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DRa1N 1st November 2011 23:21


Originally Posted by Farmer Joe
Hah, I know a few who consistently vote Green. They also let the native bush regrow in their gullies and take extra care not to pollute their rivers.

My father has parts of his farm fenced off and left in natives, he also takes care not to pollute the the three creeks that flow year round through the farm. But he will never vote green. They do not cater for the interests of the ag community.

Golden Teapot 1st November 2011 23:56


Originally Posted by Ab
Tempted to party vote Maori.

I've pondered this too but I don't think I could actually do this. I've been consistently impressed by their leaders. I'd call them responsibly left, and in a manner I could be happy with.

The reality is I'll vote National. I do like to romantically imagine that I might vote Maori though.

Nothing 2nd November 2011 05:39

Man, those 5 douchebags who voted Labour, fracturing the power of the left.

blynk 2nd November 2011 10:46

Wouldn't it be great if this poll was an actual representation of what happens of voting day.

Baal 2nd November 2011 15:02


Originally Posted by blynk
Wouldn't it be great if this poll was an actual representation of what happens of voting day.

Instead, it's a sad commentary on the state of NZG.

ChaosWulf 2nd November 2011 15:05


Originally Posted by blynk
Wouldn't it be great if this poll was an actual representation of what happens of voting day.

I would be the happy. Mostly because it pleases me when Baal gets all pissy, with the red face and vein twitch in the forehead.

cEvin 2nd November 2011 15:24

Which begs the question - why is The Liz Shaw Party not in the list?

Savage 2nd November 2011 15:44

When will we have our bridge from NZ to Aus without her steering the country in the right direction!?

CCS 2nd November 2011 15:47

That foolish woman. A tunnel would be the better option.

Farmer Joe 2nd November 2011 16:31


Originally Posted by DRa1N
My father has parts of his farm fenced off and left in natives, he also takes care not to pollute the the three creeks that flow year round through the farm. But he will never vote green. They do not cater for the interests of the ag community.

_b to your father :)

crocos 2nd November 2011 18:00


Originally Posted by cEvin
Which begs the question - why is The Liz Shaw Party not in the list?

You could nominate her by write-in if you want. She doesn't even need to know that she's a candidate for whatever seat.

adonis 2nd November 2011 18:59


Originally Posted by crocos
You could nominate her by write-in if you want. She doesn't even need to know that she's a candidate for whatever seat.

I'm quite certain that she'd be flattered by this.

crocos 2nd November 2011 19:48

Adonis: If you posted your real name and contact details we could nominate you as a write-in candidate.

Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean there's a shit-show in hell of it actually happening.

Spoon1 3rd November 2011 01:02

No party is perfect and although the Greens have some stupid ideas, they also have some good ones and I want them to have an influence on policy. I'd never want them to actually govern with a majority - hells no.

BTW, fuck FPP. Fuck it in the arse. MMP fo' lyfe.

JP 7th November 2011 21:14

Holy shit didn't expect the Greens to have the most votes.

Ab 7th November 2011 22:25

National's in a tough spot here. There's a possibility that it could win an outright majority and govern alone, but that's a hell of a gamble. It's conceivable that National could win the most votes but Labour, Green, Mana, and United Future combined could have a greater total and patch together a coalition.

National has to get 60+ seats to govern alone and on current polling it would get 66, but anything can happen in politics. If Banks wins in Epsom and gets another ACT MP on party vote, and Sharples wins Tamaki Makaurau and gets another 2 Maori MPs on party vote, National + ACT + Maori is more likely. But will Banks win Epsom? The National faithful will probably vote for whomever Key tells them to, and a win for Banks gets the centre-right TWO more seats while a win for the National candidate only gains them one more seat.

cEvin 7th November 2011 22:53


Originally Posted by Spoon1
No party is perfect and although the Greens have some stupid ideas, they also have some good ones and I want them to have an influence on policy. I'd never want them to actually govern with a majority - hells no.

BTW, fuck FPP. Fuck it in the arse. MMP fo' lyfe.

yep, this

EvilLumpy 7th November 2011 23:40


Originally Posted by crocos
Adonis: If you posted your real name and contact details we could nominate you as a write-in candidate.

For the right amount of cash I could make that happen...

Golden Teapot 7th November 2011 23:47


Originally Posted by EvilLumpy
For the right amount of cash I could make that happen...

Speaking strictly hypothetically, what sort of sum might tickle your fancy?

adonis 8th November 2011 01:50

Drew, if you do this, you're going down with me.

