have been arrested twice.
WTF does my past record have to do with me getting pulled over for random shit???
And no, its almost never for doing random stuff

Pulp* 19th June 2001 14:39


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pulp*:

Originally posted by bango:
And pulp, when you get pulled over for random stuff, its usually coz you did something stupid, i mean, you have been arrested twice.
WTF does my past record have to do with me getting pulled over for random shit???
And no, its almost never for doing stupid stuff

Stilgar 19th June 2001 15:38

Polarity: my 'cruising the main' days finished with highschool :>

Rom 19th June 2001 20:34

Hmm strange how everyone is saying the cop was out of line yet they seem to forget that the reason he got this way was because someone was provoking him by being a smart arse. The cop knew it and so did the person invovled.
To me, you were a marked man even before he went up to your car soley on the fact you were out watching cars doing drifts. That kind of thing pisses cops off big time and they aren't going to be all nice and proper to some young punk who they happen to pull over. So the odds were stacked against you and playing a smartarse only made matters worse.

Disinformation 19th June 2001 20:51


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pulp*:
WTF does my past record have to do with me getting pulled over for random shit???
And no, its almost never for doing stupid stuff
lol, must be your car - the cops can be pretty harsh on people with blatent boyracer cars now

bango 21st June 2001 01:33


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pulp*:
WTF does my past record have to do with me getting pulled over for random shit???
And no, its almost never for doing random stuff
OMG, i cant believe you just said that. You do stupid stuff in the car thats why you get pullled over. I could write a list if you want. And plenty of people here could back me up.

ZengE 21st June 2001 08:16


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Akane:
To all who thinks i'm at fault:

If he didn't put his face right up to mine, snarl at me, and said BULLSHIT and SMARTASS about five times to start with, I would NOT do this kinda shit. I mean, is this how you treat "Suspects", you call them smart ass's and Bullshit, when I said excuse me (as in, this kinda attitude is no good), he goes on "Yes, I said B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T" This cop only had one thing in mind, Nail me.

He throwing my licence on the ground and pushing me around is not right, what is this? power tripping? He wanted to beat me GOOD. Why? does him being in blue uniform means he has the right to push me around?

Another thing, me speaking good english or bad has nothing to do. He is racist, no doubt about that. He wants to nail asians in their "Flash cars" (Which we werin't driving, we were driving a sub-standard old european car). I don't see why.

If he saw us swap seats, sure, pick the orginial driver out, but that doesen't mean he has to give us shit and push me around and staunch right infront of me (His chest was 1cm away from mine, and was doing the "stauching" thing, and said bullshit and smartass etc, with his torch in hand (You know those torch that can kill people, those massive ones).

and saying we have no eyes (we have a total of 5 asians in the car), is just wrong, throwing my licence on the wet ground is wrong (he made me pick it up), not giving me his ID number is wrong, staunching at me is wrong, throw the keys inside the car is wrong.

Me not speaking england is NOT wrong, me slamming the door is wrong, me swapping driver is wrong.

How can you possibly try and defend yourself when you intentionally did something with intent to deceive???

Clean up your own house before piling shit on others.....

yeah, maybe the cop was wrong to do the things he did but then again, you weren't very helpful right from the start.

So, a few people are now baggin you about it, big deal.

You made a mistake, be big and admit it.
The cop made a mistake as well, but I'm guessing that he deals with more idiots per day than you do cops.

chiquelet 21st June 2001 11:31


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Disinformation:
lol, must be your car - the cops can be pretty harsh on people with blatent boyracer cars now

Yes I am a girl and yes I don't know as much about cars as I would like, but since when is Pulp*'s car a boyracer? It is just me or can others here see where I'm coming from? (And no offence Pulp*, at least you have a car).

Disinformation 21st June 2001 12:05


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by chiquelet:
Yes I am a girl and yes I don't know as much about cars as I would like, but since when is Pulp*'s car a boyracer? It is just me or can others here see where I'm coming from? (And no offence Pulp*, at least you have a car).

Hense the at the end on that sentence, lol

Sarcasm is all good

chiquelet 21st June 2001 12:58

Oh dear Dis, computer sarcasm is the lowest form of wit!

Pulp* 22nd June 2001 00:48


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by chiquelet:
Oh dear Dis, computer sarcasm is the lowest form of wit!</font>
which would classify not getting the joke as...???

Pulp* 22nd June 2001 00:51


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by bango:
OMG, i cant believe you just said that. You do stupid stuff in the car thats why you get pullled over. I could write a list if you want. And plenty of people here could back me up.</font>
Yeah, a list would be nice...
but it can't count stuff I've done in your mum's car because I've never been pulled over in your mum's car

bango 22nd June 2001 12:49

Dis, you have to help me write a list of all the stupid things pulp has done in his car so we can post it.
Ill get back to you on that one soon.

And chicelet, whats suspension again?

bango 22nd June 2001 13:01

oppps, sorry chiquelet, i spelt your name wrong. Last time i did that to someone, i got told off, so i hearby formally apologies to you for the wrong i have done, and i hope that the scarring i have caused you shall heal in time.

Pulp* 22nd June 2001 13:32

That would be cheating - you told me you could write a list - come on then...

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