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bliP 23rd May 2002 11:22

Nutter, H3llSt0rM and [Lifter] shhhh.

[Lifter] 23rd May 2002 13:10

ta btw blip :P

H3llSt0rM 23rd May 2002 13:10

watch your back man blip watch your back...

H3llSt0rM 23rd May 2002 13:11


W0Lv3R1nE 23rd May 2002 18:01

Re: define chasing...

Originally posted by W0Lv3R1nE
what do you think chasing is?
im not trying to start an argument here just ppl


[Lifter] 23rd May 2002 19:03

Wolv, after bantering it into peoples heads 4 teams in the SAME thread, it gets to be a bit irritating. Soz to turn it into an argument but it was well justified from over here.

Nutter 24th May 2002 01:27


Originally posted by [Lifter]
Wolv, after bantering it into peoples heads 4 teams in the SAME thread, it gets to be a bit irritating. Soz to turn it into an argument but it was well justified from over here.
Theres teams in this thread? :/
(sorry :()

W0Lv3R1nE 24th May 2002 19:07

np :P

MadMax 25th May 2002 20:13

pfft. if i get kicked off a server for chasing i'll just go to another, and chase. if i see an enemy, i'll shoot em.

H3llSt0rM 26th May 2002 01:00

nobody really cares on a public server

if its a clan match/pug then you will get kicked.

Nutter 27th May 2002 00:58


Originally posted by H3llSt0rM
nobody really cares on a public server

if its a clan match/pug then you will get kicked.

LOL @ getin kicked out of a clan game :/
I'm sure that could cause a few arguments, eg bias admins ect ect :|

Bahamut 27th May 2002 01:11

I haven't read the whole thread, but I was playing some TFC today and some guy accused me of chasing because he was heading toward the flag room, I saw him, and I was a medic, so I ran after him and killed him.

To me it seems like defending = chasing.
But you can't say "Don't defend, fag!". :p

Anyways, the whole concept of chasing is completely queer IMO.

Do whatever you fucken want.

player 8th June 2002 20:28

some of yous sound like a girls arguing over nothing. far out. booohooo hooo i got hit outside my base boo hoo hoo,

if u get "chased" who cares just keep going, if the offender does it again just cuss him or hit him with a boomstik, who cares about whinging in a clan match id rather be attcking to be honest. i remember playing [e] for vsd, got cussed outside didn t know if it was on puropose or not, all i remember was been in the water thinking fuckin cheeky basterd, thent aht was about, honestly there arre to many serious ppl. if sopmeone is chasing bad go another way ffs. lol catch us up just havin a read.

H3llSt0rM 8th June 2002 21:21

re read the thread player.

if you play in a serious match then chasing rules apply. if you chase, you get kicked. dont think you can escape it, but then agian you dont even play tf so why bother commenting?

chasing was not a rule back in grenstomp 2 so yer.


WorriedFace 9th June 2002 00:38


Originally posted by H3llSt0rM
nobody really cares on a public server

if its a clan match/pug then you will get kicked.

wtf, kicked for trying to kill the flag carrier


that is fucking petty

Naithin 3rd June 2004 20:06

Alright, not a fan of thread necromancy, but to aim for clarity, lemme see if I got this right..

Attackers don't shoot at each other side bases under normal circumstances, *at all*

Attackers can fire pop shots at other attackers within their own base (??) But probably shouldn't stop to engage all out.

Defenders can attack enemy attackers any place any time. (??)

If the flag is in transit, all rules go to hell, and it's all out war? (??)

Basically, the old posts by Lifter made the first point clear, but still got some question marks over the latter bits.

Anthony.S 3rd June 2004 21:00

Hi Jono :)

Basically: If you're annoying someone and you're an attacker shooting an attacker you're chasing, if you're in an elite clan that seems to be an ok thing to do on occasion, but if you're a low to medium ranked player that tends to get you called a newbie.

It's all pretty much just a spiral arguement thats a product of ancient technology using small maps. Chasings ok in most modern team based games, it's a part of tactic and not generally moaned about. In TF style games chasing can make an already lockable game almost impossable depending on the players and teams.

I can see both sides of the arguement, basically at the end of the day it's pointless and stupid either way really.

