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Koffee 18th February 2005 10:14


Originally posted by Rince
I knew I should have checked NZG first :(
that was prolly the bit of international that blew my cap :(

If you get it via WoW i'm sure it only downloads a couple of megs.. I got the patch too fast for it to be the full 55

curses 18th February 2005 10:43


i downloaded it at work and then when i logged into WoW i waited for the torrent manager to open so i could close and install the patch but it didn't happen...

i guess it's a full patch, from 1.0 to 1.2.3 or summat...

[reyPh] 18th February 2005 11:44

have any pallys here noticed the change in their seals?

I havent O_o

Farmer Joe 18th February 2005 15:36

hell yes... I used to be able to take on 3-4 guys my level... now i struggle to beat 2.

[reyPh] 18th February 2005 18:45

do you solo more? cause I'm always with my partner who is a lvl 21 mage. Maybe thats why I dont notice it so much.

OY636 23rd February 2005 15:18

Any where for the new patch?

dylan 25th February 2005 03:42


Originally posted by [reyPh]
have any pallys here noticed the change in their seals?

I havent O_o

Honestly mate, you can't have been using your seal correctly (or maybe just much) if you didn't notice a difference :)

Note: i'm talking about seal of the crusader here.

The difference is obvious - before, you would attack faster, and cause more damage.

Now, you will attack faster, but cause (noticeably) less damage.

It was simply a fix that brought it in line with its description though; I don't see why so many people are up in arms about it and threatening to quit / end their lives etc. etc.

Personally I swapped SoC for seal of command as soon as it was available; this was before it was announced that a 'fix' was coming for SoC anyway. I recommend you spend your talent points to do the same :)

[reyPh] 25th February 2005 10:01


I do seal of crusader I think

then judge the npc/player

then seal of rightoness(sp)

I think I may of noticed I used to hit more powerful with old Soc, but my sword is so awesome I could of been imagining it...

[reyPh] 18th March 2005 12:20

is SOTC holy damage based on your total DPS or just your wepaons base DPS?

if so wouldn't upgrading your talent points on higher ranks for SOC be a better option?

curses 18th March 2005 13:15

bastard! I thought the patch was out!

Farmer Joe 18th March 2005 14:29

Yeah i just respeced for seal of command. After a judgement from sotc it hits for about 160 and crits to 260-300.

dylan 18th March 2005 18:07

Yup. Apparently because armour doesn't affect it.

Doesn't crit very often but when it does...boy :) (even rarer to get a double crit...but so cool when it does)

[reyPh] 20th March 2005 16:24

woah, i respeced for seal of command and I can't believe(its not butter) how good it is!!

i crited today for 800 holy damage in 2 hits. + my 300~dps from my sword.

im only lvl 34.

Rince 22nd March 2005 22:16


Originally posted by curses
bastard! I thought the patch was out!
v. soon - ie tomorrow :D

chance of anyone putting up a local link?

Phantom 23rd March 2005 08:48

Damnit, can't get even a droplet of the patch - signed up for fileplanet instead. Sigh.

Rince 23rd March 2005 09:19

subscribers only
(but its free to sign up.... there's about a 90minute wait for the free download - but I feel that's better than blizz's fucking stupid p2p distrib method)

Rince 23rd March 2005 09:53

installing now

*edit* Yeah, I know I said a 90-minute wait to start downloading, and my posts' timestamps don't agree with that...

but, umm... let's just say wait-time was significantly decreased, and download speed was significantly increased!

Phantom 23rd March 2005 10:00

You can't play now :/

Damned "extended maintanence" :(!

plaz0r 23rd March 2005 10:10

Someone hook us up with a copy!

I can't even download the downloader - it just sits at 0%, and I can't log into fileplanet either :(

WoW players have broken the internet!

plaz0r 23rd March 2005 10:21

Disregard that .. getting it from Allakhazam now.

armourking 23rd March 2005 10:39

They force you into a slow download so that their game servers have a bigger uptime before they, eventually, crash.

plaz0r 23rd March 2005 10:51

Please don't give that link to people overseas .. I'd rather not have a huge traffic bill :)

sidbo 23rd March 2005 11:03

I'll have it on jsg ftp soon plaz, so if you want to remove your link when I post it.

plaz0r 23rd March 2005 11:05

Ahh cool .. cheers :)

Rince 23rd March 2005 11:06


Originally posted by Phantom
You can't play now :/

Damned "extended maintanence" :(!

not on Blackrock! Straight in :D

but my UI is fucked up... so going to take time to rebuild it up again :(

everytime I add in a new item to the interface folder, I dont have to restart teh game, do I? I just have to type /console reloadui or something?

sidbo 23rd March 2005 11:09

OK, Fileplanet only has the full 113M patch, so I'll grab yours quickly now Plaz and then host both of them.