_Incubus_ 15th November 2011 19:55


Originally Posted by JP
Holy shit didn't expect the Greens to have the most votes.

More Greenies here than in your average hippie commune.

Omegakai 20th November 2011 10:49

could you even get a government with the above votes?

DrTiTus 20th November 2011 18:57

I'm going to vote NZFirst now, because John Key has said not to.

Vrtigo 20th November 2011 19:54

Peter Dunne will make a surprise comback, just wait

Golden Teapot 20th November 2011 21:48

Rain for next Saturday in Auckland :)

Evoke 24th November 2011 17:28

saw this on stuff just now

it told me how to vote, so i'm just gonna go with that :)

Torka 24th November 2011 17:41

can't really muster up the will to vote at all this year tbh

I'm very far to the left but labour are a bunch of clowns and the greens despite having economic policy I like are anti-science and full of the sort of munters who believe in homeopathy

CCS 24th November 2011 17:52

Just vote National. It's the best way to keep Labour/Green out of parliament. Come on, you'll be able to live with yourself.

cyc 24th November 2011 17:53

I take back my abstentation and will be voting National.

adonis 25th November 2011 19:19


Originally Posted by Torka
the greens despite having economic policy I like are anti-science and full of the sort of munters who believe in homeopathy

This is why I didn't vote for them until 2008. I'm still not entirely happy with their views here, but TBH I think I was overstating just how anti-science they are compared to other parties. On the one hand you have support for "alternative medicines"*, nutty ideas about restricting EM radiation and cellphone tower scaremongering.

Then you have their anti-GM stance, which is presented in a decidedly anti-science way but actually if you look at their policies regarding GM they're not that bad. New Zealand's ecosystem is unique in the world and we already have loads of problems with foreign organisms of all types destroying our indigenous life, it makes sense to restrict the introduction of new types of plants/organisms, regardless of whether they're GM or not. At least until the science around GM has been matured to the point where we can accurately judge how they will interact with our environment. I think GM/GE could be the most important scientific field mankind has ever researched, but I'm fine with confining it to a lab for now, at least in NZ.

The thing is, all these points are small fries compared to the big kahuna, Climate Change. Bottom line is governments have dragged their feet over this issue for far too long. As far as judging parties based on the impact their understanding of science will have on society, the biggest anti-science party out there is ACT, not the Greens, and National have shown that they're mainly interested in slowing down progress in this area.

EVEN IF you don't think the Greens policies are the best way to combat it, the fact is that National and even Labour are not doing enough, and the more support the Greens get the more resources and effort the larger parties will put into actually solving the problem.

Overall, despite what anti-science positions the Green party has, they're still the best pro-science choice available, because of their positions on climate change and sustainable living.

*Tim Minchin on "alternative medicine"

cEvin 25th November 2011 22:34


Originally Posted by Torka
can't really muster up the will to vote at all this year tbh

I'm very far to the left but labour are a bunch of clowns and the greens despite having economic policy I like are anti-science and full of the sort of munters who believe in homeopathy


CCS 26th November 2011 00:08

Says the mungbean eating green voter.

cyc 26th November 2011 00:35


Originally Posted by CCS
Says the mungbean eating green voter.

And in this election, it's "Vote Green and Help Winston".

chiquelet 26th November 2011 19:12

Well I surprised myself and voted Green/Green.

chiquelet 26th November 2011 19:22

Uh sorry I came straight here, didn't see the post in the main forum and by the time I did I couldn't edit my post. Feel free to delete the above.

Torka 26th November 2011 19:45


Originally Posted by chiquelet
Uh sorry I came straight here, didn't see the post in the main forum and by the time I did I couldn't edit my post. Feel free to delete the above.

It's cool to post about election stuff in this subforum, just not OD

doppelgänger of someone 26th November 2011 19:53

I voted for Bluegrass. Country music ftw.

Golden Teapot 26th November 2011 21:52


Originally Posted by chiquelet
Well I surprised myself and voted Green/Green.

Doesn't surprise me. I suggested you were a green voter a few weeks ago if you recall?

fixed_truth 26th November 2011 22:38

Well I guess The Greens won the NZGAMES election.

NZGAMES, my favourite left-leaning forum ;)

chiquelet 26th November 2011 23:25


Originally Posted by Golden Teapot
Doesn't surprise me. I suggested you were a green voter a few weeks ago if you recall?

Spooky! :eek:

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