W0Lv3R1nE 4th June 2004 09:51

ok, here's an example 2fort5r
if you're an attacker leaving the base , no one from the other team is allowed to shoot you until you reach (around) under grate of enemy base, even then, only the defenders of the opposing team is allowed to attack you and vice versa.
A defender is not allowed to shoot you if he is coming out of respawn and sees you bhoping along the bridge, thats illegal

its more of an understanding that no fire will be taken place between the bases and attackers at all times, unless flag is outside and you're defending...

Attackers can fire pop shots at other attackers within their own base (??) But probably shouldn't stop to engage all out.

No, but it does happen only when someone retelliates after being in crossfire.
Hope it is a bit clearer :P

Waldo 29th July 2005 12:06

has tf always been this pansie?

Macca@Work 30th July 2005 18:57


Anthony.S 31st July 2005 12:10

Blame the popularity of poor map design (2fortX), you only really had a single room (the small, so called 'outside' area) which was a forced common ground. People in general decided on silly rules rather then playing in silly games.

Well all those except for the players that liked their targets 'canned'.

Unemazezamer 22nd December 2005 02:04

Man, this is nuts.
All this angst over a First Person Shooter?!?! You are supposed to shoot. End of story. If a game made the map that way, then why are you still playing it? I'd rate the game = shit. The mind boggles.
To clarify - Saving Private Ryan would never have existed if everyone thought "chasing" was bad in real life. Well, real life sucks as well. Your aim in any FPS whatsoever is to kill.

Just go play UT : Instagib. NOW that's a real game. (Too bad I can't find ANY servers anymore for the original version. :()

Anthony.S 22nd December 2005 09:01

I doubt anyone cares (or plays) Unemazezamer, you're nearly 4 years too late and the latter posts are retrospective.

[Lifter] 22nd December 2005 09:07


Originally Posted by Unemazezamer
Man, this is nuts.
All this angst over a First Person Shooter?!?! You are supposed to shoot. End of story. If a game made the map that way, then why are you still playing it? I'd rate the game = shit. The mind boggles.
To clarify - Saving Private Ryan would never have existed if everyone thought "chasing" was bad in real life. Well, real life sucks as well. Your aim in any FPS whatsoever is to kill.

Just go play UT : Instagib. NOW that's a real game. (Too bad I can't find ANY servers anymore for the original version. :()

Fuck up you dumb cunt, don't you realise how old this is? Stop craving for attention and go outside and make some friends.

[Lifter] 22nd December 2005 09:10

ahaha I just read the post, lol@nutter
Aw man I miss qwtf so bad. Chasing is gay btw, but it was part of the rules if you wanted to play with oztf, I never liked chasing but I had to accept it.

Man, wtb qwtf back :(

I rate unemzaezewaezzeasar on the same page as nutter. :>

Unemazezamer 22nd December 2005 13:42


Originally Posted by Anthony.S
I doubt anyone cares (or plays) Unemazezamer, you're nearly 4 years too late and the latter posts are retrospective.

I know. I was bored. Never went into Fortress Forum, read this thread and decided to post.


Originally Posted by [Lifter]
Fuck up you dumb cunt, don't you realise how old this is? Stop craving for attention and go outside and make some friends.

You, my dear sir, are absolutely correct, but I just dont feel like it right now. Try this recipe and see if you feel like going out and making friends:

1 ex.
1 ex's best friend.
5 cups of bad communication.
1 cup ex's jealousy.
2 cups of insanity.
3kg of nice chunky looking forward to doing something.
A pinch of cancellation and freak outs
1 ton of boredom.

Whip together and try and slime it down your throat. _b
And trust me, that ain't even half the story. I LIVE WITH THE CUNT!

MrTTTT 27th December 2005 19:49

harden up

Quik_s2n 9th September 2007 15:51

not as if the dogs dead

Massacre 17th December 2007 19:39

fucking lol at Une's post. :(

Spoon1 18th December 2007 09:56

Man this chasing stuff sound fucking retarded. I'm glad I wasn't involved in that clan scene. It sounds like people were trying to fix poor map design with stupid rules...

