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fixed_truth 6th December 2023 18:36

Probably not good to use guns as some might take it literal. But make no mistake, Maori are under attack

DrTiTus 6th December 2023 18:48

They are indeed.

By their own family, while toddlers, ending up dead.

Lightspeed 6th December 2023 18:53

Hateful cunt.

DrTiTus 6th December 2023 19:35

No hateful words were used in the formation of my sentence. How about yours?

Lightspeed 6th December 2023 20:17

What is ‘NZTA’? A user’s guide to the new, English names


Lightspeed 6th December 2023 21:40

National MP James Meager delivers powerful maiden speech


"If we invest thousands in supporting the first thousand days of a child's life, we can save millions in long-term costs that stem from poor health and poor education."
This guy knows what's up. I hope he can deliver.

Ab 6th December 2023 21:58


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2028044)
National MP James Meager delivers powerful maiden speech

This guy knows what's up. I hope he can deliver.


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2027965)
Oh god, all of a sudden everyone's realising that Bill English's social investment theory was actually fucking great.

Lightspeed 6th December 2023 22:12

Remind me of what that was? Anne Tolley's version quickly collapsed, it didn't make up for all that she gutted. What did English bring that was new?

xor 7th December 2023 11:09


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2028040)
Hateful cunt.

It D3pends on ThE C0ntext...;) ::facepalm::

Lightspeed 8th December 2023 15:00

Winston Peters appears to claim credit for making 'three women PM'


The speech was meant to be about the election as an opportunity to talk about race relations, taking aim once more at what he calls the Māori elite.

"It's the worst type of racist I know: You need my help to be equal," the deputy Prime Minister said.

Peters compared equity to sexism.

"Some of us find that as revolting as chauvinist men behaving the same way, get it ladies?"

Without a shred of irony, Peters appeared to claim it was he who maketh the women.

"By the way, in my career, I made three women Prime Minister - you forgotten that? One of them let me down really bad and the other wasn't so good either."

MadMax 8th December 2023 18:13

Sux to be a nurse that voted for the current affair.

Their latest pay equity backpay is being withheld

fixed_truth 8th December 2023 21:29


Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is no more. It’s now NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.
Racists, your entree for today is paheha's first. A tasty societal message that pakeha are superior. It's morieish & fiscally responsible!

xor 8th December 2023 22:00

Kind of interesting statement to make considering the 2 out of the 3 leaders in government are Maori. But, ok.

fixed_truth 8th December 2023 22:51

Racism laundering victim right on que. (video)

You're got two Maori people who sincerely subscribe to conservative ideals being used as facilitators for policy that would otherwise be considered bigoted or racist.

For another recent example see Australian voice referendum Jacinta Price.

Lightspeed 8th December 2023 23:12


Originally Posted by MadMax (Post 2028052)
Sux to be a nurse that voted for the current affair.

Their latest pay equity backpay is being withheld

Definitely will be some surprised the leopards at their faces. It's really unfortunate for everyone else.

It's a blow for the economy too, most of that money would have been spent rather than hoarded. But an economy that serves other than the wealthy is no economy at all I suppose.

xor 9th December 2023 20:22


Originally Posted by fixed_truth (Post 2028055)
Racism laundering victim right on que. (video)

You're got two Maori people who sincerely subscribe to conservative ideals being used as facilitators for policy that would otherwise be considered bigoted or racist.

For another recent example see Australian voice referendum Jacinta Price.

The only person that facilitates Winston Peters is Winston Peters. Seems very conspiracy theory, or Manchurian candidate. Oh well, good for you!

MadMax 9th December 2023 22:12

I love watching his obvious discomfort aligning himself with the conspiracy crowd. He's not exactly one of them but their criticisms are right up his alley.

fixed_truth 10th December 2023 00:25


Originally Posted by xor (Post 2028060)
The only person that facilitates Winston Peters is Winston Peters. Seems very conspiracy theory, or Manchurian candidate. Oh well, good for you!

You're naive if you think that wealthy people gave over a million to NZF and the racists who voted him into power aren't getting what they paid for.

Winston upholds the colonial system to the detriment of Maori. Him being Maori doesn't change this.

Ab 10th December 2023 04:55

Did someone say “uncle tom nigger”?

_indigo1 10th December 2023 12:02

What do you do for a career fixed_truth, just out of interest?

