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Jenza 10th December 2004 15:25


Few other random shots at:

Spink 10th December 2004 22:11


Originally posted by Cyberbob
It was totally wasted back in one of the great wars, but now it's been recaptured and recreated, and because they're a pure magic society, they've created a massive force field to keep everyone out, cutting themselves off from the rest of the world
It was wasted by the undead during wc3 but the humans/elves recaptured it between wc3 and wow and are trying to rebuild it but it's full of demons and undead still.

Jin 11th December 2004 00:56

Jin 11th December 2004 23:37

TheReaper 12th December 2004 03:07

If you've been to the Scarlet Monestary you'll recognise this bit. I shat my pants.

Needless to say my panic was unwarranted as they all died half a second later.

Me and my chicken were running through The Barrens when one of the locals takes a liking to us...

TheReaper 13th December 2004 18:30

Taurens are idiots :eek:

SID|DensitY 13th December 2004 23:14


Originally posted by Jin

I'm level 29 and have only 400 less health then you :o

get some items with TONS of STA :)

Jin 13th December 2004 23:19

Incase you missed the fact im a Druid, im infact a Druid.

sidbo 14th December 2004 12:49

There are two of us on there, but this one was the best shot...

Ohhh. Pretty!

Cyberbob 14th December 2004 13:03


Originally posted by SID|DensitY
I'm level 29 and have only 400 less health then you :o

get some items with TONS of STA :)

He's a druid.

Check his int and spirit, he doesnt need sta.

Spink 14th December 2004 13:44

only really took this cause my cat went right under my mount for some reason :o

SID|DensitY 14th December 2004 13:49


Originally posted by Cyberbob
He's a druid.

Check his int and spirit, he doesnt need sta.

I'm a druid as well

Jin 14th December 2004 15:00

I bet you shapeshift !!!11one1!

SID|DensitY 14th December 2004 16:59


if I'm soloing Cat form

if I'm in a instance I end up being the priest :p

Jin 14th December 2004 17:24

Running away from one mob into a 52 elite giant is bad ~

New guns ~

Jin 14th December 2004 20:17

My level 46 Druid

Mithril Spurs on boots add 5-10% speed on your mount.

SID|DensitY 14th December 2004 23:55

TheReaper 15th December 2004 03:55

Turned myself into a skeleton and freaked out some of the locals in IF with some undead dance stylez~

RedeviL 15th December 2004 09:09

Why such an insanely high amount of sta SID|DensitY?

80 I could understand.. but over 100 on a druid!?

SID|DensitY 15th December 2004 09:12

with the group I normally play with.. I'm more of a tanker (in bear form, since health goes up to 1600-1700 now) then a healer, saying that I'd like to also get my mana pool up without affecting my health levels too much...

Cyberbob 15th December 2004 10:32

I've got my agility bonuses higher than my base stat at the moment :D

Spink 15th December 2004 12:00

me too, 93+100

RedeviL 16th December 2004 11:21


Originally posted by SID|DensitY
with the group I normally play with.. I'm more of a tanker (in bear form, since health goes up to 1600-1700 now) then a healer, saying that I'd like to also get my mana pool up without affecting my health levels too much...
Ahh that makes sense then... I'm a pure mana user, through and through.


SID|DensitY 16th December 2004 12:56

being a priest, mana regen and mana pool levels are as important as armor/health is to a tanker..

my mana pool levels aren't tooo bad.. generally have more mana then health.. but given Druid is a hybrid class, I might as well move a little towards the priest side now that I've done the warrior tank :)

Jin 16th December 2004 14:49

(lv 47 now - should update soon)

Jin 16th December 2004 19:01

Staff of Jordan

Zag0r 16th December 2004 20:56
just noticed both my int & stam are double base.

SID|DensitY 16th December 2004 21:54

I made a]5 meg avi with basically showing off my items they suck but wtf)

SID|DensitY 19th December 2004 16:57


mostly auction shots

creamcheese 20th December 2004 10:26

Me, Jin, Blur, Val and Evo Posing in Zul'Farrak

Genesis 20th December 2004 15:07

Re: Staff of Jordan

Originally posted by Jin

Fuck that's a nice staff :)

Genesis 22nd December 2004 14:37

Christmas in Orgrimmar :D

FireStorm 22nd December 2004 17:51

Snow balls are teh fun! Little goblin sells them and cooking recipes for eggnog and gingerbread men or something? Only had a few mins to look before work this morning.

SID|DensitY 22nd December 2004 21:08

A Corpse 22nd December 2004 21:35


Originally posted by SID|DensitY
Chickenman pic
He must be confused between City of Heroes and WoW.

SID|DensitY 22nd December 2004 22:06

lol most likely

everytime I goto ironforge. he is there dancing etc + chicken emote all the time.. yesterday some gnomes got down with him.. was pretty funny :)

Spink 22nd December 2004 22:31

Chickenman was the hero of my server during open beta :(

fobski 22nd December 2004 22:53

hehe i finished the christmas quests now im a snowman

i have no free ebspace.. if someones got some and can host a pic message me :D

im nzg IRC

Genesis 22nd December 2004 23:12

Aw man I'm loving the Christmas stuff around Orgrimmar and Thunderbluff, such a cool touch. Anyone know if you can buy Santa hats? :p

/me wipes tear from eye

I love this game.

Mm.. Thunderbluff..

Chaos 22nd December 2004 23:50


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