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Ab 10th June 2022 16:36

That’s a good question. was this money taken away from someone else? or did it just magically appear out of thin air?

Ab 10th June 2022 17:58

Mike King not happy, calling Jacinda out:

Lightspeed 10th June 2022 18:20

"How come they got money but I didn't?"

Well first Mike, you didn't apply for the money.

Mike King is not popular amongst those I know working in mental health. He sucks up the very little oxygen there is for public discourse about mental health. Being well meaning does not trump expertise. Except of course it does.

Lucky us!

Lightspeed 10th June 2022 18:34


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2021616)
That’s a good question. was this money taken away from someone else? or did it just magically appear out of thin air?

It came from the same place the billions we spend on roads comes from. We checking where every $30k of that is spent too?

Ab 10th June 2022 19:12

Let's see if the Minister of Transport's wife Julie is the sole shareholder in any companies winning government road contracts.

Lightspeed 10th June 2022 19:20

What about the companies that work for those companies? Or the companies that work for them? We're chasing down every $30k, right?

And it wouldn't be good enough if any conflict of interest had been appropriately disclosed, would it? We'd need to investigate to ensure any spouse, cousin, half-sibling was just the right person for the job. Right?

Ab 11th June 2022 19:22

Amazing, Mahuta’s husband is also a waste management expert when the waste management contracts are going around.

Lightspeed 11th June 2022 21:26

Oh, naughty! Being involved with more than one business? Not allowed! That never happens!

fixed_truth 12th June 2022 08:21

Morgan Godfery weighs in

These stories are pathetic, and possibly racist, beat ups. Mr Ormsby literally declared his relationship on the application form, the funding wasn’t under Nanaia’s delegation, and these funding decisions are always made by officials, not ministers, anyway

media narratives about Mahuta - that her husband is getting special government contracts, that she’s too lazy to be foreign affairs minister, and that Three Waters reform is a Māori takeover attempt - are lifted straight from telegram and white supremacist talking points
In that thread someone mentioned Bill English's wife. Remember when she was on the board of an organisation that won million-dollar suicide prevention contract while her husband was prime minister? Me neither

"He and other ministers had no involvement in that decision, as it was made by an independent evaluation panel," the spokeswoman said.

the ministry follows "robust, open and contestable tender processes when doing due diligence on tenders and awarding contracts".
"We followed this rigid process to identify a service provider to deliver a national suicide prevention training programme," she said.
An independent evaluation panel - made up of people selected from ministries, agencies and consumers - analysed 11 proposals and recommended LeVa as the preferred provider.
The ministry accepted the panel's recommendation, Lane said.

Lightspeed 12th June 2022 22:35

If you want to see a grift done right, check this out:

Inside the cashed-up world of the Queenstown super-consultants

It's amazing how many full time jobs a single person can take on at once.

fixed_truth 21st June 2022 21:01


Originally Posted by xor (Post 2021603)
Yep. You're required to declare any potential conflicts during the procurement process, tender process, Request for proposal (RFP), etc.


"We stick closely to the guidance of the Cabinet office, as all Governments are expected to do, and that guidance has been followed," PM Jacinda Ardern said today.

"The Cabinet Office have advised that in each of these cases, they believe proper process has been followed."

Ardern said she'd discussed issues where conflicts or potential conflicts of interest had been openly raised.

"I'm confident the process has been followed," the PM added.
PM stands by Nanaia Mahuta after Nats say Government contracts to family show 'pattern of perceived conflicts'

fixed_truth 14th July 2022 11:39

A solid argument for a Māori Health Authority
Morgan Godfery: The Māori Health Authority isn't separatist. It's necessary.

Lightspeed 14th July 2022 14:03

It's real 1984 shit calling something that's intended to include a significant part of our community in our health care services who currently miss out "separatist".

blynk 14th July 2022 15:15

Isn't that just part in parcel these days.
Anything that helps any minority create more equality and fairness is "unfair" or "unequal" or "separatist" to white males.

Ab 14th July 2022 15:43

I don't see how that's a co-governance issue..?

Lightspeed 14th July 2022 16:06


Originally Posted by blynk (Post 2022131)
Isn't that just part in parcel these days.
Anything that helps any minority create more equality and fairness is "unfair" or "unequal" or "separatist" to white males.

Yes, they're often completely blind to the contradiction, they're so used to the stability of the status quo it's completely obvious that "fair" always works for the system and values that they benefit from.

fixed_truth 14th July 2022 17:43


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2022133)
I don't see how that's a co-governance issue..?