Farmer Joe 18th December 2007 10:23

Yeah wtf, that's probably the most retarded rule I've ever heard. roffle at not shooting an attacker when they're not in your base.

?>Superman 18th December 2007 11:22

Chasing was fucking gay. What sorta pussy couldn't handle being attacked outside of the enemy base.

I remember finding out the shit way when i got booted off the public server for "chasing" when i actually thought i was doing my team a favour.

p.s Fuck Unemaauerhiauern was a retard, thank god he's banned.

MadLep 18th December 2007 13:54

This whole "no chasing" topic is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of in an online game.

Its whiny shit like this why I never touched any of the fortress games till TF2.

Anthony.S 19th December 2007 01:00

That is one good thing about TF2, it's not a debatable subject due to game design/modes and class distinctions. To be honest their were valid arguments both sides, unless of course you never played either way (there never was a true non chasing system anyway, everyone always got their little digs in).

TF2 has brought in its own debates and flaws (judging by some of the topics on NZF) which sound just as silly to an outsider.

TF, despite its flaws is still the best of the lot. TF2 is pretty good and had promise, but ultimately it's a less focused, less skilled game even without the gren spam. You'll never beat the punch, aggression or brutality of a QWTF match.

I didn't want the same game, but I would have liked a little more get up and go as opposed to silly solutions for people being stomped on/shut down (respawn delays, 10 second invincibility, random criticals, less focus on your more frontal CTF style modes/maps). I guess even Valve have dumb solutions for flaws too.

Yeah it ain't bad and it does do some things very well. I'd like to like it, but can't see that really happening as it is in its current state.

Anthony.S 19th December 2007 02:32

Just for the record and those that didn't play matches but still have an opinion, this was basically the reality of it at the time of these posts:


No chasing rules are a have, I haven't seen one clan here or in Au that won't break it once they have a lead or if their flags down.
Usually a person that will lay into you on passing will be the first to call you a lamer chaser for shooting back at them.
Sure if everyone kept to it the game did flow better, but it was very rare and still part of the game for attack to hamper attack when viable. It depended on weither or not you wanted to make it to the flag as gibs or not. That was why I liked freedom of choice, you'd have to be stupid to pick fights on your way in all the time due to the nature of the game. If someone wanted to play with you on the way in, then you didn't let them make it through the entrance.

Simple really, but you guys would already know that.

Jin 19th December 2007 08:12

A good example for not chasing was 2fort.

Both teams attacks could get into the other fort so it was generally a even attack/defence fight, when people started chasing you have maybe 2/3 people making it into the enemy fort and getting annihilated thus having ridiculous stalemates.

TF2 is a completely different game so this thread is irrelevant.

Rince 20th December 2007 15:29


Originally Posted by Hemebond
WTF is wrong with you people? No chasing? No shooting attackers?

You all sound like a bunch of sulking babies who got base-raped too many times.

Christ, I'm glad I don't play TF.

exactly what I thought :D.... then it was followed by this:


Originally Posted by H3llSt0rM
fuck off you piece of shit.

if you dont play the game. dont fucking comment.

which is reason #2 for not playing TFC
fucking kiddies.
(note - thats 'fucking' the adjective, not 'fucking' the verb)

And then I read some of the more up to date comments from board members more akin to my age, and realise I'm not the only one who thinks "enemy not in your base = not a target otherwise get kicked" FUCK THAT!!!!!!

Anthony.S 20th December 2007 19:25


Originally Posted by H3llSt0rM
if you dont play the game. dont fucking comment.

That's probably the best part of that quote from HS.

But does anyone listen? No. Lets all just pretend we know what we're talking about...

Yeah, that seems to work.

SpaceCowboy 2nd September 2008 12:35

everyone in this thread needs to harden the fuck up, chopper says so.

iiNEMESISii 28th September 2008 01:57

Fuck me they have got to be kidding with this chasing shit right ??
have none of them ever and I mean NEVER played QW, QTF or threewaveCTF
or the UT SeriesCTF .The only fucken rules were def base, def middle and arse rap their base til your flag got taken, then cut the fuckers off on the way back to their base ???:eek: capture capture rar rar.
bunch of whiney gyrls bleeding tampons the lot of you !!!
thank fuck i didn't buy this shit

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