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kinggts25 3rd June 2004 14:12


Mutton 3rd June 2004 14:12

Gotta love white trash, who needs jerry springer? we've got taranaki folk!

Therm 3rd June 2004 14:14

Those plates were off my old Honda Prelude that i de-reged last year but never got around to getting to the post office to hand them in.

kinggts25 3rd June 2004 14:15

thought you had a sack of them?

cracker 3rd June 2004 14:16

All 12 of them?

deCAFE 3rd June 2004 14:16

6 PRELUDES()#*)(@#*%

errrr duhh decafe :p

kinggts25 3rd June 2004 14:16

maybe he was a honda fanatic and owned 6 ludes? hahah

pk3 3rd June 2004 14:25

BUT they might be worth millions one day!

CCS 3rd June 2004 14:32


cracker 3rd June 2004 14:33

A-fucken-MEN to that ^

deCAFE 3rd June 2004 14:37

Therm 3rd June 2004 14:39

There were 4 plates, 2 for each car, My Prelude in Christchurch that I stripped and one in Auckland that I also stripped.

cracker 3rd June 2004 14:41

ok stfu and eat a dick already.
No one here wants you posting here, so go play trains or something.

pk3 3rd June 2004 14:41

so how about your gf? which strip club was she from ??? Christchurch or Auckland?

Therm 3rd June 2004 14:44

I have a gf now?

I remember ending it like 2 months ago.

Therm 3rd June 2004 14:45


Originally posted by cracker
ok stfu and eat a dick already.
No one here wants you posting here, so go play trains or something.

You registerd here today so in my eyes I have as much maybe more right to post here as you do.

So go eat a moose.

cracker 3rd June 2004 14:47

Get yourself a fucken dictionary already you drop kick.
I have more right to be here than you, my tits are bigger.

mick 3rd June 2004 14:50

dude find some new internet friends ffs

s0nic 3rd June 2004 14:51


Originally posted by cracker
my tits are bigger.
we will say it again

CCS 3rd June 2004 14:51


Originally posted by cracker
Get yourself a fucken dictionary already you drop kick.
I have more right to be here than you, my tits are bigger.

Pics or it's not true.

Therm 3rd June 2004 14:53


Therm 3rd June 2004 14:53


Therm 3rd June 2004 14:53

Damn you Microsoft mouse.

ZoSo 3rd June 2004 14:54

Can't you retards signing up recently just bring yourself, rather than an entourage?

A sad state of affairs.

kinggts25 3rd June 2004 14:58

i have a mouse you can buy.... *starts internet scam..waits for fairgo*

f0rky 3rd June 2004 14:59

if you beleave that...
*takes gloves off*

ok lets just get a few things straight this is what i know about Shannon Speechly (aka Therm):

He lies (haha who didn’t know that already!)
He’s originally from chch, where he stole his sister/cousins computer that he originally sold to her (gg screw over your family).
He apparently had a Twin turbo auto prelude (haha).
He use to work at Telstra clear (no Shannon Speechly ever worked/contracted to them).
He likes Windom’s (glorified Camry, basically a piece of crap with a equally crap name).
he claimed to have mowed my lawns when he 'stayd' at my place (fact is i doubt he could push a lawn mower let alone handle the weed eater i used to get them down to a mow able level).
He claimed to have MSCE, Cisco network Certs... (Fact is he doesn’t know shit about computers anyone with 1-2 years experience knows more, he cant even bullshit his way through most stuff).
He claimed to once work at Hearts & Armor in New Plymouth as a stripper (poor ladies).
Claimed to have worked where i worked (haha).
Claimed to know people on IRC, but they don’t know him.
Claimed to own Teshna, and then just worked there. (Neither is true)
Claimed on this forum he works at a isp (haha yea right).
Claimed to be going to interviews when he was in NP but he just went and sat around the corner and played on his phone for 2-3 hrs.
He sent out pictures of other people and claimed he was them (incl me).
The nick Therm comes from someone on or something and the real therm is actually a nice guy, named Jason.
He made up a fake girlfriend, logged in twice to IRC and even had pics (got logs might post later for a laugh)

hell this could go on forever. and that’s just what he says about him self, the amount of crap that comes out of his mouth is astounding, the thing is he says something and he covers a lie with a lie. there is more but there isn’t enough time in the day to write down everything he has said that is crap i mean he's 19 and been talking crap since he first spoke so he's got properly about 10+ years on me.