Lightspeed 10th December 2023 12:33

It never bodes well when the discussion shifts from the topic to those discussing...

Lightspeed 10th December 2023 12:40

It's interesting how consistently National works to undermine support for gamblers:

Problem Gambling Foundation loses Govt funding - (2014)

Gambling addicts' treatment at risk due to funding cut - (2023)

Lightspeed 11th December 2023 15:14

Luxon insists fees-free prescriptions will go

"There is nothing that can't be done when you don't put New Zealanders first."

Ab 11th December 2023 16:38


David Seymour
ACT’s policy of requiring universities that receive taxpayer money to uphold free speech on campus will send a message: no more deplatforming speakers to protect students from “emotional harm”. Protect free speech or have your funding cut.

_indigo1 12th December 2023 12:31


Originally Posted by Lightspeed
It never bodes well when the discussion shifts from the topic to those discussing...?

They have a consistently unique position of expression on here, I am interested in the background of it - sue me?

Lightspeed 12th December 2023 13:16

No, no. You do you.

I could think of a number of things other than career that could influence f_t's perspective. Perhaps they support a vulnerable person?

I notice some revert to cynicism, get addicted to blame, when supporting someone who can't support themselves. And many take a more philosophical approach, one that allows them to appreciate not just their own struggles, but the vulnerability that exists in the world beyond their own needs.

Cyberbob 12th December 2023 19:46

Fair pay agreement gone
90 day trials are back
Removing $5 scripts
Tax break for mega-landlords
Refusing to comment on supermarket and bank profits
Repealing smokefree legislation

Remind me again which of these are fighting the cost of living crisis.

blynk 13th December 2023 08:03


Originally Posted by Cyberbob (Post 2028083)
Fair pay agreement gone
90 day trials are back
Removing $5 scripts
Tax break for mega-landlords
Refusing to comment on supermarket and bank profits
Repealing smokefree legislation

Remind me again which of these are fighting the cost of living crisis.

Well of course these and many others like the Reserve bank focusing only on inflation and not unemployment rate, focus on the Cost of Living.

Just not the cost of living for everyone, mostly for those that would be more likely to be National supporters

_indigo1 13th December 2023 12:47


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2028076)
No, no. You do you.

I'm addressing FT - not really interested in your interjection.
Just shh for once - if FT is interested, they will answer.

Lightspeed 13th December 2023 12:55


Originally Posted by _indigo1 (Post 2028089)
Just shh for once

When has that ever worked?

Indifferent to your interests, I'll point out you just seem like just one more person unable to say what they have on their mind, instead hoping you can get the other to out themselves in some way.

_indigo1 13th December 2023 18:16


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2028090)
When has that ever worked?


Lightspeed 13th December 2023 19:44

You were the one wanting to strike up a private conversation on a public forum. 🤷

Ab 14th December 2023 13:40

act your self here freely, full freedom

MadMax 14th December 2023 18:42

Prediction: National won't get re-elected and watch who cops the flak in three years time when the Wellington/Picton link breaks down.

How to get a project scrapped by National? Include something for Maori or the environment.

Ab 15th December 2023 14:23

Congrats to the National led government for these incredibly positive smoking stats:

Current smokers down from 18.4% in 2011/12 to 8.3% in 2022/23.

Youth smoking (15 to 17 year olds) down from 8.3% to 1.0%

Maori smoking rate down from 40.3% to 20.2%

Lightspeed 15th December 2023 14:28

The government gutting the work already done on improving the link between the North and South Islands is just more of the same as gutting the Lake Onslow project.

Who are these guys working for that are so intent on knee-capping the country? Whose interests do these decisions serve?

Lightspeed 17th December 2023 12:33

Luxon taking credit for this road repair looks like the sign of things to come:

blynk 17th December 2023 13:46


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2028135)
Luxon taking credit for this road repair looks like the sign of things to come:

TBF, you could probably say the Hipkins was taking the glory of the Puhoi road because it opened as he was PM, but (I believe) it was a National Party road

blynk 17th December 2023 13:48

But yes, there is definitely going to be a lot of Bad Things = Labour, Good Things are because of National.
Its easy to get those headlines out and the public will hear them, rather than understanding all the wider contexts of what has/is/will affected it.

Ab 18th December 2023 12:20

Voters didn’t elect a National govt, they sacked a Labour one.

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