How is it not?

xor 27th July 2022 10:32

Co-governance is nothing to fear. /s

xor 3rd August 2022 15:33

Crikey. The most transparent govt ever cannot answer a question about voting representation.


xor 4th August 2022 10:04

aaaah i geddit. Co-governance is about appointing unelected Maori to govern without proper representation.


Originally Posted by stuff
Brown said the bill challenged the collective idea of fair democracy “rather than the conventional model which can be a popularity contest”.

What a chilling statement.

fixed_truth 4th August 2022 11:28

Iwi having a token guaranteed voice in managing natural resources with the crown, based on ti tiriti. Chilling!!

xor 4th August 2022 12:16

That's what elections are for. To determine who you want to represent you.

Changing the definition of democracy eh. Nice one

Lightspeed 4th August 2022 14:55

The history of elections in NZ is somewhat more nuanced. *shrug*

Remember when we changed the definition of democracy to be something women could participate in?

fixed_truth 4th August 2022 15:06


Originally Posted by xor (Post 2022528)
That's what elections are for. To determine who you want to represent you.

Changing the definition of democracy eh. Nice one

For what reason should whether or not your favorite version of democracy is exactly in place be the supreme consideration here? Here being in the context of obligations to New Zealands founding agreement?

xor 4th August 2022 15:47

Can you be specific about the obligations in the founding agreement? I presume you're referring to the treaty of Waitangi..

fixed_truth 4th August 2022 18:48

Yeah of course te tiriti. Heard of it?

The Queen recognises and guarantees the continuing tino rangatiratanga (ultimate political authority, sometimes translated as independence or sovereignty) of Māori over their lands, villages, and everything else that is held precious;
Commitments to equality in Te Tiriti mean co-governance

xor 4th August 2022 21:09


Originally Posted by fixed_truth
ultimate political authority, sometimes translated as independence or sovereignty

Nice! good luck with the whole ethno nationalism thing. I believe it'll work out really well having non-elected people governing critical aspects of the country.

Lightspeed 4th August 2022 22:12

How do we disregard that agreement? You think we'll just be able to get away with disregarding that one, while all others still hold up?

DrTiTus 4th August 2022 23:02

Full Treaty text for anyone playing along at home

Nothing like a good paraphrase to make a point.

DrTiTus 27th September 2022 18:39

Winston Peters: 'Co-Governance and Separatism' Speech in Tauranga

DrTiTus 28th September 2022 18:33

Kelvin Davis tells Māori ACT MP she needs to leave 'her Pākehā world'

What a fucking joke our country has become.

Ab 29th September 2022 00:16

Jesus Christ, grow the fuck up Kelvin. You're an embarrassment.

fixed_truth 29th September 2022 07:03

Similar to the more common term 'too stuck in your pakeha ways'. Which is a fair cop when you're a politician & Maori in our furthermost right-wing party that has a whole platform of policy shitting on Maori.

Ab 29th September 2022 11:07


Lightspeed 29th September 2022 12:20


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2023504)
Jesus Christ, grow the fuck up Kelvin. You're an embarrassment.

Yeah, least favourite of Labour MPs, at least of those I recognise.

fixed_truth 29th September 2022 12:34


Davis told Newshub in a statement he "absolutely acknowledge[s] Karen's whakapapa" and hopes his comments did not cause her any personal offence.

"What I was referring to was the ACT Party's policies in general including her recent Member’s Bill calling for a 'colourblind' approach to child protection," Davis said.

"The ACT Party often preaches about being the party for all, but if they truly want that then I do encourage them to cross over the bridge that is Te Tiriti so that they can view the issues they care about from a Māori lens."

Ab 29th September 2022 12:46

cat kelvins-statement.txt | grep sorry -c

xor 2nd October 2022 11:38


Originally Posted by xor (Post 2022546)
Nice! good luck with the whole ethno nationalism thing. I believe it'll work out really well having non-elected people governing critical aspects of the country.

Good to see Kelvin Davis pushing on through with ethno nationalistic comments. What a legend comment from the deputy leader of NZ.

xor 4th October 2022 16:01

Originally Posted by ODT
The organisation’s six roopu are "governance bodies within Playcentre Aotearoa, consisting of whanau Maori, to give whanau Maori an equitable voice in Playcentre governance", which require at least five of the six roopu to agree in order to achieve a consensus.

Four roopu voted in favour and two against, but the two-thirds majority was not enough to carry the change.

Rōpū Māori are a mechanism within Playcentre Aotearoa for Māori to have a recognized identity and they help enable Māori to meet together to share whakawhanaungatanga to help create belonging and identity, and to undertake activities, projects, experiences, learning that are of interest to the Māori members.

Ab 4th October 2022 16:40

That 366 out of 400 need to cross over the bridge that is Te Tiriti

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