the person "James" he referred to actually made him cry by proving him wrong about all the lies and he broke down in front of James and Allegra and admitted he couldn’t help it, funny thing is that’s what broke those 2 up and then they got back together.

So here are some facts to clear up:
Yes Tasha lost her job; contract was not continued due to a conflict with another staff member. (Shannon has never had a job)
Yes i did lose my job due to the company I was working for to go into liquidation (officially made redundant) but i was hired the say day by another company.
I don’t support Tasha she has a job already.

And now for a little warning for people:
Don’t listen to what he says, it tends to have 0-10% truth to it.
Watch your wallets around him if he screws over his family why would he not screw over you.
Don’t and i repeat DONT offer him a ride anywhere, he will ask you to take him shopping and to get food or something and then sucker you out of money.
Don’t let him near little children (boys or girls, he's worse than Michael Jackson! coz he plays both fields).

well thats enough for now, there is more but ill post that later
- f0rky

kinggts25 3rd June 2004 15:03

...*requests more amusing storys* muahahha

cracker 3rd June 2004 15:05

OMFG lol that was the best post ever.
*tears of laughter*
I'd almost forgotten about half that stuff.
ah shit, and all of it's true
What a sad little person Shannon is

ala* 3rd June 2004 15:09

this forum sure does attract a whole lotta tards ;o

kinggts25 3rd June 2004 15:10


Therm 3rd June 2004 15:12

Stupid thing is i started this on March 3rd and people can't help DRAGGING it on.

Not funny anymore.

f0rky 3rd June 2004 15:15

Oh one more longish one seeing as kinggts asked:
Know how he is a whiz!! On comps well i was overrun with work and i had people asking me to do homers, fix their pc's n stuff
i had a pc and laptop, laptop had a dry joint and pc just needed 98se installed on it.. hell I wasn’t even going to charge for them but he didn’t have a job so I thought fuck it ill just tell them its 50$ a job and then give Shannon it to do and just pay him the money, yea well he said he looked at the lappy but couldn’t figure it out, i told him it was properly something blown on the psu and that properly couldn’t see it, so i took it to work next day found screws missing and the dry joint soldered and bobs yours uncle.. ok my 50$, as for the comp he installed 98 onto it, didn’t do the update and it was crashing all the time, took pc back to work installed fresh copy of 98 ran all the updates ran fine.. Ok another 50$ for me. So in the end what did he do? Well 2 days of nothing really, didn’t fix laptop, didn’t install windows and run some updates on a pc

pk3 3rd June 2004 15:16


Originally posted by Therm
Stupid thing is i started this on March 3rd and people can't help DRAGGING it on.

Not funny anymore.

Very funny, Very very funny But not fun to be you :P

Great stuff forky ;) howz be it anyway (fulgore) :D

nostrom0 3rd June 2004 15:16

Therm and Katalyst would make great friends I think...

Beccara 3rd June 2004 15:17

Nahh mate this shits gold!

Cyberbob 3rd June 2004 15:18


Originally posted by Therm
Not funny anymore.
still funny.

cracker 3rd June 2004 15:19

I got a half naked pic of him somewhere. He posed for me cause he thinks he's hot lol
I sent it to a bunch of people, so I'll track it down.

kinggts25 3rd June 2004 15:19

ahhhhh this is spectacular ahhaah

Cyberbob 3rd June 2004 15:23


Originally posted by cracker
I got a half naked pic of him somewhere. He posed for me cause he thinks he's hot lol
I sent it to a bunch of people, so I'll track it down.

He actually posted one himself :/

Therm 3rd June 2004 15:23

Did not.

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