Be a minute or so now.



Rince 23rd March 2005 11:56


Originally posted by Rince
not on Blackrock! Straight in :D

but my UI is fucked up... so going to take time to rebuild it up again :(

everytime I add in a new item to the interface folder, I dont have to restart teh game, do I? I just have to type /console reloadui or something?

spoke too soon... BR is down :(

Sgt Seb 24th March 2005 09:15

thanks for hosting patch sidbo and plaz =)

played last night in a quick ubrs raid. still seems broken. enemies die even faster (think tehy have been nerfed)...and 15 players still seems way to high.

sidbo 24th March 2005 11:05

Try the West wing of Dire Maul Seb.

We meandered past a fair bit of it as I was mainly after my level 60 water quest (yay!) but the mobs in there will be a good test for a 5 man group.

That is of course assuming you can get into the insstance at all, gank central last night as every 60 and his dog was in Ferelas trying out the new content :)

[edit] Oh, and did Rend drop anything different that you noticed? i.e if I see those frikken shoulders one more time.....

com 24th March 2005 11:49


Originally posted by sidbo

That is of course assuming you can get into the insstance at all, gank central last night as every 60 and his dog was in Ferelas trying out the new content :)

How true. I landed in Ferelas last night to check out DM and as soon as i landed in camp mojache(?) i was greeted with about 40 lvl60's grouping for a run and another 40 in front of DM fighting alliance to get inside the instance... funny shit. I turned around said fuck it and i'll be back in about a week once everyone is sick of it...

Sgt Seb 24th March 2005 15:05


Originally posted by sidbo
Try the West wing of Dire Maul Seb.

We meandered past a fair bit of it as I was mainly after my level 60 water quest (yay!) but the mobs in there will be a good test for a 5 man group.

That is of course assuming you can get into the insstance at all, gank central last night as every 60 and his dog was in Ferelas trying out the new content :)

[edit] Oh, and did Rend drop anything different that you noticed? i.e if I see those frikken shoulders one more time.....

Yep im looking forward to trying that one out.

Not sure if others feel the same but I basically stopped having fun questing once the 5 player designed dungeons disappeared at lvl 57ish. Those dungeons I actually felt like I was helping the group rather then current raids where I auto attack every mob until after about 2 hours the item at the end finally drops (which I usually miss out on lol) :/ Yawn!

btw didnt get up to the point to where rend drops, had to bail beforehand. Took a long time to get anywhere because we lost a lot of players to loot lag/disconnections??

sidbo 24th March 2005 15:33

I think the questing malaise was a pretty direct result of the "raid quest cheese" thing, and I must admit we (and I suspect everyone) was guilty of using it at one time or another.

With the changes to Strath/Scholo I'm actually looking forward to taking a 5 person group through them, as they were all designed for 5 but because of the insane respawn rates SFA actually attempted them that way due to the huge timesink required to complete in a 5 group.

The raid number caps for all the existing dungeons seem to be set at "intended size +5" from what I can tell.

DM is pretty varied, and the loot seems to be reasonable risk vs reward, possibly a bit on the easy side in all honesty. Having said that, I'm still waiting for something decent for my mage to drop out of there, but that will happen.

sky_ 25th March 2005 07:57


Originally posted by Sgt Seb
btw didnt get up to the point to where rend drops, had to bail beforehand. Took a long time to get anywhere because we lost a lot of players to loot lag/disconnections??
This patch is so unstable it's really not funny =/

plaz0r 20th April 2005 10:59

URLage for 1.4.0 patch:

plaz0r 8th June 2005 09:34


That machine is in the US .. I'll have a national source in a few minutes :)

plaz0r 8th June 2005 09:51

National source -

Yoda 8th June 2005 10:04

I downloaded from filefront

Md5sum 2bf3e753b25f9415fa4d2eaf36961132 - anyone able to confirm that it's correct? (not quite up to trusting random links, but don't have the patience to wait for the crappy bliz downloader).

curses 8th June 2005 10:46

Thanks plaz

sidbo 8th June 2005 11:52

JSG source

Caesar 8th June 2005 16:17

Is there a patch available to go from Shop brought install to current patch?

Coz if I have to reinstall ever I don't want to have to do 1 patch then another and so on...


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